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For one thing Earth, draining life from golems DOES NOT WORK. You've been told many times.


I tell Jen that I have not, and that they are all off on random adventures of their own.


I try to pull more metal out of the ground and make more metal orbs.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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retech, spirits of the dead, usually means necro. meh, whatever. i send the three spirits to overtake the queen, and use necro to life drain her. meh, im tagging that exp to necro. now i am lev 2.2 necro. yay!

retech, ill put that exp back to spirituality if you want. but id prefer it to stay as necro.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Igos points to the people, saying "What does the public think of this?"

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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You barely dive out of the way, before the queen reaches the wall and tries to smash you with her sceptre. You notice that she can only do one smash with her sceptre, before picking it up and charging again.




My view is that necromancy would be overpowered with the addition of spirits, since that works with a totally different mechanic. The spirits resist against your will and refuse to do it, but thankfully they have not broken free. (These are low level spirits btw)




"Would you like to begin the adventure, or are you waiting for your friends? I'm sure that the journey can't be that hard for the beginning." It seems that you have created your maximum amount of metal balls for your level.




You stand dandily on a darker square, before diving out of the way as the Queen charges at Rocco.




Many of the people are too frightened to say a word.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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retech, you said yourself, these things are useless. i probs wont use em again.i dismiss the spirits. i draw the queens attention away from rocco, and yell "HIT HER WHEN SHE SMASHES! SHE CANT HARM YOU THEN!" cans i keep that necro exp plz? any other time this happens, it goes to spirituality.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Nexaduro sighs, and starts through the entrance of the dungeon.


Current Arnament:


3 Metal Orbs

Iron Chainvest

Fur Coat


10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Earth, you can put that under Necromancy experience. I've decided that spirits will be a school in necromancy, a very powerful one in fact. It's just riskier.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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good. i prefer skeletons anyways. could ja roll?


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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As you are yelling, the queen charges by and smashes you with her sceptre, crushing your ribs and making it impossible for you to run.




You hit the queen with several fire bolts, singing her royal robe.




The sound bolts are very fortunate, making the queen lose her balance, causing her to crash into the floor. (75% health)




You appear in a field of green grass, with flowers and roaming animals. You spot a river, and a castle up ahead.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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i try to heal, and then i run, dodge, and slash the queen., (slashing take place after shes done a swing)


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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As you are yelling, the queen charges by and smashes you with her sceptre, crushing your ribs and making it impossible for you to run.




You hit the queen with several fire bolts, singing her royal robe.




The sound bolts are very fortunate, making the queen lose her balance, causing her to crash into the floor. (75% health)

Edit in my post?

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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If Nexaduro sees a stag/deer, wolf, dog, feline of any size, bear, or bird he attempts to calm them with magic, and form a telepathic link with them so that they can talk, or at least convey vague thoughts and emotions with each other.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Igos tells the paladin, "Indeed, they have caused much woe unto the people of Exile. This cannot go unnoticed."

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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You attempt to heal, but fail. You attempt to dodge the queen's second strike, but your crippled state leaves you vulnerable, and the queen bashes you across the room in the pelvic area. You are unable to walk or stand, and you are sterile until you can get that healed, or you die.




You strike the queen hard, after the queen strikes Earth, knocking her once again to the floor. Her crown begins glowing, releasing a blinding light.


+0.3 Fire magic




You are interrupted by a blinding flash of light.




You don't find any such animal. Jen hands you her ice staff, which has changed into an elegant staff with a glowing gem at its top.


"I have stored some energy in the glowing gem. This will allow you to fire a special attack which works well against the monsters of hell once a day, but it could be upgraded in the future when you get stronger. Use it well."

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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[bleep].. rocco, i need some help here!!! i try to heal again.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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"Thank you, Jen."


Nexaduro moves towards the castle.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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(retech, my post was last on the page in case you didn't notice)

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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really im not woried about the sterility. i jsut want to be able to move, before that crazy mfk charges me again.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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(Last Roll)




You somewhat heal yourself, but you still have a limp. Thankfully, the queen has turned its attention away from you.




As you approach the castle, Jen starts fading away, so that you can only see an outline. She can no longer give advice or help from this point forward, but will still need to be defended.


As you enter the castle, the silence is deafening. As you pass through the corridors, you see suits of armor lined up against the walls, arranged in menacing and murderous poses.




"Well, what is your verdict, sir?"




The queen charges at you and slams you in the arm with her sceptre before you fire, making you shoot at the floor. Then she fires beams of light from her glowing crown, sienging your other arm. One arm broken, the other burnt. (Penalty on spellcasting rolls)


3.4 Fire magicks




The queen fires a beam of light at your chest, giving you a large burn.




Ross, I have to go all of a sudden. Here's the total exp gain of my sessions since I started, since I'm a bit shortchanged for time.



+0.2 Water



+0.6 Fire



+0.1 Geo

+0.5 Allomancy



+0.3 Healing

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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Most of the time, I was waiting for people to post. I try to keep each post five minutes from each other, but generally in a group combat situation, I need most of them to post before I can go ahead.

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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