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The way of being human


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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

I disagree. It cannot be logically proven, nor do I believe it to be true. I know that most often puts me in the minority, but it is what I believe.

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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

I disagree. It cannot be logically proven, nor do I believe it to be true. I know that most often puts me in the minority, but it is what I believe.


Try to pose an example in which a person (could be you, could be someone else) does something, that you thank has 0 egoistical motives, and I'll prove you wrong. The reason I'm so confident in my ability to do that is not because I'm arrogant, but because I know for a fact that there is no such thing.

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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

I disagree. It cannot be logically proven, nor do I believe it to be true. I know that most often puts me in the minority, but it is what I believe.


Try to pose an example in which a person (could be you, could be someone else) does something, that you thank has 0 egoistical motives, and I'll prove you wrong. The reason I'm so confident in my ability to do that is not because I'm arrogant, but because I know for a fact that there is no such thing.

You can't prove me wrong because no one has access to everyone's motives for anything. Sure you could make up a possible egotistical motive for anything that anyone would do, but that does not mean that that motive applies.

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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

I wouldn't put it like that. More like, Anything I, you, or anyone else does, is done for some sort of self gain.

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I wouldn't put it like that. More like, Anything I, you, or anyone else does, is done for some sort of self gain.


Exactly. Even if you are doing homework that you really don't feel like doing, you actually do want to do it, or else you wouldn't be. Subconsciously, you are weighing the pros and cons of doing it VS not doing it. (I don't feel like doing work, but then again, I really don't feel like failing the class or hearing my parents complain.) The outcome of your choice reflects whether you deemed it as beneficial to yourself or not.

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Because your choice is always your choice. Putting something that way is like saying it's egoistical to breathe.


Also: I thought it was egoTistical. With that T there. Apparently I was wrong. Damn.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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The world works based on self-interest.

If something does not benefit us, or does not seem the 'greatest choice' to us at a specific instance of time, we would not do it. There is always some self-serving point.


I may die for my child to see my bloodline continue, or I may die for a stranger because I feel my life somehow validated when it is used to save another.

In any case, I do something because it is of immediate benefit--regardless of how skewed the logic I use may be.


I help people because I genuinely want the human race to advance. This is self-serving.

I donate money to charity because I believe it is better used there. This is self-serving.


A creature that exists to serve itself is the most economical of all, and so these are the creatures that roam the Earth.


We all serve ourselves. Again, this is not a bad thing.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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I read it, but I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. Are you saying humans mislead themselves by claiming to be better than other life forms? Or are you saying all our satisfactions and desires come from instincts that are present in most animals? Both are true.


I think it's also important to point out that many things that give us satisfaction are really artificial. If you had been taught your whole life that green beans are the most delicious thing in the world, you would find them satisfying.


On the topic of self-interest : Of course everything we do is self-serving. There really is nothing that does not have some motive. Even if I were to go do something random, it would be because I wanted to prove you wrong, or mislead myself into thinking that I had done something that was not self-serving. In doing this, I would just be proving the statement right.

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Cynics are by their own definitions right. They just put negative connotations on well-known facts.


It can be logically proven.

Anything I, you, or anyone else for that matter does, has (at times along with none egoistical reasons) (an) egoistical reason(s) behind it.

I disagree. It cannot be logically proven, nor do I believe it to be true. I know that most often puts me in the minority, but it is what I believe.


Try to pose an example in which a person (could be you, could be someone else) does something, that you thank has 0 egoistical motives, and I'll prove you wrong. The reason I'm so confident in my ability to do that is not because I'm arrogant, but because I know for a fact that there is no such thing.

You can't prove me wrong because no one has access to everyone's motives for anything. Sure you could make up a possible egotistical motive for anything that anyone would do, but that does not mean that that motive applies.


On the topic of self-interest : Of course everything we do is self-serving. There really is nothing that does not have some motive. Even if I were to go do something random, it would be because I wanted to prove you wrong, or mislead myself into thinking that I had done something that was not self-serving. In doing this, I would just be proving the statement right.


Yep. There's not 1 action you have ever done that doesn't involve atleast *a* self-serving motive.

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You might as well just say that the entire universe and all existence and actions were decided for all time the moment it was set in motion because everything anyone or anything does is a result of a logical process. Put simply, I refuse to believe this.


Also, anything can be made out to be self-serving, that does not mean it is meant to be. By my definition, that is not a motive. That would qualify as a side-effect, one which may or may not be anticipated.


I also believe that the only reason you find everything to be self-serving is because you start from the assumption that everything is self-serving. If you believe everything is self-serving you are very likely to find your own belief to be true rather than some other possible alternative.

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I don't see how being a Christian has any relevance in this topic nor an intelligent opinion. Since you stated your religious preference prior to what you wanted to comment I can't take anything you say seriously.


Not to mention you have contradicted yourself in the second paragraph. You said, "In the past being obese/fat is attractive." That's actually incorrect and a common misconception. Being large and, "Big," meant that you were wealthy and were able to supply themselves with an abundance of food. They were the higher caste in society. That was why they were in a sense attractive to the public. They weren't desired because of their copious amounts of cellulite but rather their source of income and how much they had in their banks.


I was just stating that I disagree with you on this. And because I believe in a certain thing that you don't does NOT make me unintelligent, and you have shown your arrogance through that statement.


And I didn't contradict myself. I stated that they were thought to be attractive because they had more food. Which is exactly what you said. So thanks for looking at my statement and truly understanding it, really made yourself look intelligent >.>


and actually I'm 19. I have a roof over my head, and I'll be moving out soon to go to college. I know how easy it is to not have something to eat. But you can't deny that we have it much easier than those who had to hunt for their food and they had no other way of feeding their families. In America especially even though the economy isn't that great, my diet hasn't changed overly much since I was a kid. I live in comfort and I appreciate it, because I know that not everyone has a life like mine, although a majority in this country do live in relative comfort. I'm not some spoiled child, and I'm offended you'd jump to that conclusion.

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You might as well just say that the entire universe and all existence and actions were decided for all time the moment it was set in motion because everything anyone or anything does is a result of a logical process. Put simply, I refuse to believe this.


Also, anything can be made out to be self-serving, that does not mean it is meant to be. By my definition, that is not a motive. That would qualify as a side-effect, one which may or may not be anticipated.


I also believe that the only reason you find everything to be self-serving is because you start from the assumption that everything is self-serving. If you believe everything is self-serving you are very likely to find your own belief to be true rather than some other possible alternative.


Why would you do something that you deemed as non-beneficial to yourself? Heck, even if you wanted to do something non-beneficial, you still wanted to do it, so it would constitute as beneficial to you.


I'm quite confused, so maybe you could clarify a little. As opposed to doing things because it benefits us, why do we choose to do the things we do?

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actually thats a good argument. and You could say that everything that happens is logical, but thats not true at all. lets take a look at my parents.


My dads a smoker, has been since he was a teenager. My mom has never ever smoked. He never smoked around her in an enclosed space cause she had bad asthma, and everything worked out. Somehow my mom now has lung cancer, but my dad doesn't have a spot.


Care to explain the logic in that?

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Everything that has happened has a logical explanation. Maybe, as human beings, that logic is beyond our reach. But it is out there somewhere or else it wouldn't have happened.


Humans used to see it as illogical that there were floating orbs of light in the sky. "Things can't stay in the sky forever! Everything falls down!" Then we figured out that the reason everything (as in everything that humans have observed on this planet) falls is because of the gravity in our planet's atmosphere, which isn't a constant throughout outer space. At the time, humans didn't have the means to acquire such knowledge. The logic was beyond our reach, and I think "illogical" mysteries only exist because we simply cannot comprehend them yet. Not because they truly have an illogical explanation (that just sounds illogical!).


The answer is out there somewhere - we just need to keep searching for it.

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You just have to admit that there are some things you can't explain in life.



Everything that has happened has a logical explanation. Maybe, as human beings, that logic is beyond our reach. But it is out there somewhere or else it wouldn't have happened.


Humans used to see it as illogical that there were floating orbs of light in the sky. "Things can't stay in the sky forever! Everything falls down!" Then we figured out that the reason everything (as in everything that humans have observed on this planet) falls is because of the gravity in our planet's atmosphere, which isn't a constant throughout outer space. At the time, humans didn't have the means to acquire such knowledge. The logic was beyond our reach, and I think "illogical" mysteries only exist because we simply cannot comprehend them yet. Not because they truly have an illogical explanation (that just sounds illogical!).


The answer is out there somewhere - we just need to keep searching for it.





Whats logical about Love? tell me that one. I honestly don't understand a thing my heart does. Honestly I feel like a masochist cause I just end up hurt everytime haha


Well, I'm not going to give a detailed explenation, but-

A. 'Love', as sad as it may sound, is only a few hormones in your brain, that, combined with memory- creates that unique feeling.

B. Love (more than probably) exists because human beings need a "reason" to mate.

C. As you probably already know, your heart is only a pump of blood, empty of feelings :).

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Romantic love is something meant to keep a couple together long enough to raise a child to maturity, yes?

'Tis an offshoot of lust.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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What's so illogical about love anyway? Can't you feel empathy and fondness towards other humans without saying "this is not natural and logical"?

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What's so illogical about love anyway? Can't you feel empathy and fondness towards other humans without saying "this is not natural and logical"?


Personaly, I can, and do. However, I'm aware to the fact that logic exists behind it, is all.

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What's so illogical about love anyway? Can't you feel empathy and fondness towards other humans without saying "this is not natural and logical"?

Some people must have chemical reasons that can be proven in a laboratory with math behind everything, just as some people must have some sort of religious dogma behind everything in life.


I prefer to go with the flow, yo.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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