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Silent Ember's Day Out!


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like guddu said, this wasnt planned and it was a good day out for both clans. Thats also why we didnt take many pics. but im just asking if you guys wrecked us and stuff even when ph came, you guys spam gj dv and we say gf back to you all














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DV is going to come in here and say nice fake topic. We had a good time wrecking them until they called 120 ph opts which was pathetic on Dv's part. I had a good time. 1 assist 0 deaths no kills (ef ef es)


Only 4 people got killed from silent ember. We had a good 15-25 kills.



ph has beef with u , u guys brought that to urself not dv..........we all know how things goes in wildy dont expect that u will be out and clan whom u lured and killed will wait there and keep their hands off


Your the ones that called them.


Solace Member

Silent Ember Warlord

Tko Blitz Trial Member

Condemned Army Member

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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.


I agree, it's quite a site to see DV growing up and taking steps to fix their internal problems. It's like watching your kids grow up, I'm so proud keep it up DV.


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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.


I agree, it's quite a site to see DV growing up and taking steps to fix their internal problems. It's like watching your kids grow up, I'm so proud keep it up DV.

Too bad they only pk inviting friends



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.


I agree, it's quite a site to see DV growing up and taking steps to fix their internal problems. It's like watching your kids grow up, I'm so proud keep it up DV.

Too bad they only pk inviting friends



meh atleast their not that scared to pk anymore tbh.Im positive everytime I been to a TK pk and a d0 pk I seen friends there too so no big deal.


Yeah dv im actualy backing you up on that. rofl.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Good job Se. :thumbup:

Lol Dv... really, saying you guys got more kills than us? You guys screenied like every single kill that you guys got, tbh lol. But if that's whats required, then let the screeny war begin next time...

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If DV was dominating then why, in one of Mago Nero's pics, is J Unior5 suggesting a world hop? You would think if you guys were dominating us and all you would want to stay? Personally I went and got caught alone and killed by DV once while they were hugging SC and killed by LF twice. Wasn't a great day for me but from what I saw SE had the upperhand the whole time until PH was called. GJ anyways to both.


dude world 32 was laggy,thats why unior suggested to hop


was fun fighting you guys :D


got loads of r00n, and died only 1 time to lf


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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.


I agree, it's quite a site to see DV growing up and taking steps to fix their internal problems. It's like watching your kids grow up, I'm so proud keep it up DV.

Too bad they only pk inviting friends



meh atleast their not that scared to pk anymore tbh.Im positive everytime I been to a TK pk and a d0 pk I seen friends there too so no big deal.


Yeah dv im actualy backing you up on that. rofl.

Nah idiot you dumb, D0 pks alone and so does downfall.


no need for that reaction


the times I pked with downfall:


1. There was me lovelost and vannaka before we even joined downfall


2. There was KO unit


3. There was me before I joined downfall.


the times I pked with d0 , kind of the same, or ralph, or other chaps.


Its true, dv pk with way more friends than you, and TK with even more than DV


but Im just trying to be neutral friend , every df pk I been to there has been atleast 1 friend.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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tbh we(tpr) sucked, failed pull and failed performannce and I almost dc every 3 secs thats why I had to snipe then when I tanked I went out of bounds sorry. Sorry about the masssniping too we were so crap that in the end no one was calling and everyone was making their own thing.

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@ people who say this is a fake topic - its a day out topic...... your posts should be considered spam for the lack of intelligence in them.


people invite friends - if its a pk then why the heck does it matter? if you set up a real fight WHILE you run into someone (how original pkri's started) then ask the friends to step out.


history lesson - clans would go out and pk. some clans would hit eachother and due to differences in opts would run away. when clans would meet that were even opts they would fight a litle bit and if was something they wanted 2 officials would then set up a fight with rules they wished to have. if friends were with any clan that would be discussed and tbh the friends usually ended up ac'ing.


guess what? that can still happen even today. THE and Gladz will still pk together every once in a while but say its a THE pk trip and we hit someone that wants a real fight. We will ask Gladz to step out and the same would happen if the situation was reversed.


Its honestly nice to have friends on a pk trip just in case you dont hit anyone. Also having more opts allows us to compete with some of the tougher clans out there. TA has joint pk trips and we have fought clans like Exodus and such with the opts. None of our pk trips are ever mandatory but its nice when you have higher opts from friends coming (also the fact we are part of a REAL alliance) to challenge yourselves.


Also funny when you organization of TA (essentially 4 clans) at even opts beats other clans. You would think one clan could compete eh?


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I think its funny when TA cant even beat Tempted Killers these days (just saying, its funny).




WHO CHANGED DISPLAY NAME TO "DAMIGOTTHEGUDDZ" laughed like 2 mins to that pic.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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@ people who say this is a fake topic - its a day out topic...... your posts should be considered spam for the lack of intelligence in them.


people invite friends - if its a pk then why the heck does it matter? if you set up a real fight WHILE you run into someone (how original pkri's started) then ask the friends to step out.


history lesson - clans would go out and pk. some clans would hit eachother and due to differences in opts would run away. when clans would meet that were even opts they would fight a litle bit and if was something they wanted 2 officials would then set up a fight with rules they wished to have. if friends were with any clan that would be discussed and tbh the friends usually ended up ac'ing.


guess what? that can still happen even today. THE and Gladz will still pk together every once in a while but say its a THE pk trip and we hit someone that wants a real fight. We will ask Gladz to step out and the same would happen if the situation was reversed.


Its honestly nice to have friends on a pk trip just in case you dont hit anyone. Also having more opts allows us to compete with some of the tougher clans out there. TA has joint pk trips and we have fought clans like Exodus and such with the opts. None of our pk trips are ever mandatory but its nice when you have higher opts from friends coming (also the fact we are part of a REAL alliance) to challenge yourselves.


Also funny when you organization of TA (essentially 4 clans) at even opts beats other clans. You would think one clan could compete eh?




PK + Unplanned can't complain what happens. And it's a day out topic don't see why DV is complaining.


Me2Generaldesor l0l0l0l


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I was looking for an answer from someone smart.


And yeah ^^ DV is only showing like 5 different kills pics. Sure looks like it was domination.



unlike u dv didnt plan to post a bh fight so less pics rofl =D>



you used to post fake topics of tpr , in bh fights, glad you guys arent like that anymore.


I agree, it's quite a site to see DV growing up and taking steps to fix their internal problems. It's like watching your kids grow up, I'm so proud keep it up DV.

Too bad they only pk inviting friends



meh atleast their not that scared to pk anymore tbh.Im positive everytime I been to a TK pk and a d0 pk I seen friends there too so no big deal.


Yeah dv im actualy backing you up on that. rofl.

Nah idiot you dumb, D0 pks alone and so does downfall.


no need for that reaction


the times I pked with downfall:


1. There was me lovelost and vannaka before we even joined downfall


2. There was KO unit


3. There was me before I joined downfall.


the times I pked with d0 , kind of the same, or ralph, or other chaps.


Its true, dv pk with way more friends than you, and TK with even more than DV


but Im just trying to be neutral friend , every df pk I been to there has been atleast 1 friend.

1- Lovelost and Vannaka has never PK with us before they join Downfall knowing Lovelost he knew nothing about us except the beef with TK and DF. Vannaka was in CR and hardly was connected to us so that valid point is failure. We invited you to a midnight PK unmandatory just for the lols, never again we invited you.


2. KO unit had a PK trip and they invited some of us so a couple DF went to pk with them, not the other way around. Again, fail.


3. Read last part of number 1


Sure we invite clan friends which are 1-2 and its sometimes but we don't let just anyone come along and go to my IRC spamming "get on audio were fighting Downfall, pm me for info!" which other clans idle in.



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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100% sure u had vannaka and lovelost before they joined downfall on a trip. I was on ts and all and my internet stop working at that mass.


but your gonna say you didnt so Im just gonna agree to disagree with you, william.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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