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[TWR]Titans Revolution Vs Lithuanian Forces Junior


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Link to the declaration: http://forum.tip.it/topic/260128-twr-tr-vs-lfj/

Winning clan (both name + initials): Titans Revolution (TR)

Winning clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=titans_rev

Losing clan (both name + initials): Lithuanian Forces Junior (LFJ)

Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=lfjuniors

Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): See post for details.







Titans Revolution







Lithuanian Forces Junior






Pre-war: As we we rejoined TWR, we've declared on several clans. LFJ was one of the first clans in TWR to go under negotiations and the war was accepted under mutual agreement. Surely enough, both clans showed up on time, prepared for war.




Starting opts for both clans:

Titans Revolution: 36 (Dropped from 38 due to name change)

Lithuanian Forces Junior: 21 (2 DC'ed?)





Ending opts for both clans:

Titans Revolution: 26

Lithuanian Forces Junior: 0






As the war started, we proceeded to the center bounds, lead by Hama215 (coolco0l334).

Two of our high levels had unknowngly changed their runescape names before the war and since there was a runehead lock in effect, we dropped them. Admittedly, we were expecting a good pull by LFJ and hoping for a good fight. To our disappointment they had a pull size of 23. As the barriers went down, they had 21 left. Since they were lower in numbers, we let them attack first.


We were at the center when they called first pile on x1strife while immediately we retaliated by calling pile on Sc00by Lt. We started with the kills advantage and kept the pressure on. They started off by killing lower levels and gained 6 early kills while we had 5. But then, we put the pressure on as we got a few fast kills.


It seemed like LFJ had some confusion as they started off by sniping our binders with range but we quickly took out their rangers and binders which left them to resort to piling. We kept knocking them off one by one. EVen then LFJ managed to get 10 of our members, leaving us with a 26 man finish.


Overall, this wasn't our best of pulls, and we were expecting more from LFJ. Even then LFJ put up a good fight. For the most part, the fight was clean and we thank LFJ for providing some decent time in warring. I hope LFJ live upto our expectations next time and wish them good luck.


Random pics:

















Additionally, I would like the topic to remain clean. Flaming/ flame baiting / trolling and other such childish nuisance is neither appreciated nor allowed. Anyone doing so can expect their posts ignored and reported.


Undisputed #1 All levels warring clan since 2007
Jagex Clan Cup Community Champions 2010 / 2011 / 2013 / 2014
Jagex Clan Cup Legacy & EOC Main Cup Champions 2014
Jagex Clan Cup Legacy Fullout Cup Champions 2015



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Congratulations on your first win TR, but not much LFJ could do being outnumbered, good job both clans nevertheless. :thumbup:


P.S.: I don't want to make fun of it but I see someone with an anti-dragonfire shield in your pile, is that on purpose or?





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lol, first war topic I've seen on this. And to think I was starting on my second keg and another Jager-bomb while you were warring :)


Well done LFJ, heard you were good despite the defecit in pull sizes. Think it'd have been a different story had you pulled 30ish.


Still a way for us to go with losing 10 people, but we've not warred a good clan in a while, thanks for the fight :D :thumbsup:


about the Dfs... that's Lui. He does his thing well lol and still has time to joke about with wars :P I always like to imagine what would happen to the fabric of space-time should he meet Everton :P

Look guys... I absolutely must be a mass baby-seal murderer!

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Congratulations on your first win TR, but not much LFJ could do being outnumbered, good job both clans nevertheless. :thumbup:


P.S.: I don't want to make fun of it but I see someone with an anti-dragonfire shield in your pile, is that on purpose or?

He had signed up as not comming and made the war seconds before it started :P


Undisputed #1 All levels warring clan since 2007
Jagex Clan Cup Community Champions 2010 / 2011 / 2013 / 2014
Jagex Clan Cup Legacy & EOC Main Cup Champions 2014
Jagex Clan Cup Legacy Fullout Cup Champions 2015



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GF LFJ, thanks for the clean fight :D. Hope to war you again in the future with a higher pull. :thumbsup:


And the anti-dragon shield is just one of our members being himself -___-.


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Nice win TR. :thumbup:

Genesis Leader

Ending Templar & Trial Caller of The Rising

Ex-Leader of Silent Ember - Ex-Leader of True Ownage - Ex-Leader of Legendz

Former Tip.It Clan Community Leader

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u do realise lfj masses in the 50s and ur suggesting a full out or a 10 v 10 or 5 v 5


and rings off, thats some meltdown

To tell the truth we expected much more from LFJ, but then again I guess we need to stop listening to random comments made by the uninformed.


Thanks for the clean fight LFJ, you guys put up a good fight despite a disadvantage in numbers. If at anytime you would like to do a capped or matched please feel free to visit our IRC channel @ #titans-rev


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Gratz TR, that is a very nice sig there by the way, I really like it. :thumbsup:


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u do realise lfj masses in the 50s and ur suggesting a full out or a 10 v 10 or 5 v 5


and rings off, thats some meltdown

To tell the truth we expected much more from LFJ, but then again I guess we need to stop listening to random comments made by the uninformed.


Thanks for the clean fight LFJ, you guys put up a good fight despite a disadvantage in numbers. If at anytime you would like to do a capped or matched please feel free to visit our IRC channel @ #titans-rev


yo bro, im happy 4 u and all and ima let u finish but try rematching Lfj again in like a fun war or in pvp see how well u do next time, i still think they can outclass u, no one can overcome that disatvantage depending on the rules


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