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Ill invade Cape Verde for the IAG even though they have no white territory on the map. 40,000 soldiers should be enough since they have a very small population.


Cape Verde sinks as its boarders are destroyed by an errant pixal of South Africa Colour, and water floods in. South Africa is condemed by the UN and places sanctions against fishing for IAG where Cape Verde used to be.


We also prepare for the annexation of the three countries that are right next to me and end with "Stan".


Remember annexation is damaging to infrastructure...


Annexation of malaysia is complete.


Singapore and Brunei are absorbed into Malaysia, and due to some complicated economics, don't contribute or subtract anything from IAG.


100k troops each, redistribute if necessary

Cost: 18,000,000,000

Treasury: 82,427,200,000


Oh yeah, to add a huge twist in this Africa story, I am taking Madagascar, sorry Troll. I have said I had interest in it loads and only now have I been able to attack it due to having a small fleet.


Cost: 52,000,000,000

Treasury: 518,377,000,000


Yeah, I think I'll invade indonesia.


Cost: 54,000,000,000

Treasury: 341,759,700,000


Some more Islands sink.


Somalia and Ethiopia are the last two countries I want.

Once I have the Sudetenland, err, I mean, Somalia, I have no more asperations in Europe-Czech Republic-France, errr, Africa! Thats the ticket.



Otherly a new poster is being displayed in Alaska, for the Lulz:




Argentina carries out training exercises for the year, investing 105 billion in training to increase defencive fighting efficency, reducing the cost of defensive deployment to 29,000 per person.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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On a mildly related note(probably accounting for the silliness) going to sleep for a while, not sure for how long, end of a 48 hour day(40 minutes ago :rolleyes: )

Hopefully will be back on form tommrow night, though, please note, with exams coming up, I may not be 100%.


Anywho, just something that made me think 'The Tavern is more like the real world than other internet forums'



Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Actually the cold resistance thing is just based off the sort of anti-freeze that fish's bodies produce. All youd have to do is get surgery to either modify or replace the appendix so that it can perform that function. Weee genetics.


Oh and the weather paradigm is complete. So I get double infrastructure from now on :D


Anywho, 50% of the budget goes into infra.

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Guest Mrmegakirby

I <3 economic complications.


250,000 soldiers are being recruited.




Destroyer/Destroyer Junior: 4/8: 10%

Fighter Plane: 3/7: 10%

Soldiers: 0/1: 10%


Producing 2 battle stations and 50 SB-27s annually: 10%

Army: 10%

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1 Space elevator = 8/55 50

2 Cold Fusion = 16/80


5 Better AA guns = Complete

6 SAM and SAS upgrades = Complete

7 Better Tanks = Complete

8 Better Infantry weaponry = Complete

9 Liquid Troop armor = Complete

10 Merchant Square 14/17 50

12 Robotics = 8/24 20

15 Stronger EMPS = 7/12 10


17 Biodomes = 9/16 15

18 Refining Thrusters = 7/26 20


20 Colony engines = 7/8 10

21 Ships able to withstand tougher enviroments and probe and land on them 7/16 20

22 Room temperature superconductors = 7/24

23 Medgel = 7/8 0.8


25 Cold pill = 7/10 0.1





Massive defense plan in India, beggining off with a 20 billion project to increase defenses, increasing to 100 billion in the next decade.


It will take the rest of the decade to begin some defenses so 3 years

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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Archi, the cold pills actually just help a person survive longer in the extreme cold. They would be just as fine in the tropics/any other place as they would be without the pills. It has a similar effect to the article that I sent you in IM about a week or so ago. (such as helping keep the body hydrated in the dry atmosphere of the antarctic and keeping their freezing point lower)


Anyway, the exposure to ice water and the stimulant sound like great ideas. Thanks!



(Anyway, what's the population in my American territory?)



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I swear Iran doesn't have superconductors yet, I'm researching them for him.

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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Italy no has the capability to be fully nuclear powered, though it keeps many backup plants ready to go in the even of some sort of attack on the nuclear power plants. There are, however, many fail-safes in the plants to prevent a meltdown, even if hit with a direct bomb strike. Funding from that now goes into producing a large nanofiber sheet, working as a massive solar farm.



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I could have sworn Ross offered to let me use them over PM.

Well I had no idea when your railguns were done. I thought it was like 20 years, so it's my bad.


Sorry. You can use them when they're finished though.

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Also handheld coilguns exist, I've seen at least one semi-military model. And when handheld it's called a gauss gun.


I can confirm this. They exist, though I don't think that they're that practical.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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Coilguns are as practical as the individual parts are, use crap and you get crap, use supercapasitors, bronze or nanotube barrels, many-layered superconductor EM coils, perfect coil-swich timing and powerful but small bateries and you'll have yourself a work of art who will not see any more powerful than itself for decades, if not centuries.


Good luck on that, Rocco. Just as a warning, parts from a 10-year-old computer aren't any good, I tried.





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Well for something to superconduct it needs to be like at like 50K or lower, so that's kind of out of the question.


However, there are ways around this.



Although the whole business of making stuff like this in real life is pretty cool.

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Guest Mrmegakirby

To finish up my invasion of Indonesia:




Red arrows is a battalion of 525,000 troops, 100 fighter planes, 50 tanks, 150 stealth bombers, and 4 battle stations. Again, we offer a surrender. If they don't, well, my troops follow the red arrows. If troop numbers fall below 300,000, reinforcements come in.


After that, I think I have all the land I need tbh.

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