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I never thought I'd see the day where botting is glorified on Tip.It...


Really shows that the people claiming the community was better back then are probably right!


Yes I care when there are people botting and grabing the ressources I'm trying to get. I have fun when I click, not so much when I'm battling against a machine that cannot be convinced to leave for its own good, unlike a player getting beaten over and over.


Jagex will have to make a decision if their game become plagued by massive botting, the playerbase will slowly fall apart and move to different games.

I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.



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Eh, I think an outside perspective might be helpful when we are trying to determine the validity of doing something that many people would rather not want to do because for some reason they want to do it.


Maybe we should all bot something to 99 then discuss whether botting is good or bad....


I bet alot would change their minds....

I'd rather play the game than bot to 99s. I don't think that botting is a big deal personally, but I wouldn't do it because I play this game for fun, not epeen or 99s.


People who bot or buy their characters don't stick around anyway.


I'm not saying bot something you like, I'm saying do something you hate (like firemaking?) to experience the botter' s perspective. (because why would you let other people do something you enjoy for you?)


They might stick around more if they bot the things they hate to do in order to unlock more fun aspects of the game. (example they bot their combat so they can pvp because they love pvping?)


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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I never thought I'd see the day where botting is glorified on Tip.It...


Really shows that the people claiming the community was better back then are probably right!


Yes I care when there are people botting and grabing the ressources I'm trying to get. I have fun when I click, not so much when I'm battling against a machine that cannot be convinced to leave for its own good, unlike a player getting beaten over and over.


Jagex will have to make a decision if their game become plagued by massive botting, the playerbase will slowly fall apart and move to different games.

I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.


Grabbing your resources? Just buy them because they are cheaper than they would be if there were no bots.


Some people will fight for their spots until the end...


Jagex makes more money if there are bots so why do they care that much? The 14 temp bans for botting shows how desperate Jagex is for cash right now....


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.

Anyone that knows anything about botting knows you can get p2p for no more then $3.50 USD. Most don't pay with cc, and banning cc's is just stupid.

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I never thought I'd see the day where botting is glorified on Tip.It...


Really shows that the people claiming the community was better back then are probably right!


Yes I care when there are people botting and grabing the ressources I'm trying to get. I have fun when I click, not so much when I'm battling against a machine that cannot be convinced to leave for its own good, unlike a player getting beaten over and over.


Jagex will have to make a decision if their game become plagued by massive botting, the playerbase will slowly fall apart and move to different games.

I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.


Your opinion on things change when jagex alters the game to the point its almost unrecognizable and the problem is still there.


I and the community for that matter didnt decide overnight that bots were acceptable. For the longest time i was on that anti bot crusade. Everyone was, we all hated the bald, green men who were killing the game. Jagex added the trade/pvp updates and suddenly they disappeared. We had to adapt and accept such a radical change. But when it comes down to it is Jagex fault in the first place that people bot in the first place. For reasons ive been explaining throughout this thread.


This isnt the same game it was back in rs classic or even early rs2. Jagex has the time and the recourses to add new fun ways to train skills. I guarantee much of the bots are people in this catagory who are sick of the (boring) grind. I dont mind the fact that it takes 100's of days to max out. But id like to enjoy it while i work on that goal :P.


Jagex is aware of their mistakes, as their new skills aren't mindless afkable grinding, and they have stated numerous times that one of the biggest lessons they learned from Runescape was that people did not like grinding, which is the reason why Stellar Dawn is going to have no xp/levels.


What boggles my mind is that Jagex holds the older, mindless content in such a high regard. They are afraid to touch it, and would rather just create new content to outshine it. For example, the combat triangle. Balanced in Dungeoneering, completely screwed up in the surface world, and Jagex insists that Dungeoneering wasn't a "test" of the revamped combat triangle, it's just self-contained. If Jagex was smart they would completely remove Firemaking, Thieving, etc and other mindless skills or completely re-do them so that their only purpose isn't quest requirements and certain valuable items.


I'm sad to say that the only thing stopping me from botting is that i'm scared to lose my account. The old content in this game practically begs the user to use a bot because of how mindless it is. Half of all Runescape players (probably more) have to listen to other music or watch YouTube videos while skilling because it's not immersive at all. This topic was discussed as well in the latest issue of the Tip It Times, and its one of the major problems of the game.


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But when it comes down to it is Jagex fault in the first place that people bot in the first place.

It can never be the fault of the people who set the rules that others break those rules and cheat their way through the system.

(This attitude is very akin to saying; "I'm sorry judge, but that girl really asked for it to be raped by the way she dresses".

The problem is with the rule breakers, not with the rest of the world that decides to play according to the rules set for

the greater good.)


If Jagex was smart they would completely remove Firemaking, Thieving, etc and other mindless skills or completely re-do them so that their only purpose isn't quest requirements and certain valuable items.

I think you want to play a totally different game from what RuneScape is today. Do yourself a favor and to look for that game - don't try to change RuneScape into what you want it to be.



I think it is time for the tip.it administrators to look at tip.it's rules and give out some warnings (and maybe wield their ban-hammer) to the persons that condone, defend and advertise the illegal practice of using third party software in order to achieve an unfair advantage over other players who follow the rules of the game.

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The upside to bots is once you've figured out it's a bot, there's no shame in forcing it to screw up using your human wiles.

Yeah. Whenever me and some other people find a bot in the mining guild, we all either try to mine the bot's rock, or spam trade his chatbox. :thumbsup:


This is one of the bright sides to bots - you're able to screw around with them.


The other bright side is cheaper raw materials. I actually want more rune/pure essence bots now. :blink:




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

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I never thought I'd see the day where botting is glorified on Tip.It...


Really shows that the people claiming the community was better back then are probably right!


Yes I care when there are people botting and grabing the ressources I'm trying to get. I have fun when I click, not so much when I'm battling against a machine that cannot be convinced to leave for its own good, unlike a player getting beaten over and over.


Jagex will have to make a decision if their game become plagued by massive botting, the playerbase will slowly fall apart and move to different games.

I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.


Your opinion on things change when jagex alters the game to the point its almost unrecognizable and the problem is still there.


I and the community for that matter didnt decide overnight that bots were acceptable. For the longest time i was on that anti bot crusade. Everyone was, we all hated the bald, green men who were killing the game. Jagex added the trade/pvp updates and suddenly they disappeared. We had to adapt and accept such a radical change. But when it comes down to it is Jagex fault in the first place that people bot in the first place. For reasons ive been explaining throughout this thread.


This isnt the same game it was back in rs classic or even early rs2. Jagex has the time and the recourses to add new fun ways to train skills. I guarantee much of the bots are people in this catagory who are sick of the (boring) grind. I dont mind the fact that it takes 100's of days to max out. But id like to enjoy it while i work on that goal :P.


You are just rationalising using bots to prevent yourself having to train the proper way skills you hate. People who bot and blame Jagex are delusionnal. The fault lies with the person botting and the reson behind the usage of bots is not because the grinding is boring. It's because they want either lvls or GPs without having to gain them with actual effort. Call it laziness, greed or "having fun playing the game", in the end these people are breaking the rules and should be removed from the game. If the playerbase wants to play this game AFK, they should really question themselves why they are playing this game.



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I never thought I'd see the day where botting is glorified on Tip.It...


Really shows that the people claiming the community was better back then are probably right!


Yes I care when there are people botting and grabing the ressources I'm trying to get. I have fun when I click, not so much when I'm battling against a machine that cannot be convinced to leave for its own good, unlike a player getting beaten over and over.


Jagex will have to make a decision if their game become plagued by massive botting, the playerbase will slowly fall apart and move to different games.

I'm still waiting for the day they start banning permanently account and credit cards, that would be quite a deterent.


Your opinion on things change when jagex alters the game to the point its almost unrecognizable and the problem is still there.


I and the community for that matter didnt decide overnight that bots were acceptable. For the longest time i was on that anti bot crusade. Everyone was, we all hated the bald, green men who were killing the game. Jagex added the trade/pvp updates and suddenly they disappeared. We had to adapt and accept such a radical change. But when it comes down to it is Jagex fault in the first place that people bot in the first place. For reasons ive been explaining throughout this thread.


This isnt the same game it was back in rs classic or even early rs2. Jagex has the time and the recourses to add new fun ways to train skills. I guarantee much of the bots are people in this catagory who are sick of the (boring) grind. I dont mind the fact that it takes 100's of days to max out. But id like to enjoy it while i work on that goal :P.


You are just rationalising using bots to prevent yourself having to train the proper way skills you hate. People who bot and blame Jagex are delusionnal. The fault lies with the person botting and the reson behind the usage of bots is not because the grinding is boring. It's because they want either lvls or GPs without having to gain them with actual effort. Call it laziness, greed or "having fun playing the game", in the end these people are breaking the rules and should be removed from the game. If the playerbase wants to play this game AFK, they should really question themselves why they are playing this game.


Why train skills you hate legit? You should be playing the part of the game that you like. If you need to train a skill you hate to unlock something fun, why not bot it? They are playing this game to have fun, and burning X number of logs so their handcannon won't blow up isn't fun for most people.


You just sound mad because people are doing the thing that you wish you had done for your pixels.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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And yet again, you sound like you botted your levels. I never used bots and never wish I had used them. I play this game to have fun and when a bot gets in my way, I hate it. I never wanted to be a p-mod but I find myself wanting that status more and more everyday to weed out the bad seeds. But that would be a temporary solution...there needs to be harsher punishment for cheaters.



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And yet again, you sound like you botted your levels. I never used bots and never wish I had used them. I play this game to have fun and when a bot gets in my way, I hate it. I never wanted to be a p-mod but I find myself wanting that status more and more everyday to weed out the bad seeds. But that would be a temporary solution...there needs to be harsher punishment for cheaters.


And you sound like you are jealous of those who did = Stalemate there


For a near maxed player liek you, bots should never get in your way, only help you as item prices are cheaper because of bots.


Jagex needs their subscription money atm so they don't perm ban.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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And yet again, you sound like you botted your levels. I never used bots and never wish I had used them. I play this game to have fun and when a bot gets in my way, I hate it. I never wanted to be a p-mod but I find myself wanting that status more and more everyday to weed out the bad seeds. But that would be a temporary solution...there needs to be harsher punishment for cheaters.


And you sound like you are jealous of those who did = Stalemate there


For a near maxed player liek you, bots should never get in your way, only help you as item prices are cheaper because of bots.


Jagex needs their subscription money atm so they don't perm ban.


I don't buy my levels so prices are not a variable here. I don't mind sounding jealous compared to a botter, like Omali said, you are probably the new Blood Argon.


If Jagex are indeed that bad in need of money, then we are really on the verge on the game falling apart.



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If Jagex are indeed that bad in need of money, then we are really on the verge on the game falling apart.


Quoted for the truth it holds.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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If Jagex are indeed that bad in need of money, then we are really on the verge on the game falling apart.


Quoted for the truth it holds.


You may be onto something. The fact that Jagex remodeled their front page to have a disney add for a while and aren't instant perma banning bots is a bad sign.


Maybe they will add the wildy back so more people will start playing (My hope and dream ofc) :D


Or should we start the forum R.I.P Runescape (date it crashes here) <-- the second true death of Runescape


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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If Jagex are indeed that bad in need of money, then we are really on the verge on the game falling apart.


Quoted for the truth it holds.


You may be onto something. The fact that Jagex remodeled their front page to have a disney add for a while and aren't instant perma banning bots is a bad sign.


Maybe they will add the wildy back so more people will start playing (My hope and dream ofc) :D


Or should we start the forum R.I.P Runescape (date it crashes here) <-- the second true death of Runescape


Rest assured that if that ever happens, then RS will truly be on its last miles...



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Maybe they will add the wildy back so more people will start playing (My hope and dream ofc) :D


Or should we start the forum R.I.P Runescape (date it crashes here) <-- the second true death of Runescape

They made a decision and now they need to stick with it.


Maybe a change in how they divide their efforts.

The whole 'community'-thing Jagex is promoting atm is not necessary and a waste of time and money if you ask me.

If there are good, new content updates, clans will thrive around those. Penguin ccs/stealing creation ccs/fish flingers cc/...

Zero money spent on 'community' but a very huge boost to it.


There were figures shown on these fora about RS-profits from last year, when you look at the profit margin taken on one year,I think RS has alot of potential left.


@ ring_world

The people I know who botted on RS wanted either the prestige that comes with the 99-cape and/or the money. Instant cash, no effort. Making money in an online game is 'fun' for some, they take away that fun partially for others.


And if you say they use bots to get to the 'fun part' of a skill, why don't they quit at that skill lvl but continue botting all the way to 99? <_<


Alot of skills don't HAVE to be trained in order to do the rest on RS.

If they haven't even completed the skills they call 'fun', your defense seems even more invalid.

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Maybe they will add the wildy back so more people will start playing (My hope and dream ofc) :D


Or should we start the forum R.I.P Runescape (date it crashes here) <-- the second true death of Runescape

They made a decision and now they need to stick with it.


Maybe a change in how they divide their efforts.

The whole 'community'-thing Jagex is promoting atm is not necessary and a waste of time and money if you ask me.

If there are good, new content updates, clans will thrive around those. Penguin ccs/stealing creation ccs/fish flingers cc/...

Zero money spent on 'community' but a very huge boost to it...


There were figures shown on these fora about RS-profits from last year, when you look at the profit margin taken on one year,I think RS has alot of potential left...


Imagine the sucess if old BH was still there. (not even the wildy, just old bh) There would be way more paying subscribers = better updates to boring skills = legit playing becomes better.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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@ Howbadisbad


Your last assumption makes me realise you have no idea why the trade limits were implemented and I'm not gonna get into that argument once more, it's been said too many times on these boards already.

Remember, a survey showed that 10% of the playerbase is interested in PVP.... not enough to make a huge change in cashflow for Jagex.



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Just to add to the whole wilderness debacle, even if Jagex were on their last crutch and reversed their wilderness opinion and reinstated it I would still not pk. I've never liked it and it's been shown that the majority of the community is not interested in only pking.


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Jagex doesn't and never did care about botters. The only reason Jagex did anything was because the credit companies put pressure on them to deal with the credit fraud brought by the foreign sweatshops. Jagex's removal of free trade made it pointless for the gold farmers to bot, so we saw a drastic drop in the amount of bots in-game. Some of the bots now might still be gold farmers who are just using bots to do their power-leveling services, but I'd venture to say that many of the botters are just lazy people who would rather watch TV and come back to level 90 hunter than actually earn their levels.

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If Jagex are indeed that bad in need of money, then we are really on the verge on the game falling apart.


Quoted for the truth it holds.


You may be onto something. The fact that Jagex remodeled their front page to have a disney add for a while and aren't instant perma banning bots is a bad sign.

Grasping at straws. Jagex doesn't have direct control over their ads. Also, Jagex has historically been shown as money-grubbing bastards. Everything they have done in the past and everything they do in the present looks out for the bottom line (money) first, and the customers' wants and needs second, even though if you look at their fiscal reports they are making ludicrous profits. As I just said, they never gave a damn about the bots in the past (when the amount of paying members was at an all-time high) until the creditors started putting pressure on them to act against the fraud.

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Jagex doesn't and never did care about botters. The only reason Jagex did anything was because the credit companies put pressure on them to deal with the credit fraud brought by the foreign sweatshops. Jagex's removal of free trade made it pointless for the gold farmers to bot, so we saw a drastic drop in the amount of bots in-game. Some of the bots now might still be gold farmers who are just using bots to do their power-leveling services, but I'd venture to say that many of the botters are just lazy people who would rather watch TV and come back to level 90 hunter than actually earn their levels.


We'll said, this basically sums up all these botting threads. Jagex will not step in until they see a drastic influx of real world trading that affects their profits as a company.


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Grasping at straws. Jagex doesn't have direct control over their ads.


The boxed-in advertisments are one thing. Putting an entire top-page banner for an irrelevant product for an entire weekend suggests that they do in fact have at least some control over their advertising policies.



Also, Jagex has historically been shown as money-grubbing bastards. Everything they have done in the past and everything they do in the present looks out for the bottom line (money) first, and the customers' wants and needs second, even though if you look at their fiscal reports they are making ludicrous profits. As I just said, they never gave a damn about the bots in the past (when the amount of paying members was at an all-time high) until the creditors started putting pressure on them to act against the fraud.


I'm not going to argue that Jagex doesn't put profits ahead of experience , but that's a rather pessemistic and selective view of their stance on botting. Even before the issues with stolen credit cards escalated, Jagex was still taking harsh action against botters, at first resetting stats and items then ultimately banning. Randoms were designed specifically to discourage botters, as was the split between Rune Essense and Pure Essense. And during my earlier years picking flax at the flax field, I saw at least two Jagex Moderators log on, make the army of level 3 balds dissapear, then log off. Obviously, credit card issues pressured Jagex to take more drastic action, but by no means were they taking the problem lightly prior to that.

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@ Howbadisbad


Your last assumption makes me realise you have no idea why the trade limits were implemented and I'm not gonna get into that argument once more, it's been said too many times on these boards already.

Remember, a survey showed that 10% of the playerbase is interested in PVP.... not enough to make a huge change in cashflow for Jagex.


40k subscribers is alot. <-- the estimated ammount that quit


And they might not be interested in pvp now because pvp is stupid and has EP with random drops that inflate the economy.


The Pay to Pk Riot is, to date, the longest riot, having gone on for roughly 7 straight days, not including its brief revival on January 2nd through 4th.


It is estimated that Jagex lost about 30,000-40,000 paying members (and a lot of more F2P players) because of this. Soon after the riots were over, very rarely one could see more than 180,000 players online.


Not many people interested or dedicated. Yep.


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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