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A Moron's guide to pro corp


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Unless you are reading this because you want something to look forward to when you level up, this guide is not suggested to lower leveled players at all. This is also made for 6 man corp, I might add SWH and duo/trio corp later but for now this will do.


As some of you might know I’m a huge fan of corp and after having spent over thousands of hours in that corp room, I would have to say it really is a fun boss to kill.




Before you look any further do keep in mind this is almost only targeted at people with the stats:


99 Constitution (if you don’t have this I suggest reading the other guides featured in the AOW)


99 Attack


99 Strength


99 Defense


91+ herblore ( I honestly suggest for corpers that are serious and want to kill it for a long time to get a higher herblore and get it through making overloads, I did the same and I have used all but 500 of my 4000 overloads)


95 Prayer (turmoil)


95+ Magic


Summoning 90+, why? Because Corp lowers summoning and if yours is too low it will drain your lifepoints directly every time it uses its special. It is also a major turnoff when joining a team and there are 5 lvl 138s and you’re a lvl 130 because your summoning is low.




Helm: Neitznot or Fighter helm, either are great here. Fighter hat has less defense and no prayer bonus but you hit more and therefore soulsplit more.


Ring: Do NOT bring Ring of life, if you do I will facepalm and most likely laugh at you, Bring either Onyx ring (i), Dragonstone ring (i), Diamond ring (i), berserker ring (i) or berserker ring. I suggest bringing onyx if you have one over all of these because you can never lose it…. Unless you decided to corp after pk’ing


Necklace: Fury Only


Cape: Ardougne Cloak 3 or Firecape, this is held strictly with all the pro teams. If you don’t have Ardy cloak 3 get ready to risk fire cape. Note; Once you die with Ardy cloak 3 it will disappear, this means when you go back you will need to grab a firecape (which really makes both a req) and get another one from teleing to yanille and getting it AFTER the trip is over.


Gloves: Barrows gloves


Boots: Dragon boots, do NOT use infinity boots


Weapon: Zs, ( lbs but not req, will explain later)


Shield: None required (Divine/Ely, will explain later)

Armor: Karils Top and Karils Skirt ONLY, if you use anything else you’re probably not going to like corp because banking 2x more sucks. It’s not as big of a risk as you might think and I will also explain later why.


Special weapon: BGS is a MUST, don’t bring darklight, ee, anything else… unless you have a SWH ofc.


Now If you’re wondering why I mentioned lbs and Divine/Ely, It’s because it is optional for those who want to tank with it when they corp. Some teams find it leeching where as I find it effective where corp takes 8% less damage ( lbs does half the damage so that’s 1/12 less) and you take up to 30% less damage. However as I said there will be people against it and if a leader does ask you to stop using it I would listen and bank it next trip and not use it for the rest of the trip, when there’s a lack of high level ovl corpers you don’t really want any to think you’re an ass. Do not use lbs with any other shields as it’s not worth it.


This is an example of what you should be wearing with a standard 6 man corp team (non stunner, stunner gear in the core part of the guide) :






Your inventory should look like this:




You shouldn’t bring a tele because if you’re tele’ing at 1 lp instead of spam brewing you are doing it wrong. If there ever is a situation where you need to tele out asap quickly equip games necklace and press f2 and then right click it and tele.


Do NOT bring only ppots, you will screw yourself when your mage is drained by corp and brews and you’re tanking corp with the mage def of a lvl 20, let alone the fact that you will hit much less and make kills longer.


If you do not have super ppots replace the 3 you see in the pic w/ rests (it will mean 1 less brew , though)




Chances are that if you’ve seen corp get killed you know about luring. Well, It sucks. If corp was auto-lured every kill I would not be corping. Whoever thought of the idea was a moron. Not only does it waste a lot of time when you lure you make it impossible for your team to spread without getting combo-owned by splashes. So here is what you do.. you all pot once outside the room once your whole team is ready (ask them to do something to make sure they’re not afking before you pot). Then you all rush at the same time (use mage deflect when going in as youll see numerous splashes, try to avoid them if you can). Once inside wrap your team around corp , it should look something like this:




Once it dies go to the North-East side of the room and get to the same position in the minimap above ^, Pick one of the 6 spots and stay there until the trip ends. Once you are done you can either brew-rest up and tele to wildy volcano to resupply or if you have hard ardy diaries done you can tele to ardy monastery with the cape after every trip and use game neck to get back to the volcano and use sharks to heal up there, except of course if your stats are still boosted where you can just brew/shark up to 500 LP) . You can do the same with the home tele spell on the regular spellbook also if you didn't do the hard diaries or are using a fcape.

A trip averages from 30-40 minutes.




Non stunners: 100809183745.png


Stunners: 100809183950.png


Quickpray is the first thing you do when corp spawns.




Although it doesn’t really make it hard, it’s the most annoying part of corp… the core. It heals corp and deals continuous damage to the person it stands next to. Your team should have decided on who is stunning before gearing up. In the ages where people lured corp to kill it, stunners RAGED when people dodged core. No more do you have to do that because you can stun core when everyone dodges. But don’t take this as an option, dodging core is a MUST. When you tank core you’re a burden to the stunner and everyone else when they have to give you brews because you’ll be out quick. Stunners are also the one who use leech curses which means bring more restore/ppots than normal:




NOTE: Do NOT forget emerald (e) bolts, you’ll waste your whole teams time when you rebank asap after realizing. Also, the mith bow is so you do not ko the core, it is the weakest bow that supports emerald bolts.





This is a bunch of stuff you must know before you corp and it is the most important section as it isn’t as obvious as the others.


-Corps max hit is 650 so safe up to 650 LP, from there you will do what is known as soulsplit flash. You will use soul split the second before you hit, switch to deflect melee asap after it hits. DO THIS WHILE TANKING TOO.


-If someone adjacent to you is being tanked use deflect mage incase of splashes, switch to melee when tanked or if the tank is not near you.


-ALWAYS SHARE FOOD. You wouldn’t believe how many times I was corping and some ass was like “lol I have 10 brews” when someone says they’re low and they don’t share for crap. Keep everyone at 3+ brews at all time. If you have 4, someone has 2, give him 1, don't be selfish.


-Keep BC posted if you are getting low. Also another thing that annoys me, Our team had 10 brews ea except one guy who had 1 brew and teled half kill because he didn’t have enough food. Speak up if you are lower than 3, unless you’re all lower than 3 and are on the last kill, there should be sharing


-Corp drops tuna potatoes unoted so therefore you must DROP YOUR VIALS so when you get one you can share it with your team as fast as possible. The more food you give the longer your trip.


- Make sure you’re overloaded at all times. I can understand if you’re getting tanked and your spam brewing to stay alive, but other than that there should be no reason for you to be non-overloaded for any part of the kill.


- MAKE SURE YOU ACTIVATED YOUR PIN, nothing worse than losing millions thanks to a security feature. If you hopped away from bank use house options--> and toggle building mode on, it will ask for your pin from there


-USE A TIMER. This is a big big food saver per overload. Numerous times you will find yourself with corp unspawned and your lp being under 500. If you didn’t use a timer you would be brewing to 650 only to find out that your overloaded ended and some of the 500 lp it gave was wasted.


- USE THE EXP COUNTER. Every 350k-400k exp you will random and as most of you know.. when you die and random, you’re screwed. Once you get 350kish exp spend 5 seconds out of the room every few kills and try to get random so it doesn’t hurt you later.


-BANK TOGETHER, don’t tele on your own unless it’s a situation where you will die right after if you don’t


-LURE CORP WHEN SOMEONE DIES AND TEAM BANKS, numerous times youll find that on the last kill people risk it w/ low # of brews and die. Luring corp will make it so they can get back and loot their items without having to deal with the 500 pound goril..err corp in the room


-SW RESPAWN, fastest to bank



~Death, this is a bunch of stuff you must know to do when you die.


1) Don’t panic, if your exp count is low you will most likely not random


2) Have a Death tab like so (sorry for the lack of necks, but try to keep them in the 50 count, hard to buy when I was making this guide) :




3) Grab 5 brews (more if it’s the end of the trip, can actually be used as an advantage, less at the start), 1-2 sharks incase you get tanked so that you can shark-brew and heal fast, a spare karils set or if you don’t have it bring hides (and the fcape if you used Ardy cloak in the room), equip and tele to clanwars


4) Loot, and re-overload since they made them auto remove when you die :[, and continue on as if nothing happened. For someone who dies 2-5 times daily at corp like me know that I lose maybe a karil set every 1-2 months.


I probably missed something and will add more later.. happy corping :)



Will update this w/ more detail later

Spectral: 1/800

Arcane: 1/800

Divine: 1/1600

Elysian: 1/1600

Elixir: 1/166


My personal sigil rate is 1/1500 spectral/arcane, 1/4000 ely and 1/12000 divine but after seeing around I think it was just my terrible luck instead of the droprates so I adjusted them.

If you're wondering how long it'll take to see x sigil on average, know that you can kill 20-25 kills/hr





We used 3 ovls because we were insanely good, normally bring 2, same for the excess ppots





Melee pray vs. Mage pray



When people think of melee pray at corp, or if someone suggests it, the first thing they think is "I don't want to get hit 650s, mage pray is better." What a majority of "pro" corpers don't know is that melee pray is in fact better than mage, and here's why:



Damage that monsters inflict is like a spinning wheel which includes all numbers from 0 to max hit. This means the average damage inflicted is the maximum hit divided by 2. So that makes the average hit for melee 255 and the average hit for mage 325. The chance of corp melee'ing is 2/5.


(It may not seem like such in 6 man teams as animations for melee are not shown and mage attacks are. However in teams of 4 and under where there are less people and corp doesn’t use its defending animation as much (which covers the melee attack) people already put 2 and 2 together and realized melee pray was better for solo and teams up to 4, but they rejected looking at it for teams of 6. If you're wondering where I got 2/5 it's the 2 melee attacks it has [crush+slash] and the 3 magic attacks)


Assuming corp hits 10 times in a row and does not miss and hits are average:

4 Melee attacks, 6 Magic attacks


Deflect/protect from magic: 40% reduction of 6 magic attacks hitting 325 each + 0% 4 melee attacks hitting 255 each.


That adds up to 1170 damage from mage and 1020 from melee for a total of 2190 damage.


Deflect/protect from melee: 0% reduction of 6 magic attacks hitting 325 each + 100% reduction of 4 melee attacks hitting 255 each.


That adds up to 1950 damage from mage and 0 from melee for a total of 1950 damage. Taking 11% less damage than mage pray.


Praying melee is itself 1.75 brews extra each trip. (Two extra kills a trip assuming no one leeches and no one in both cases would have used ss once.)




One downside to melee pray is the big "650" that can pop out if you're unlucky, for most this is the biggest turnoff for melee pray. However, it's possible to be more efficient with melee pray and still have no risk of instant-death if you pay attention to your health.


When you soul split starting at full hp while being tanked and corp hits you with 5 consecutive hits with average damage and at the same time you are hitting back consecutive non-miss hits hitting your average (~200 damage or 40 lp heal you get a similar scenario as below.


With melee pray your health must be above 650, with mage it must be above 510




This would play out w/ mage pray as such: (mage-melee-mage-melee-mage) assuming corp hits first:


corp inflicting: 1) 195 2) 255 3) 195 4) 255 5) 195


your healing/hp: 1) 990--> 795+40 2) 835--> 580+40 3) 620-> 425+320 4) 745-->490+320 5) 810-->615+40


ending: 655 lp remaining, 600 damage inflicted, 4 doses of brews used.



This would play out w/ melee pray as such: (mage-melee-mage-melee-mage) assuming corp hits first:


corp inflicting: 1) 325 2) 0 3) 325 4) 0 5) 325


your healing/hp: 1) 990--> 665+40 2) 705 --> 745 3) 745--> 420+320 4) 740 --> 780 5) 780-->455+320


ending: 775 lp remaining, 600 damage inflicted, 4 doses of brews used.


This proves that even if you safe up (0% risk of death unless you do something wrong) melee pray is still more efficient than mage pray.


In this scenario melee pray saved 14% more brews ( the difference over hp remaining) over the previously calculated 11%, thus showing melee pray uses soul split more effectively.


Another thing to note, after corp's 4th attack through your 5th attack (mage pray) you had taken 4 doses of brews in a very short time frame which would also have resulted in lowered stats (needing to take a dose of rest which I ignored). Whereas it took melee pray until the end of your 5th attack to need to take a restore dose, as well as a 5 second period for a possible reset to overloaded stats (intervals = 15 seconds) which was a 1/3 chance of not even having to use a rest dose.



Leeches + melee pray



Leeches are a big help in a team but their helpfulness is limited if you use protect from mage.


When you leech (mage/def usually), you lower corp's mage attack's accuracy by

25% as well as corp's defence by 25%.


Using what we used before but applying we used it taking leeches into account


--->Assuming corp hits 20 times in a row and don't normally miss w/o leeches:


12 mage attacks, 8 melee attacks


--> 3 missed mage attacks, 9 mage attacks, 8 melee attacks


mage pray: 1755+2040=3795


melee pray: 2925+0=2925


taking a whopping 23% less damage compared to a team using mage pray not counting the loss from ss'ing w/o melee.


Which in itself is 3.5-75 b less than normal (4-5 extra kills)







Splashes when praying melee are a bit annoying, yes, but as long as you're not tanked (which you have to be to be splashed excessively) it is easy to soul split the lp back. Personally I try to mage pray when someone next to me is tanked and melee when it gets on me or is facing the opposite side. You get the only benefit from mage pray and at the same time get to keep melee pray where it’s needed. If your team knows the formation very well and doesn't stray away from it, splashes should never be a real problem.




Personal experience;



When I am in a team that prays all melee, uses a leecher, I've gotten kills ranging from 15 kills up to 25


When I am in a team that does the same with mage I've gotten kills ranging from 10-16.


In all honesty, I think that mage pray with karils is no better than mage pray with dhide, Dhide has higher melee def's and lower mage def's than karils. Dhide w/ mage pray = corp's melee's missing more + reduced damage from mage from mage pray. Karil's w/ mage pray = Corp's melee hitting higher than it would on dhide + missing more on a mage that you are already using a prayer to lower even if it hits.




Video(s) to help convince you:

Tank video:


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I Suggest you start bringing that crystal chime to corp with you and spec with it, it will lessen his defense over 9000%.


But seriously, nice guide. Knew all except the bit about randoms and all.


BTW, what teams like divine+LBS? Should I bring it as a rule?


Two more things to add.


1.) Always have your PIN entered


2.) Set spawn point to Edge, after Nomad's Requiem.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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I Suggest you start bringing that crystal chime to corp with you and spec with it, it will lessen his defense over 9000%.


But seriously, nice guide. Knew all except the bit about randoms and all.


BTW, what teams like divine+LBS? Should I bring it as a rule?


Two more things to add.


1.) Always have your PIN entered


2.) Set spawn point to Edge, after Nomad's Requiem.


Already had SW spawn mentioned, but will add that you should use house options to get rid of pin

You can just show up to any corp ls team w/ a div+lbs and chances are they won't say anything, but if they do.. yaknow

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Very good guide. I've never corped, but once (if) I get those levels, I will look at this before I go on my first trip.

Finally on here to update that I have officially quit! It's been fun.
R.I.P Billy Mays and <3 My Friend C.D.S 7/8/09 <3
60,816th to 99 Fletching 03/07/09|220,309th Person to be Able to Kill Dusties 10 Year Cape on 12/20/14[/hide]


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Is dhally any useful?

It's good but useless without swh as it just misses way too much

But you only need swh in small teams, where you might aswell spec transfer anyway, so is dhally useless?

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Is dhally any useful?

It's good but useless without swh as it just misses way too much

But you only need swh in small teams, where you might aswell spec transfer anyway, so is dhally useless?

pretty much yeah, saw someone do a 6 man w/ 1 swh 3 xfers 2 hally'ers a week ago but that was like a one time thing

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why do you use a mithril cbow to reduce the chance of KO?

the cbow only determines accuracy, not max hit. if the problem is too many players shooting the core at the same time, wouldn't it make sense to just have fewer players aiming at the core when it comes out?

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why do you use a mithril cbow to reduce the chance of KO?

the cbow only determines accuracy, not max hit. if the problem is too many players shooting the core at the same time, wouldn't it make sense to just have fewer players aiming at the core when it comes out?

It's because even when it misses the spec effect of the bolts works and stuns it.. unless it's just a coincidence that half the stuns I've done have been 0s. It might be a coincidence but for the benefit of the doubt I'd use mith cbow. There should only be one stunner per team so I don't see what you mean by having less players aiming at the core :|

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If there ever is a situation where you need to tele out asap quickly equip games necklace and press f2 and then right click it and tele.


Actually, if you use Ardougne Cloak 3, just right-click tele out with that, saves one step in the "Oh-[Cabbage]-I'm-About-To-Die" reaction process.


Anyway, very nice guide. Never knew about the house options thing, and also didn't know about the randoms thing, no wonder I got 3 randoms within an hour and a half of summoning <_<

2461/2496 Total, 35 levels to Completionist

Sunstriker: Path to Completionist Cape

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great guide, I didn't know you could enter your pin without banking amg lol


one question: the rune hasta has +36 stab and +42 strength versus +67 stab and +50 strength, but it counts as a spear... is this worth considering or not?

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stooop33: yeah forgot about that, I don't have elite ardy diaries done so I rarely use it

bobthesock: since lbs is +50 str it only works at +25, but then its +36 att and +42 str vs +67 att and +25 str, corp has high def and I don't think hasta would hit as much, but maybe if it was poisoned it would be good, I haven't met many trying it out so I wouldn't know

SS4Alex: You should LS untill you're negative lsp (mostly in the -40ms or lower) and instead of lsing your lsp back from corp/gwd/w/e, you ffa after you're negative until you're near 0 again. I've spent the equivalent of ~ 1000 hours at corp and haven't gotten a divine to date so I wouldn't underestimate how rare it is.

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BTW You only need through hard diary for unlimited monestary teles.

[hide=Drops]Araxxor Eye x1 Leg pieces x2
GWD: 5000 Addy bar Steam B Staff x3 Z Spear x6 Sara. Hilt x2 Bandos Hilt x2 (LS, Solo)SS x6 (1 LS)
Tormented Demons: Shard x6 Slice x5 Claws x9 Limbs x3
DKS: Archer x21 Warrior x31 Berserker x30 Axe x51[/hide]

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BTW You only need through hard diary for unlimited monestary teles.


Yes, having Elite complete only gives you unlimited Ardougne Farming Patch teles. It gives no further bonuses to the cape though :thumbdown:

2461/2496 Total, 35 levels to Completionist

Sunstriker: Path to Completionist Cape

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BTW You only need through hard diary for unlimited monestary teles.

You only need the easy for unlimited monestary teles. Although then you'd be wearing a firecape...

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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i was hoping for you to list your earnings at the end.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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Wow, I fail for not knowing that. Sorry, thought you needed elites for the monastery teles, edited the guide and stoof

@ noble_aloof added the rates but listing my earnings will make this look more like a blog then a guide

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Jesus Christ, divine and elysian sigils are much rarer than I thought. I remember seeing something a long time ago that said divine was like 1/800. :D

I have a personal 1/7.9k rate for divine myself, I wish it was 1/800 lol

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