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Team Dan CD Thread #3? Saving CD since 2k10!


Ok well everyone knows (or should know) that the clan world isn't what it once was. I'll try to keep this as far away from the average LOL CLAN WORLD DYING QUIT RS NOW thread that pops up every once in awhile. We all know things aren't going well, what I want you to answer, is why.


Ddosing, hacking, rl flames, these things didn't used to exist. Actually, better to say that they were FAR less common, since it did pop up occasionally. What changes happened to the clan world that created this situation? Why has it become common practice? Feel free to answer these questions or create your own, I'm not asking for a format I'm just trying to generate discussion on probably one of the most diverse and controversial aspects in the game.

I have lived my life to the best of my ability, but I have not been able to escape fate, anger, or pain.

Bring me the answers, and the road that leads to truth, reveal to me once and for all, how all of this will end.

Shadows cannot exist without the light. But without the shadows, the light has no meaning.

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I think it has to do with knowledge, once a few people start doing others want in, and it just keeps spreading. Others see it as well they did it to us so we'll do it back. As to the original question (Or main question) the reason the clan world isn't the same is more like the effort to join, wars are longer. In shorts the demands to participate just seem too high for the average scaper.


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Joe: Removed quote


Anyways, as for the real life flames, I believe it's a lot easier now to access people's real lives, I.E. Facebook, Twitter, and Skype all of those are easier ways to find out about people in real life therefore the real life flames are coming from these types of places where one can find out information about a persons life. Not to mention as newer generations come in they don't care about other people they figure it's only a game, if my clan hates this clan I might as well talk about this kids dead parents or this kids disfigured face or what not, people just aren't as caring as they used to be they get too caught up in the game and stop having fun and take it too seriously.


As for the clan world, a generation of gamers has moved on to College/Uni, Military, or have gotten a job... I'm sure this isn't the only time it's happened nor will it be the last, but the entire clan world is in a slump as a whole, rather than just a few clans. But I'm sure eventually with newer players coming in their will be a surge of new recruits in the next year, it won't be the old faces that most of us no, but it will be a new generation of scapers that want to give the clan world a try. Hopefully clans will be more welcoming to these members so that they can have a chance to get into the clan world and the clans will teach them how to war and spend time with these individuals as its these people that will help build the clan world.


Do us all a favor, construct a proper sentence.

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Don't feed the trolls Dan, just report it.


As for a new generation of clanners I see them easily corrupted into all the nh stuff, majority of the people who enter the clan world come from clans that set bad examples imo.


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Don't feed the trolls Dan, just report it.


As for a new generation of clanners I see them easily corrupted into all the nh stuff, majority of the people who enter the clan world come from clans that set bad examples imo.

i agree with you 100%


in my past clan which was prob almost 2 years ago.. we had excellent quality of members but when the clan died they got recruited into clans that ends up being NH and screwing members =/ lost a couple of friends just because of it

cafq0zh5.gifElite Member of Ascension | hrkot2.gifSenior Member of Silent Ember | 3145bsw.jpgOld School of TPR


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Spam can result in a temporary or permanent ban. I'd think about how and what I was posting if I were some of you.


Why do ppl call u quicklockjoe? just wondering?

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My personal opinion may differ to others due to only coming into clanning in 2008, and to be fair only properly last year. But it's most likely the generation of gamers that has come through, with the cultural differences and changes which have occured in gaming communities. For example, go back 5 years ago and it was a lot different. Now I personally wouldn't have first-hand experienced it, but I'm sure we can all imagine how things have changed. And I'm not just talking about attitudes and behavioural issues outside of the game, I'm also including technological advances, fashion trends and perhaps cliques and groups of people like 'emo' which wasn't apparant so much 5 years ago. You hear a lot more nowadays about doom and gloom stories outside of this game, and it's only natural that what happens out the game is discussed in game, or between people on applications like IRC and TeamSpeak. But why is this happening, why is everything changing like this? Well truthfully, I don't really know. I don't know why these things change.


The point I'm trying to get across is that the generation of gamers is changing because of things changing in real life. Older players have maxed their accounts or have gone as far as they want to, and they have decided their real life obligations are more important than their hobbies, and have chosen to retire from clanning. The world recession itself could have been enough for players to say; ok that's enough of doing this, I need to find myself a job or a source of income. And now we have new players are coming through who have different attitudes to the older players due to these changes which they have grown up experiencing. What kind of youngster wouldn't want to try the newest thing they hear about. When the Xbox 360 was released, every youngster wanted one. But how many of these players get caught up in their games, taking them too serious? A lot. And it happens in this world of clanning. People forget it's a game. And then unfortunately for the clan world, the new things are what are described as 'no honour'. Such as your flaming, DDoSing and trolling. So new clanners are being brought up with DDoSing as a common theme, flaming and trolling (mainly on RSC) as a common thing on every topic. As Dan has said, this new generation of gamers is full of corrupt younger people who think it's the 'cool' thing to do to DDoS someone, not knowing at what expense it costs them as they're too young or immature to understand.


I think real life changes do correspond to changes in the whole clanning scene. The real question we have to ask is; what can we do to stop the next generation of gamers from being even more no-honour? What changes can we make to our clans now that'll provide a brighter future? Even if it stopped 1 DDoS attack. Even if it stopped some flaming and trolls. Surely it'd be worth it? I think asking OMG WHY ARE WE BEING DDoSED FFS is pointless. You need to be asking how you can stop it.

Genesis Leader

Ending Templar & Trial Caller of The Rising

Ex-Leader of Silent Ember - Ex-Leader of True Ownage - Ex-Leader of Legendz

Former Tip.It Clan Community Leader

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Sorry for the double post, but exactly my point. No-one could reply, but why can't anyone reply? Is it because you truely fear for your clan's safety if you kick a DDoSer? Then what? Don't be scared that someone can take down your audio, or your forums. It can be protected against. Don't be scared to take action if needed because, if you don't then this problem will never go away and the threat of DDoSing and any other nh things will just become more and more apparant. It's such a shame that people won't kick these people from their clan, or take action at least. So in answer to your first question, the reasons above are why it's happening now, and why it'll happen in the future too.

Genesis Leader

Ending Templar & Trial Caller of The Rising

Ex-Leader of Silent Ember - Ex-Leader of True Ownage - Ex-Leader of Legendz

Former Tip.It Clan Community Leader

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It's because people fear other clans for being to great and resort to underhanded tactics in order to "keep up" When in reality, just being a solid member is all that is needed, and performing well is much better than a [bleep]ed up win.

#Solace | Solace Senior Member |

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I'm making a killing here, I think I should be on top of the world just chilling here.

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