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Daylight savings has ended if anyone get confused about the time.





Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Meh, no crew today so i'll be on quicker. but still, these sessions are uber early for us easterners...


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Sorry, but I have to have some sessions that us Europeans(and I use the term losely cause I am am a toffee nosed brit) have an advantage in.

Just as the 10pm sessions give the advantage to the Americans.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Yup. too bad about the flip side swaps, but hey, i'll be able to get stoof done earlier.. Oh, did you leave any drones behind to upgrade the Kirby, and did my upgrade spree go over well?


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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But a month passed.. Shouldn't i have been able to upgrade something?


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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two per ship, or just two?

If two per ship, then:

Ion engine on lowest left part, of the Kirby,

Sensors on upper left part of the Kirby,

Hull upgrade for the Unity,

and sensor upgrade for the Unity.

If just two, then an ion engine in the lower left of the Kirby,

and a Hull Upgrade for the Unity.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Ok. So:

The Unity is now lv3 and has 1 additional weapons point.

The Kirby now has 1 Ion Engine, lv1. Giving it a speed of 1.

And cargo levels are now 265kT.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Arch, level four. i upgraded it to level 3 last session/


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Seriously? I remember spending three hours with the drones upping it.. gtg


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Tech discoveries:

Hull upgrade level 6

Shuttle bay upgrade level 2

Gravity wepons lv 1

Build Wrench lev 1

Poison rounds lv 1

drones lv 1


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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Player: Paul

Name: HwP-ECHO_012

Position: AI system

Nationality: Swiss


Merit: 125


AI funding: 0




Built-in plasma cutter

4 syringes containing a clear liquid

SpT MK.II rifle components



Level 2 targeting

Level 2 unarmed combat


Technobabble Tokens: 10


1) Knock him out via a swift right-hook to the face.


2) Absolutely nothing, why would I care?


3) RAMMING SPEED (original)


4) Slice the aliens in half using the blunt force of my hand.


5) Hold on tight before quickly opening the airlock. It's not like breathing / being recovered is an issue.


6) Proceed to short out as either action contradicts law 1.


7) Carry out the contract if it is from Swiss authorities. Otherwise report the transmission.


8) Turn off the simulation.


9) Take a flight through the sun, [bleep] yeah.


10) The one aimed at the industrial sector, how else are we supposed to get new equipment?

The sour dough of the epitmous pie hungers for another's sweet lips to be dulled into a state of most irreverant humbleness


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I believe the Descar should be our allies, I may all be for power and such, but these hit a nerve in me that makes me want to help them.

It's a REALLY big shaft.

I didn't catch fire, I used the can of hairspray as a flamethrower and pointed it at my arm.

how are you going to ignore my posts when I'm offering to let you live as my vassal in two weeks time?

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The Isha are a bunch of douches. Probably better to stay away from them.


And the Guardians of Peace are nuts.


The Descar are the number one spacecraft manufacturers, as well as the most friendly race we've talked to (Including humans...), so helping them would be of the greatest benefit.

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When is the next Space session?

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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