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Tip.It Times - 24th October 2010


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At this point I'm not going to discuss that but all of this is mainly for the benefit of people who are way too behind in the dg game to even know what you're talking about.


Because I'd hate to disappoint Jagex with "your entire system is largely unnecessary and we should just get rid of it all because of cc".


They tend to react to that with "hey if we're not doing that let's go make some really random and unplanned changes to something" and then we end up with a dozen things that are actually harmful to the process.


This would probably work better if I wasn't saying it out loud


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@strilmus, about the flags.... U mean like adverts in a shop window type thingy where ppl set out their own parameters and other ppl read them, and then choose the ad that interests them most? Or did i miss your point entirely?


Srry for highjacking :0

To clarify:


A person wants to go tromping into a dungeon but needs some mates to come in with them. So they hit their ring and it opens up the group interface.


From there they can pick what kind of roles they serve (fighting and skilling and general support and whatnot) and what kind of people they are looking for to go with them, plus if they are doing a rush or not and stuff like that. They can also put up preferred levels for sets of things, plus a small section of text that they can add a small additional description to. (With obligatory "report" button for people who are wrongly advertising/soliciting as people will do when given a small section of text.)


Anyway, after they've set this up, they submit those updates to their status and then this (and their stat sheet) shows up on a large list of all the people online in that lobby area (perhaps across worlds too if you wanted to get that messy) and then people can look at it and pick people out to private message and run some searches on the types of players they prefer. You can toggle your availability on and off.


The basic concept is "dungeoneering mini craigslist" but without an excessive amount of creepy people


They could be called personals but they're not very personal at all


EDIT: BTW this system would facilitate the meeting of lower leveled people who just want to enjoy exploring instead of exp grinding because we could just have a selection saying "casual" or something


Sounds like a good plan to me. BUT also sounds like the easier, less hassle version of going on RSOF and typing out a post saying exactly the same thing and waiting for people to read it and take action - either ignore or join you - which is basically advertising yourself as being available. Which in irl is sometimes done in shop wuindows or newspapers (or at least in Europe it is)


As an aside, this could be used for other things too eg gwd or the less common bosses - KQ, KBD, (dare i say it mole) and chaos elemental. They could even have a 'base' similar to GE for trading but for teaming - you talk to some1 set your parameters / post your levels etc and then other ppl can look / read your 'advert' and then request to join you.

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Okay, so here's the huge difference.


Because of the nature of the transaction, the people who are using this service will only be visible on the board when they're online. It's manual matchmaking.


The main problem with using the RSOF is that you'll almost never be able to get the person you are looking for at the moment you read it, due to:


- they are not on and will never be on at the same time as you

- they have already found somebody else and have not posted to say so

- they have not posted the pertinent information that you require to make a decision


While this is solved by the cc, people may not want to go looking for one, and those who are not in the "right" cc or are not in one at all are separated from those that are, which limits the range of the search. In addition, many folks just want a quick romp or two without committing to a dedicated team, as ridiculous as this sounds to efficianados. (Yes I just made that portmanteau up)


So, here, we have a system that both only lists people who are available at that very moment to go monster stomping, shows nearly everything you want to know (as it is not possible to gauge exactly how they perform), and may include people in all worlds that are interested.


There could be a way to measure competence through peer review although that could get a bit hairy since we all know how fickle people can be.....especially those who blame their own inadequacies on others.


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Guest jrhairychest

Honestly, I have to say no. If you want to practice with pros, it's best to make some friends that are pro at it. A LOT of my friends have 90+ dungeoneering (and most of the ones with 90+ have 99 or 100+), and when I do floors with them, I consider that to be very generous on their part, especially because I don't have a hood. It's also not uncommon to get a couple pro players on a team once you hit 80 and can use the better worlds (though 148 is degenerating into the third 117 as we speak).


For players who want to get better, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do solo meds. That way you can get a feel for keying, memorizing the map, and using gatestones efficiently.

I agree it is generous on their part, shows good gamesmanship and sporting behaviour, which doesn't seem that common nowadays. Its a shame its not carried through to the general population as there's a lot of players out there who would reap the benefits of playing with better players. Good solo advice too. Cheers :thumbup:

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No. It doesn't take that much practice to become a normal DG'er, it takes a bit more to become good, and I don't want to slow myself down to help others who I'll never DG with again. I don't play RS for others.


That attitude is exactly what's wrong with the RS community in general these days. Everyone is so busy looking out for themselves that any sense of teamwork or camaraderie is lost, and that's why DG teams generally suck.

Back in the days of RSC, it was common practice for higher lvl players to stop and lend a hand to struggling newbies. It was called being courteous and made for a more pleasant community and playing experience on the whole. I miss those days, tbh. Now, ppl play so cut-throat that it's a wonder newbies stick around for more than a month or two before moving on to more newb-friendly games. The eventual death of RS will stem from this prevalent "Me first!" attitude, I guarantee it.

I'll get off my soapbox and get to the reason I came to this thread: The "Did you know..." is completely useless if you're looking to actually do anything on Lunar Isle. I just tried it, and yes, I got to the island, but as soon as I tried to interact with any of the residents, I got kicked back to Rellekka. So it's best to just bring your Seal; there's really nothing worth doing on the island that you don't need the local bank for, and trying to use the bank without a Seal is rather pointless and inefficient.


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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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No. It doesn't take that much practice to become a normal DG'er, it takes a bit more to become good, and I don't want to slow myself down to help others who I'll never DG with again. I don't play RS for others.


That attitude is exactly what's wrong with the RS community in general these days. Everyone is so busy looking out for themselves that any sense of teamwork or camaraderie is lost, and that's why DG teams generally suck.

Back in the days of RSC, it was common practice for higher lvl players to stop and lend a hand to struggling newbies. It was called being courteous and made for a more pleasant community and playing experience on the whole. I miss those days, tbh. Now, ppl play so cut-throat that it's a wonder newbies stick around for more than a month or two before moving on to more newb-friendly games. The eventual death of RS will stem from this prevalent "Me first!" attitude, I guarantee it.

I'll get off my soapbox and get to the reason I came to this thread: The "Did you know..." is completely useless if you're looking to actually do anything on Lunar Isle. I just tried it, and yes, I got to the island, but as soon as I tried to interact with any of the residents, I got kicked back to Rellekka. So it's best to just bring your Seal; there's really nothing worth doing on the island that you don't need the local bank for, and trying to use the bank without a Seal is rather pointless and inefficient.

You can bank with Bird's Eye Jack without the need for a Seal of Passage.

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No. It doesn't take that much practice to become a normal DG'er, it takes a bit more to become good, and I don't want to slow myself down to help others who I'll never DG with again. I don't play RS for others.


That attitude is exactly what's wrong with the RS community in general these days. Everyone is so busy looking out for themselves that any sense of teamwork or camaraderie is lost, and that's why DG teams generally suck.


Thats kinda a problem with life.


Humans in general are pretty self centred, good luck to you though.


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No. It doesn't take that much practice to become a normal DG'er, it takes a bit more to become good, and I don't want to slow myself down to help others who I'll never DG with again. I don't play RS for others.


That attitude is exactly what's wrong with the RS community in general these days. Everyone is so busy looking out for themselves that any sense of teamwork or camaraderie is lost, and that's why DG teams generally suck.


I'm sorry, this is the internet. I'm pretty sure honour, camaraderie, and brotherly love don't exist. Even if they do, they're restricted to the few players that one would be in contact with often and want to help. Even then, there is a limit to wanting to help people, and sacrificing a few hours/days worth of prestige so you can show a random person the ropes on floor 1 certainly crosses it.

"In order to lead, you must learn how to carry your followers upon your shoulders"

"A man is not only defined by his abilities, but also by those of the men with which he surrounds himself"

"The meek fight for skill and fame, the strong fight for power with the skill and fame they already have"

"There is no good without sacrifice and no sacrifice without mercy"

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No. It doesn't take that much practice to become a normal DG'er, it takes a bit more to become good, and I don't want to slow myself down to help others who I'll never DG with again. I don't play RS for others.


That attitude is exactly what's wrong with the RS community in general these days. Everyone is so busy looking out for themselves that any sense of teamwork or camaraderie is lost, and that's why DG teams generally suck.


I'm sorry, this is the internet. I'm pretty sure honour, camaraderie, and brotherly love don't exist. Even if they do, they're restricted to the few players that one would be in contact with often and want to help. Even then, there is a limit to wanting to help people, and sacrificing a few hours/days worth of prestige so you can show a random person the ropes on floor 1 certainly crosses it.


I think nobody asks you to sacrifice your prestige but rather accept a teammember who's not so experienced in order to help him get better. No need for a 90+ Dungeoneerer to dunge with someone who's never done it before, but maybe he could accept lvls 70+ too sometimes instead of only those 85+ or whatever.

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Indeed. The biggest issue with the dungeoneering system is it doesnt allow you to control the levels within your party. Were the system to be made for onlly +130 cb I think it would see significantly more usage by players.

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*~72,749th to 99 Attack on 9 September 2009~*

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^ generally a 110 combat with 100 dungeoneering and a hood is more valuable to me than a 138 with 80 dungeoneering and a promethium spear.


it'd be ridiculous to only make it 130+. simply allowing for a player to choose the minimum level would be enough.

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