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How many people play only for PKing?


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Back on rsc, my main got boring like a lot of people said, so I made a pker. It was nothing serious at first, but after talking with some people with more experience, I started training him a lot, not even using my main.








I just pked and trained range for a long time, until rs2 came out, when I quit until about 2 months ago. With all the changes my rsc pure ranger stats weren't very good anymore, so I am still in the process of transforming into a high level pker.








Maybe I will even start another new pker, who knows. But I hope to get back to pking a lot, as I have hardly any experience now.

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I wish I could PK. My mom freaked when she found out what it is, and now if she catches me skullied she's gonna have my head on a silver platter.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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same for me... i started out with nazgul740... later on with the emgrence of i mahatma i and some other pures... i started koragorn... once i started him pking was all that matterd... i was terrible at pking as never treid it really before.... :oops: once day i lost over 1 million in gps from buying bloods sharks and loseing dragon daggers and longs... :?








after that day i settled down and started actually training and raiseing stats for my pure... unfortunatly i had level 20 defence and that just wasn't going to fly anymore... so i quit that account... koragorn final level 67 str 71 mage 72 fletch 72 .... then back on f2p i started to play my main account... i aimed to pk 1k deaths and made it to 500/1000 before a hail of deaths from teams stopped me dead in my tracks.... after that and a long amount of thought.... i started a new pure all f2p... his name is hell0lumby level 27 with 42 range atm...








eventually i will get members again most likely for my main to gain money for my pure... till then im sitting around talking to mossies... :)








Too... many... elipses... in... one... paragraph...


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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same for me... i started out with nazgul740... later on with the emgrence of i mahatma i and some other pures... i started koragorn... once i started him pking was all that matterd... i was terrible at pking as never treid it really before.... :oops: once day i lost over 1 million in gps from buying bloods sharks and loseing dragon daggers and longs... :?








after that day i settled down and started actually training and raiseing stats for my pure... unfortunatly i had level 20 defence and that just wasn't going to fly anymore... so i quit that account... koragorn final level 67 str 71 mage 72 fletch 72 .... then back on f2p i started to play my main account... i aimed to pk 1k deaths and made it to 500/1000 before a hail of deaths from teams stopped me dead in my tracks.... after that and a long amount of thought.... i started a new pure all f2p... his name is hell0lumby level 27 with 42 range atm...








eventually i will get members again most likely for my main to gain money for my pure... till then im sitting around talking to mossies... :)








Too... many... elipses... in... one... paragraph...








Nice double posting stuff that doesnt make sense..

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Bring back rsc pking. Not many people pk anymore because they took away the 3 round rule. I wouldn't play this game if it didn't have pking I always pked in rsc 24\7. Then rs2 came out and I raise skills and crap now :$ if they brought the 3 round rule back I would pk 24\7. In our days you need a team to pk. Just tag it up till they run out of food.

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  • 4 months later...

Several people seem to have complaints about big teams, and I agree it's annoying when you're trying to solo or just go with a couple of friends, and you suddenly get hit by 10 different people before you can blink. On the other hand clan wars are fun to be in, if only there were a way to seperate clans and soloers :( .

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i hardly ever pk. i mainly focus on skills instead of combat, cos it got kinda boring :(


I'd rather be killing people then cutting wood or lighting it on fire :wink:




I am just the same as you Ant. I quit Revenge KKc and only play on Atreyu Pk now, I don't even train him unless im like 10k off a level.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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same for me... i started out with nazgul740... later on with the emgrence of i mahatma i and some other pures... i started koragorn... once i started him pking was all that matterd... i was terrible at pking as never treid it really before.... :oops: once day i lost over 1 million in gps from buying bloods sharks and loseing dragon daggers and longs... :?




after that day i settled down and started actually training and raiseing stats for my pure... unfortunatly i had level 20 defence and that just wasn't going to fly anymore... so i quit that account... koragorn final level 67 str 71 mage 72 fletch 72 .... then back on f2p i started to play my main account... i aimed to pk 1k deaths and made it to 500/1000 before a hail of deaths from teams stopped me dead in my tracks.... after that and a long amount of thought.... i started a new pure all f2p... his name is hell0lumby level 27 with 42 range atm...




eventually i will get members again most likely for my main to gain money for my pure... till then im sitting around talking to mossies... :)




Too... many... elipses... in... one... paragraph...




Nice double posting stuff that doesnt make sense..


He's noting the fact that Nazgul used the [...]'s too much (elipses). I have to agree, it does get rather annoying, and I would have said something if he hadn't. We do the same thing with Caps Lock, its hard to read so we ask people to not write that way.




As for pking, I'm lvl 95 and coming up on 2 years of playing, and I've never pked in my life :wink: . I don't like skills all that much either (honestly, its clicking the exact same thing over and over for hours, and if you put that in perspective its kind of sad). I like Castle Wars, DK's, and Barrows, but thats about all thats left thats fun in the game :? .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Yep I'd be gone if it werent for pking.


But i still set skill goals for myself as in all skills 70+ because I have to spend all the money I make on something ;)


I pretty much only raise skills for fun and for prestigion because I really don't need to make addy items or craft black sets for cash.

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I'm a wonderful pker!




Lemme tell you about my greatest pk. It was late rsc (about half a year before rs2 came out). From my random trecks through the wilderness I noticed that alot of people around my level seemed to pop up at the bandit camp to make pizza's using the ingredience that spawned in their. I went there one day around lvl 40 with my rune2h equiped. I sat next to the range and waited. Eurika! someone appears next to me! I emmediatly go at them..




my heart was pumping..




Finally the guy got a full red bar over his head, he went down..




I jumped out of my seat yelling "yes!". I quickly inspected his body and found my greatest drop ever. I find a rare and powerful addy2h! I quickly leave the area and pm my nooby pals to let them know of my great find.




I go to varrock and sell it for a hefty 5-10k :D.




Was a great day for wakka102.




Wakka and pk should never go into the same sentence together...

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I hate pking. Why? 90% of the reason is I can't find anybody or I find EVERYBODY. Everytime I decide to go out I search and hop for about 2 hours without finding another soul anywhere near my level (saw two in their combat teens at mage bank area, lol. The only other thing that happens is I hop into a world where there just so happens to be some crazy clan war going on. When out to pk I see ONLY non-pkables and groups of over 40. My friends won't let me join them anymore for this very same bad luck, lol.




The ONLY exception that I can remember was trying to kill rc pkers once. Hopped for about 45 minutes seeing tons of people CLOSE to being attackable (close to me means within 20 levels, lol) and finally finding one that was only 2 lvls above me. I skulled on him and he teled before I could even get a second spell in. I figured I wouldn't get a runner if I used mage like them but go figure. -.-




Other than that I have been slaughtered several times by huge groups usually before I can even eat or well before I can skedaddle. That's my history of solo pking, lol. With a team I think I have gotten a couple kills only to have a huge group jump us, lol.






Skills ftw!


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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i find pking to be a waiste and highly dishonorable in rs2. i am an rs2 product, but the code of honor and respectible community of RSC, makes me believe this game once had a realistic morality system.






most pkers i find now adays are DUMB i mean really really stupid. or bored... but in most cases those a re the same.






attacking agility people? dumb. attacking 3 item cluers? dumb attacking runecrafters? dumb.








taking people's stuff, not exactly honorable to me if their out in the wilderness mining coal or at green dragons or something. i believe IF PKing was going to be held by an unwriten law, attack only other pkers.

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well my highest non combat skill is 57 agility then 55 slayer witch are really for combat (slayer dart for barrows so i have more money for pkin) and agility is what keeps you alive if your running, no energy and your dead.




i have 25m total exp 24m is combat. I don't enjoy skills at all there pointless they dont even earn you anywhere near as much as combat.














green drag slaying


blue drag slaying




some of these are also easy to do and they all give you good amounts of cash.




but all i basically do is train combat to pk better or earn cash to pk better (better items) or i pk its simple, any otehr game id play would be purely combat based so thats how i treat runescape



GWD solo drops: Armadyl Hilt sold at 63.5m - (More to come hopefully)

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