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If youn were going to die....


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If you were going to die in rl and there was nothing you could do, what would you do in your last hours?




car could go




I would either jump off a very tall cliff or drive down the highway going as fast as my car (or motorcycle) could go.

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Probably try some really poisonous mushrooms or buy heroine. Don't have anything to lose and at least I'd have some feelings before the end :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Guest demon027

if i had a vest loaded with explosives set to go if in 1 hour, i would do everything a minor would wish to do before he goes, drive a laborghini on the highway passing 150 mph, jump off the empire state building going really fast in the same car, land in a jet, fly off to california and become famous, then finally with ten seconds left to go before me and everything around me blows up, shake hands with every hated terrorist for ten seconds. :twisted:

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Tell the person I love most that, although I'd be gone from this world, I'll never leave their side and I'll always be watching over them, protecting them and loving them for ever more.








Failing that, if I had no-one to love, give everything I own(ed) to Oxfam.

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After Ive said goodbye to everyone i care about and made sure my belongings end up rightt id probably sit in a dark room playing "Time is on my side" by the Rolling Stones.








Damn this topic made me depressed.

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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Do something totally crazy! Get laid even tho im not old enugh (6)








I sure hope you were trying to do the msn emote :shock: .








Back on topic, I would watch that part in ROTK where Gandalf tells Pippin that death is a path, one that all must take blablabla... It makes me feel kind of relaxed... hard to explain. That would be in my last minute, but I'm not sure what I'd do for goodbyes or activities. I'm not even sure I would tell anyone (if I had a day or something short to live). Think about it, you could spend almost an entire day going to visit people, tell them the bad news and witness lots of crying. That would just make me feel depressed before the end, not very enjoyable. So I'd let my close family know perhaps, but nobody else.

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Lose my virginity for sure. I'd probably batter the crap out of someone i hated too, or maybe just a group of chavs on the bus or somethin. Would probably do some illegal drugs, say every little thing thats been on my mind to people, and cause some public damage before the final curtain.

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Rob a bank with the biggest one man arsenal ever seen, take as many people down with me as I can, and be remembered for it. I don't know, something hardcore like that.








But seriously I'd definatly have to come to closure with everyone close to me, no way I want to with ends still untied.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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*steal a nuclear missle, toss it in an ocean near a major city...preferablly new york :twisted:








*get a car that goes faster than the speed of sounds, buzz through the highway








*smash up all my belongings with a hammer(and maybe give some things out)...but id definetly love to see that gamecube be a game-rectangle and that xbox be..a xtangle








*take some automatic rifles, and blow up cars with them 8)








*physically assault george bush :D








*definetly something related to girls :roll:








*claim to be the next hitler, start like a international crisis








..for my last 10..20..30 seconds of living..id probably jump of the petronas towers(timing it right so the fall wouldnt kill me, but THE whatever it is thats the point of this topic,,maybe like in the last 1/5th of the fall.. :lol:, if you know waht i mean)..i wouldnt wanna fall, live for a couple more seconds with everybone broken :mrgreen:

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Go streaking...jk
That brings up a good point though. I'm changing my answer to: I would do absolutely nothing different from what I normally do...except do it naked.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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meh... If I know I am going to die in a few hours I'd propably donate my organs while I am still alive (provided the reason I am dieing is not related to some horrific diease of the organs :lol:) heard it's better alive then when you're dead. SO anyway who cares, I am gonna be dead :P might as well help some people out afterwards.












ofcourse, I'd beat the crap out of a few people first ;)

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