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Maxed Mage Staking


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Alright guys, with the upcoming staking/wild/free trade updates, I plan to mage stake.


Stats are in sig, but if for some reason are not viewable, my levels (of importance are):


99 Mage

99 HP

99 Defence

99 Range


106+10 cmb


Main question is tactics :: Is it more than likely going to be similar to previoius mage staking with no items, prayers, food and starting the fight with smoke barrage then just spamming blood barrage for the rest of it? ::


Anyone who used to mage stake, any pointers would be appreciated!



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Just my personal opinion, you should use ice barrage occasionally, just to keep them from running out on the stake.




TT rewards: 2 ranger boots, Zamorak page 1 (2x), Guthix page 1, Ancient page 2


You must construct additional oak larders doors... I mean pylons


Barrows: 10. Total value~22.3 mil. Ahrim Robeskirt is currently the item I have received the most.

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Just my personal opinion, you should use ice barrage occasionally, just to keep them from running out on the stake.


You get the money for them forfeiting.


Those with a little bit of knowledge are more dangerous than those with none.

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Isn't there a no forfeit option?

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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First, you can't "escape" from a duel.


Second, you can't cast ice barrage if movement is disabled. The only time movement will be allowed will be if obstacles are allowed. People rarely mage stake in the open arena w/ movement on.


Third, mage staking is all about choosing which pieces of equipment to allow and which to disable, followed by which spells to use at which times. Yes you could smoke barrage the whole time since it's the most accurate spell, but it's also the weakest of the barrages and you'll very rarely see someone's poison hurt them before the duel ends. Similarly, you could blood barrage the whole time but you will splash extremely often and barely gain any health. After a while it's mostly just about developing an "intuition" from experience for knowing which spells to use at what times, and knowing what rules to allow/disallow for certain opponents. Even then, however, those variables still have a pretty small influence on who wins the duel. The most important thing is still knowing how much to stake against whom at what times.


Sorry I can't really divulge too many details since I'll also be mage staking when it returns lol.


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I can't really remember anyone mage staking back in the day, but i expect a fair few people will do it with the newer armour/spells/weapons. From what i did see, people just used Ice barrage since it was the hardest hitting spell, but you're plan sounds good.


I'm also thinking the fact that the right click option is 'autocast' may deter people a bit. Hmmm....


Anyway, with your stats you could do just about any type of staking pretty nicely.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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Lol, I used to mage-stake, mind you my method involved ambushing in the wilderness. You'd ambush a pk group, take'm hostage, bring them to the mages you found earlier, and then kill the group/backstab the mages. Worked to perfection for me, still have the 900k chaos runes I managed to get over all those years...

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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.

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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.


zuriels doesn't halve spell-casting speed btw


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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.


zuriels doesn't halve spell-casting speed btw

Are the stats for maxed mage staking 99 def, mage, and hp? Do people pray at all?

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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.


zuriels doesn't halve spell-casting speed btw

Are the stats for maxed mage staking 99 def, mage, and hp? Do people pray at all?


Pray was never allowed. HP should be 99. Defense doesn't matter. 94-97 magic is the best. The higher your magic level, the harder it is to find people to stake you. If you're 99 people don't want to stake you unless they're 99 also, or if they're lower magic but can trick you into doubling their stake.


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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.


zuriels doesn't halve spell-casting speed btw

Are the stats for maxed mage staking 99 def, mage, and hp? Do people pray at all?


Pray was never allowed. HP should be 99. Defense doesn't matter. 94-97 magic is the best. The higher your magic level, the harder it is to find people to stake you. If you're 99 people don't want to stake you unless they're 99 also, or if they're lower magic but can trick you into doubling their stake.

Defense doesn't matter?

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Watch out for what equipment people choose, especially allowing staves. If you do not have zuriels staff and the weapon slots r open, you are almost guaranteed to lose. Also watch out for shield slot, if you do not have divine/farseer/elysian, you will most likely lose. Same with all of the other slots, I would recommend mage boxing for the simplicity, unless you of course have the best gear in all possible slots. If you are splashing a lot with barrage, blood blitz is a good idea. It can be accurate and quite devastating. Smoke won't really do much because you will most likely end the duel before the poison ever hurts your opponent.


zuriels doesn't halve spell-casting speed btw

Are the stats for maxed mage staking 99 def, mage, and hp? Do people pray at all?


Pray was never allowed. HP should be 99. Defense doesn't matter. 94-97 magic is the best. The higher your magic level, the harder it is to find people to stake you. If you're 99 people don't want to stake you unless they're 99 also, or if they're lower magic but can trick you into doubling their stake.

Defense doesn't matter?


It matters.


But far, far less than magic level does for magic defense. I can see why someone could forgo defense on a mage staker.

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People say defense is 30% of your magic defense or something, but I still believe it's 0%. I've fought plenty of people with 99 magic and 1-20 defense and they'd beat me 50/50. If defense lvl had a significant influence on magic defense, I should've won many more stakes against pures. My evidence is strictly empirical, though after hundreds of stakes against people with 1-20 defense while mine was 99, I consider defense to be unimportant when it comes to mage staking/mage defense.


Also I recall doing mage vs melee stakes sometimes... if a person had 85 mage or less and would melee me while I would mage them, I'd almost always beat them with only 4 casts, regardless of their 99 defense because of how influential their magic level is.


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People say defense is 30% of your magic defense or something, but I still believe it's 0%. I've fought plenty of people with 99 magic and 1-20 defense and they'd beat me 50/50. If defense lvl had a significant influence on magic defense, I should've won many more stakes against pures. My evidence is strictly empirical, though after hundreds of stakes against people with 1-20 defense while mine was 99, I consider defense to be unimportant when it comes to mage staking/mage defense.


Also I recall doing mage vs melee stakes sometimes... if a person had 85 mage or less and would melee me while I would mage them, I'd almost always beat them with only 4 casts, regardless of their 99 defense because of how influential their magic level is.

While we know that defense plays a part in magic defense, it becomes an insignificant change when compared to Karil's or black dragonhide. Just the chest slot probably trumps lvl 99 defense. So in a short duel, the Defense stat won't save you from a mage. However, fighting magic mobs for hours of time, you would notice a lvl 1 defense char going through much more food.


A no armor duel is the only time defense level would be of any consideration beyond "is it 40 or 70?"


Combat 116+; Total 1900+; All Hard Tasks; (Nearly) All quest points; (Nearly) All skills 60+; An aquatic moose ninja.

Currently: Using 63 hunter to get some of those "Chins", then I'm going to range stuff down. Interruptions of agility when I feel like it, as well.

And lucky enough to get 4 Dragon and 6 Barrow Drops.

[hide]Kwimbob now looks exactly like me in real life except for hair color. Yes, this means I look exactly like the protagonist of that certain anime that my second character, Faye_V is also named after. Yes, I bought a jacket that also looks like his. No in real life I don't have a slain bear to sling over my shoulders. Yes, I'm that skinny even if I no-life it for years in basements. No, I can't shoot a gun. Yes, I can win any other strategic video game you have never played - because I probably have, ahahaha. And yes, I also have brown eyes, yet one of my eyes looks different from the other. And yes, I'm completely oblivious to the [real] world around me as I constantly engineer new solutions to daily problems in my head. When I get hungry, all that isn't food can wait. When I'm sleepy - nothing is of any priority in front of sleep. But at any other time, I never slow down. Never give up. Never Surrender. Makes for a good life.


- See You, Space Cowboy.[/hide][/hide]

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I can't really remember anyone mage staking back in the day, but i expect a fair few people will do it with the newer armour/spells/weapons. From what i did see, people just used Ice barrage since it was the hardest hitting spell, but you're plan sounds good.


I'm also thinking the fact that the right click option is 'autocast' may deter people a bit. Hmmm....


Anyway, with your stats you could do just about any type of staking pretty nicely.

You probably weren't aware of staking then, too, as alot of the highest stakers used mage.


Mage staking was done with nothing but weapons allowed(just like melee staking), with chaotic staff being a must if you want to do it. The spell people used to use is blood barrage, but i'm not sure what the consensus best will b with mismac barrage now available.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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