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Mythical's Oldskool RSC picture thread (lots of classic pics


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actually, I never despised you Drool, but looked up to you for your high overal stats 8) - All I had, was a high combat level before most did, and yes, this did separate big boys from 'trash'.








Back on classic, with so little decent training spots to push a decent experience on, the competition was often great, or- even unfair. It's a shame you treasure a rather negative memory with the times we've encountered on classic.








But I'm the noob now ;)

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Nice pics, had to reformat my comp when i had trojans like 2 years ago. Oh well i doubt i coulda kept em 2 more years after the virus attack anyway :P I remember i wasnt there when phats dropped, but i remember being there when Santas dropped.. Old sk0ol? I hope.. guess not :P













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this post made me go back into oldschool relapse. i havent seen a pic of lamp in years, and i forgot all about elx, Quantom ( he always banned me in irc. haha) Jenjo- always a great skill totaler. and the pic of vintage fook cracked me up .








thanks for the memories.








keep it up :)

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Abraham Lincoln

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remove that pix of sax. hes a char sharer u know that right?








:? S A X was sax back in the days, and a friend. Whatever has become of their characters now is not my problem :wink:








:lol: atleast u know :wink: i was there wehn he got all 99 pray. sitting at orges 18 hours a day. :lol: no real glory there. I heard he told people he was dieing or something like that :lol:

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ok so I used to make fun of all my friends names on rsc with newb chars. one of my favorites was "iamgopher" (I tried to get "whackoffdawg" making fun of whackadawg but that one was already taken), some char I made in late 01 making fun of iampenguins name. I never did anything with the char until mid 02 when they added the castle in the wild to f2p servers (making chars soley to collect runes at the castle and shoot them off killed so many boring hours that summer... but thats another story), and by then penguin had stopped playing rs nearly as much as he used to. good times training at hobs with pepsi 24 and trupimp with penguin tho 8)








heres pics:
























that contact detail date is either exactly when or a few days after jagex added contact details to their database.








I know these arent old school pics but its a tribute to an old friend and I think it deserves a spot here.

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god i remember that elitism.. one of the worst things about RSC :?








not oldschool, but everyone talking about S A X made me remember a pic i have.. this was taken a few hours before RS2 beta came out and i had just finished legends :) oh, and the issue was concerning whether jagex was going to raise or lower the max combat level when rs2 came out... seems incredibly trivial now, but it was a big deal then, lol (it was increased from 123 to 126 which it is now)









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My rsc pics which I dug up, none very interesting. I lost my Zezima pic I think :(. Although, it was just a pic of Zezima standing there :P.
















My pic which I titled "rsstatsof4/4/01" but I really don't know if thats a true date or not. How am I supposed to remember these things at the tender age of 11 back then? :P.
















I was so proud of my full rune! The baxe cost me 500 unided herbs but it was totally worth it!
















My white phat was my favourite (although not most treasured, my rune was worth more then :P) possesion.
















I discovered forums not too long into playing the game, and then I discovered the off-topic forum. I spammed that with random jokes that would now seem terribly un-funny, but hey I was 12. Pretty soon I browsed forums way more than playing rs.
















Pretty soon I got bored of my rune. This was my favourite outfit, although I usually had a staff when not training.
















Ok so in rsc 80 was ALOT harder to get than now. I think I got 20k xp per hour when I got to legends guild (click training on scorps, ugh). Previous to that I click trained on gnomes, or afked in guard dogs. Guard dogs got you maybe 5k-10k xp per hour with noob stats like mine. So all you kids complaining about your xp, dont. (btw, notice my ownage 14 levels of impurity!)
















So I'd dabbled in pking before, with 2 characters, Archer Rat and Pure Pka Rat (My main is Combat Rat if you havn't guessed), but now I decided I would try a pretty unique staker. I was attempting to keep him at 5 str, but by the 50s levels, hitting 3 with a r2h was unbearable. So I upped str a wee bit. My goal was to get 45 atk 60 def 10 str (but as you see str got a little more :P). I have 54 now according to highscores, although I lost the pw to him so all my r00n is gone (I kept it on rsc, so its worthless anyway). With the hits based xp system, this guy would be impossible to train anyway!
























So I guess I didn't do so bad!








Some pics of other people:




























In view is a very early version of the website. Pretty hawt if I do say so myself. Top 2000 lol! I remember when theiving came out, I was top 400 for a bit :). Now some of those might be filled with 99s!
















Finally, a startup page pic, just cause I love having some proof at least :P. Hope you liked them, it took me a while :P.








EDIT: Ok, so my tags didn't work. I converted them to clickable urls, except the last one, just so someone can tell me how to fix it!

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ive got like 300 rsc pics that are off teh wall. ill see what I have later.








Got any of the M.I war perhaps ? those I'd love to see again 8)

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ive got like 300 rsc pics that are off teh wall. ill see what I have later.








Got any of the M.I war perhaps ? those I'd love to see again 8)








I saw a bunch a while back, I think jason (da killmasta) took them. you could try searching for em on this forum.

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Most of those pics aren't that old. I remember when you couldn't see combat levels unless you were in the wilderness.




I remember being level 80 combat and getting stat wiped, then getting back to 86 or so combat. The most fun thing about getting stat wiped was completing all quests at level 3. So I had full rune and gauntlets at like level 20. :D

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