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The 'You're Banned' Game (over 38,000 banned!)


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Once upon a time there was a man named 'Banned' and a female named 'for', they had a son that was named 'no' unfortuntely the evil wizard 'reason' wanted to kill them all. But at the end they defeated the evil wizard and lived happily ever after. The end.








Banned because you were the one that was suppose to responde to the quoted ban, not Ragen. Do it now, NOW I SAY!!!!!!

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Banned for posting while I was in movie theatre.








And Pshyco_Robot you're banned because I can't find the word "irefusetoreplytothatinsipidstory" in any dictionary. However if I make it many words:








I refuse to reply to that insipid story.








it makes more sense.

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Banned because my point was there aren't any better cabbages in the free world. So I know the obvious.








Also banned because I don't know why you wasted real-life dollars, seriously I haven't heard about you doing anything than picking cabbages. Yes, I do take your old banner literally.

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Banned for posting your very first ban.








Yes, I know, I'm evil. :twisted:








Wrong i have banned u before :twisted:, but under the name nasoccerstar02

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banned for my father just has been in an accident and they doctors don't know if he'll pull through.... :cry:

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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