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Theirs a time an place for good grammer but its not the and of the world. Your just overreacting, but for all intensive purposes I support you're cause.







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Theirs a time an place for good grammer but its not the and of the world. Your just overreacting, but for all intensive purposes I support you're cause.

i c wut u did thar


I'm not bothered by misuse in the game, but on forums like these and irl it's annoying.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Theirs a time an place for good grammer but its not the and of the world. Your just overreacting, but for all intensive purposes I support you're cause.

i c wut u did thar


I'm not bothered by misuse in the game, but on forums like these and irl it's annoying.


Why not in the game as well?


And I was just poking a little fun back there, no harm meant :razz:

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I cn undrstand ppl talkin lik this in game, where it is sometimes easier to say. In a forum, you should at least have the decency to use some grammar and spelling.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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I cn undrstand ppl talkin lik this in game, where it is sometimes easier to say. In a forum, you should at least have the decency to use some grammar and spelling.


Unrelated, but I like your avatar :^_^:

PM me for fitocracy invite

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This is by far the dumbest rant thread ive ever sean... Do you realise there are tons of rws players that dont speak perfect english....


That's why this is so important. I know from studying French that I'd have a worse time of it if I had to translate it into French first.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid is forever.

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It should not be necessary to say it, but today it is: anyone who wants to be understood has to make damn sure that he has made himself intelligible.

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I love you're posts.


More seriously, I think the occasional mistake is justifiable as mistakes do happen (especially if people are typing at 100wpm). However, if a person is unable to differentiate between them in an essay/exam, or when talking in general, then it becomes a problem.

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This is by far the dumbest rant thread ive ever sean... Do you realise there are tons of rws players that dont speak perfect english....


That's why this is so important. I know from studying French that I'd have a worse time of it if I had to translate it into French first.


Translating is kinda differs from the not tiny mistakes the OP talked about. You see, its not to hard to understand what someone is saying even if they make mistakes. If you can't handle someone making mistakes you seriously need to grow up.....

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This is by far the dumbest rant thread ive ever sean... Do you realise there are tons of rws players that dont speak perfect english....


That's why this is so important. I know from studying French that I'd have a worse time of it if I had to translate it into French first.


Translating is kinda differs from the not tiny mistakes the OP talked about. You see, its not to hard to understand what someone is saying even if they make mistakes. If you can't handle someone making mistakes you seriously need to grow up.....


Your logic is poorly justified, as you've not explained why someone ought to 'grow up' for criticizing poor grammar/punctuation that should have been learnt at school.


Personally, I think it really depends on the severity and the type of mistakes, and if it hinders comprehension and interpretation. Your/you're homophones could be quite easily confused, so I think it's not too much of an issue if someone does confuse the two occasionally (if persistent, they ought to learn the definitions of each word)


Poor grammar can make it difficult for the text to be coherent. For example:


"Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"


If someone talks like that, would you be able to understand what they're saying?

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This is by far the dumbest rant thread ive ever sean... Do you realise there are tons of rws players that dont speak perfect english....


That's why this is so important. I know from studying French that I'd have a worse time of it if I had to translate it into French first.


Translating is kinda differs from the not tiny mistakes the OP talked about. You see, its not to hard to understand what someone is saying even if they make mistakes. If you can't handle someone making mistakes you seriously need to grow up.....


Your logic is poorly justified, as you've not explained why someone ought to 'grow up' for criticizing poor grammar/punctuation that should have been learnt at school.


Personally, I think it really depends on the severity and the type of mistakes, and if it hinders comprehension and interpretation. Your/you're homophones could be quite easily confused, so I think it's not too much of an issue if someone does confuse the two occasionally (if persistent, they ought to learn the definitions of each word)


Poor grammar can make it difficult for the text to be coherent. For example:


"Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"


If someone talks like that, would you be able to understand what they're saying?


English is your first language?


How about a 14 year old kid from germany? Or maybe a 16 year old from Spain? They simply never learned the correct grammar/punctuation... I'm dutch and I don't mind if a foreigner doesnt speak perfect dutch...

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This is by far the dumbest rant thread ive ever sean... Do you realise there are tons of rws players that dont speak perfect english....


That's why this is so important. I know from studying French that I'd have a worse time of it if I had to translate it into French first.


Translating is kinda differs from the not tiny mistakes the OP talked about. You see, its not to hard to understand what someone is saying even if they make mistakes. If you can't handle someone making mistakes you seriously need to grow up.....


Your logic is poorly justified, as you've not explained why someone ought to 'grow up' for criticizing poor grammar/punctuation that should have been learnt at school.


Personally, I think it really depends on the severity and the type of mistakes, and if it hinders comprehension and interpretation. Your/you're homophones could be quite easily confused, so I think it's not too much of an issue if someone does confuse the two occasionally (if persistent, they ought to learn the definitions of each word)


Poor grammar can make it difficult for the text to be coherent. For example:


"Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"


If someone talks like that, would you be able to understand what they're saying?


English is your first language?


How about a 14 year old kid from germany? Or maybe a 16 year old from Spain? They simply never learned the correct grammar/punctuation... I'm dutch and I don't mind if a foreigner doesnt speak perfect dutch...


I don't quite understand your point, please elaborate.

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I don't quite understand your point, please elaborate.


You: should have learned at school

Me: not everyone does learn english at school or simply didnt learn it yet so you can't blame them for having terrible grammar...

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I don't quite understand your point, please elaborate.


You: should have learned at school

Me: not everyone does learn english at school or simply didnt learn it yet so you can't blame them for having terrible grammar...


Thank you for specifying.


However, I disagree that not everyone learns English at school - If you're a British/American citizen (which most of the player base are), learning/having learnt English at a basic level is compulsory. It's also unlikely that those of age to talk ingame (13+) would be unable to type in a coherent manner (albeit it may be debatable whether they are rational or not).


On the flip side, it's understandable that foreign players may find English a difficult language to communicate with. Having said that, surely they would learn the difference between homophones like 'your/you're' and 'their/they're' after they are corrected?

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I don't quite understand your point, please elaborate.


You: should have learned at school

Me: not everyone does learn english at school or simply didnt learn it yet so you can't blame them for having terrible grammar...


Thank you for specifying.


However, I disagree that not everyone learns English at school - If you're a British/American citizen (which most of the player base are), learning/having learnt English at a basic level is compulsory. It's also unlikely that those of age to talk ingame (13+) would be unable to type in a coherent manner (albeit it may be debatable whether they are rational or not).


On the flip side, it's understandable that foreign players may find English a difficult language to communicate with. Having said that, surely they would learn the difference between homophones like 'your/you're' and 'their/they're' after they are corrected?


I agree, they should learn stuff like that... I'm afraid your overestimating the capabilities of most rs players. Even at college/university a lot of my classmates barely know dutch grammar/punctuation and that's their first language...

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