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The Mage Training Area shop


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the runes are overpriced of course..








u need to use more than 1 nat to buy 1..




yes but u get xp.




so lets say u buy 1000 nats, and alch em in that game (i havent checked it out yet so dont blame me for not knowing all the facts) you get points off it, AND xp, and with those points you can buy another 500 nats! and you get money off it too! sorry but, IMO, thats a really good deal

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the runes are overpriced of course..








u need to use more than 1 nat to buy 1..




yes but u get xp.




so lets say u buy 1000 nats, and alch em in that game (i havent checked it out yet so dont blame me for not knowing all the facts) you get points off it, AND xp, and with those points you can buy another 500 nats! and you get money off it too! sorry but, IMO, thats a really good deal








Or be so leet that you only alch when the green arrows is next to some item and get free alchs. of course that is not so fast but hey, it's free. me likey it.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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the runes are overpriced of course..








u need to use more than 1 nat to buy 1..




yes but u get xp.




so lets say u buy 1000 nats, and alch em in that game (i havent checked it out yet so dont blame me for not knowing all the facts) you get points off it, AND xp, and with those points you can buy another 500 nats! and you get money off it too! sorry but, IMO, thats a really good deal








Everything in that shop costs a certain amount of all four Pizazz Pints types. So in order to redeem your Alchemy points for more natures, you'd have to play the other games as well...








So you'd end up playing two games that use nature runes, one that uses laws, and another that uses cosmics. This certainly reduces the number of runes you could get back greatly.








Plus... The highest amount of coins you can get in the alchemy game per cast is 30. To get 1 alchemy point, you need to turn in 100 coins. So it would take 10 casts to get 3 alchemy points. Furthermore, if I recall correctly, it costs 4 alchemy points for a nature, plus amounts of the other points...








The points are better spent on the other prizes (robes, ect) anyways. So you're sadly better off just making your own. :\

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I think it is very unfair that Jagex makes you play all four games in order to get anything. All of the items take certain ammounts of all four types of pizazz points. In other words, they make you use your nats, your cosmics, AND your laws.








The Alcamists playground, in my opinion, is the best in terms of cost/magic experience. You get exp from the alchs themselves, and you also get bonus magic exp = 2x the money you deposit. And on top of that, occasionally a green arrow appears next to an item. During that period, that item dosen't take any runes to alch. I don't care if it only alchs for 1 gp, I always alch the green arrow item when it appears.

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I think its over pricey and i bet the robes aint that good like you kno those castle wars armour it takes forever to get em to and they arent that good either. All i can say is its an attempt for jagex to make us play longer.

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I think its over pricey and i bet the robes aint that good like you kno those castle wars armour it takes forever to get em to and they arent that good either. All i can say is its an attempt for jagex to make us play longer.








Of course they want us to play longer! They are a business after all...








The castle wars armour isn't very good, but it is an acheivment to get it! It is a symbol of how hard and long you worked to get it! The new mage stuff should be like that, but Jagex has made it tradable....

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The thing is, we're not really meant to be doing this training arena just to earn the rewards. We're supposed to do it for the xp, and then occasionally we get to be rewarded with an item. If you look at it that way, it makes more sense for it to take that long to earn stuff.








These items should stay tradable. Castle wars armors are just meant to show achievement, but all of these items are useful, and owning one still shows wealth and dedication. Making these untradable would be like making dragon chains untradable.


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well those robes looks like adds huge mage bonus, with master want and book it could be around +100 bonus. would u liek that just for free or what?








yes ruens are way overpriced, but u always can go to regular shops or just simply craft them. i don't see big deal of that.








there is about 90% sops in game that i never bought a single item from. still they exist, and noone complains :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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