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What's the dumbest thing you've done in game?


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Dumbest thing I've ever done: Paid 200k instead of 100k for a glory. Boy was I ever thankful when the guy was honest and gave me back the rest of my cash! I had always checked the confirmation screen before that...now I double-check it.








Dumbest thing I've ever witnessed: A guy high-alched his purple phat. Now aren't you people who've done things like high-alching whips glad it wasn't a phat? :P

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Well this was almost the dumbest thing ever...








I was buying 150k willows and a person on the forums was gunna sell me 28k of them. I run down to catherby to pick them up and hey! He happens to be a player mod, thats kind of neat. So he puts up the willows, I put up the cash, he accepts, I accept, he accepts on the second screen, I glance at the second screen, and whoops! I forgot a zero! I declined the trade and hey says "Omg you gave me a heart attack!" I apologized for my mistake and we laughed then I retraded and bought the willows. :)

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In rsc I was trading with my friend and, if anyone here recalls, the trade window was a see through white. Now, white phats happen to blend in exactly with this screen. And before rs2 you wore things in the same inventory as every other item. So, I managed to give out a white party hat in addition to the trade I just made. Needless to say, the reciever of this phat immediately logged and deleted me and kept the phat :(. Now I had bought this phat for 100k when they were 100k. I had to sell all my possessions to get a new one back. And I pretend it never happened and that my current white phat is the same one :P. /scarred for life.

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well scamed once. back in the days when cmb lvl was bellow 50, and totals was averaging aroudn 600, i made nice 200 mith bars, that was 200k, pretty much of my planed money. so i do to guy sell him bars, he offers 200k and lobster, didn't check 2nd screen cuz i was happy about free lob, ended up with 20k and a lob. was pissed but managed to get back :)








another story was earleir when i was seriuos noob, killing everyone. wel monsters. so in that time i managed to get soem nice amounts of rune (as for lvl 35), total about 3k. so the guy comes up to me and offers to buy all runes i had. so i offered him, best was like 200 chaos. he offered me 1k gp, and i was SOOOO happy back then, but not now :)








well recent one was during desert treasure, kamil guy. so i heard it's godo with fire spells, got 100 deaths fire staff and some other runes, 15 sharks, pray pots, restore pots too, hadd full mystic, glory and some ring :) so i go there and i need kill 5trolls to go thru, since your stats is decreasing fast i has to drink restore pots, and forgot about prayer. after 1 min ended up in lumby with all my stuff lost :) was pretty mad at myself :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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oh yeah, how about this








i lost 2 accounts, a computer because it was overloaded with viruses








and in classic, since its hard to get around when just hacked, i had a hard time gettin the things back, and when i got the ball rolling, bam, another strike of being hacked

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Oh another dumb thing that I have done:








When masks dropped, I bought 19 green masks for 100k each. I broke the back buying the most possible masks. Anyways, for anyone who didn't play back then, everyone was trying to have the next party hat and no one was really buying these awful things. So for a few months straight, green masks were stuck at 300keach. Now I figured that a 4m profit was good enough for all this waiting, so I sold my masks right before rs2 came out (because you never know what could happen!). But then I quit when rs2 came out. Soooooo, I come back a few months ago and realize I would have had millllllllions if I had just held onto those masks. At least I still had a blue one left.

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one reason they are worth so much is because of people doing that, and the few who get lucky/see into the future hoard them and push the prices up

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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the dumbest thing ive even done was when i was lvl 23, id just bought full mith and got a black kite (t) on a treasure trail and i was really happy.




i had like all my money in my inv (6k lol) and then this lvl 19 challenges me to a dm in lvl 34 wildy, i say yes.




i was fairy new to members at the time and half way through the fight e pulled out a super poisoned dagger, i realised when i was out of food and ran and ran but i didnt make it :( i was skulled also and lost all my stuff).




its nothing now but i remember how devestated i was at the time.


Got Xbox Live? Gimme a call - Gamertag = Razoid

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Man, reading all of these stories just puts a pain in my gut that wants me want to strangle the life out of those good for nothing scammers. Seriously, people like that should get a freakin' life :roll: I myself have never fallen for a trade switch scam, but reading all of these makes me feel like I have :oops:








And, from all of the whip alching stories; I'm never bringing fire + natures along with my whip again :shock:

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I was at barrows, and I put melee protect on instead of range for karil, and I died. I though the guy under me was dieing, so i was waiting for his stuff, but then I fell and I was like "*" "I'm an idiot" :cry:








I'm the opposite. When some guy under me is taking heavy damage, I always think it's me, which is why I almost always have my stats screen up to moniter my health.

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Let me start from the begining...My first scam was losing full guthixs after wc the whole summer for it, one of my friends asked to try it on.(that wasnt the last time i fell for that :shock: ) The next scam was when i had bought a whip for 7.4mill and traded it for brand new veracs with no flail i didnt know the prices back then it was so new...so i lost about 2.4mill. The next scam was when i was merchanting and he did that add items and take away money scam...on my greataxe. The last and worst of all, flame me for this one please, was when i let this girl from my clan who had a D CHAIN!! so i thought she wouldnt scam i let her use my d sqr and whip...adiiios to about 24mill in alll. I think i take the cake with stupidty kids :lol:

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As im reading this forum. I died fighting t-zhar and lost my verac helm, glory, and ring of wealth.








Died at barrows..








I've aslo died with robin and rangers killing banshees with no earmuffs..








omg, im done for today. That t-zhar ticked me off


I finally beat runescape.. YES I have quit.

~-I am athiest-~

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i acceptedachallenge stakin runelegs for a range only. with no shield. and i had no knives or c bow. effin noobz jackin my effin legs








i owe u 100k lol! a noob tried the same thing on me - 100k for my abby hip (he was 44 ranged and lvl 30 cb...) i had read ur post so i checked and yes he had blocked shield - so i get my iron darts out of the bank, fite the duel and own him - easiest 100k ever lol



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