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Hello America! Spotify is here.


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What is Spotify?


Think of Spotify as your new music collection. Your library. Only this time your collection is vast: over 15 million tracks and counting. Spotify comes in all shapes and size, available for your PC, Mac, home audio system and cell phone. Wherever you go, your music follows you. And because the music plays live, there's no need to wait for downloads and no big dent in your hard drive.







Sharing music made easy


Thanks to Spotify, it's now easier than ever to share music. You're free to share everything you listen to on Spotify with your friends - tracks, playlists, the lot. Connect Spotify to Facebook and you'll be sharing your favourites with friends in seconds. Just send them a link to a track or playlist and they can listen instantly. If you like, you can also collaborate on shared playlists. Social music made simple.


[shamelessly stolen from their website]



I've been using Spotify for close to three years now, and the premium service for the last two years. It really is one of, if not the best, music service out there. I really can't praise it enough.



You will need to be invited though, so leave your email adress and I'll shoot you an invitation.



Oh and here are some cool playlists/links:


http://sharemyplaylists.com/ for loads of playlists


http://www.bbcify.co.uk/ - playlists based on what the different BBC radio shows play


http://www.bbcify.co.uk/lastify/ - playlist based on your last.fm recommendations


http://spotibot.com/playlist/ - give it an artist and it makes a playlist based on it's related artists on last.fm


http://www.biblify.com/ - "biblify searches the web every night for the latest album reviews from the greatest sites (including The Guardian, NME, Pitchfork, Uncut, Drowned In Sound, The Fly and the BBC), works out the average score and provides links to the album on Spotify."


http://www.spotifyclassical.com/ - classical music on spotify


and two applications:


http://cheese.freshmeat.se/index.php - fills a playlist automatically with songs which are alike to the ones you listen. Requires to either have the website up or use a small desktop application.


http://www.equalify.me/ - an equalizer (still in beta).


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Oh how I knew you were going to be the first person the announce this here. :P


Still waiting on my invite. <_<


If I wasn't going out of town I would shoot my email right now but if I don't get my invite when I get back I definitely am.

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It's a shame US only got it AFTER they ruined it.

Free members can only listen to 10 hours a month and you can only play each track five times.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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It does depend on the person. but if you are like me and/or most of my friends 10 hours a month is just ridiculous, it's like two days at best.

Even if you are not a big music listener it's only ~19mins a day playtime if you wanna last all month (based off 31 day month) and with the average song being between 3 and 4 minutes you're looking at ~5 songs a day.


Operation Gold Sparkles :: Chompy Kills ::  Full Profound :: Champions :: Barbarian Notes :: Champions Tackle Box :: MA Rewards

Dragonkin Journals :: Ports Stories :: Elder Chronicles :: Boss Slayer :: Penance King :: Kal'gerion Titles :: Gold Statue

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It does depend on the person. but if you are like me and/or most of my friends 10 hours a month is just ridiculous, it's like two days at best.

Even if you are not a big music listener it's only ~19mins a day playtime if you wanna last all month (based off 31 day month) and with the average song being between 3 and 4 minutes you're looking at ~5 songs a day.


I think they're getting the old deal atm though: listen to how much you want and get the occasional ad in between songs. I'll never understand people whining at the current situation though. Spotify is a company, not some sort of charity. They need to make money, and at 5eur a month it's a really generous deal considering what you get in return. 5eur. It's literally one beer. And not even a good brand. So...


Invite sent to iamcoool11.


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I used to use Spotify by using some web proxies and stuff to make the website think I was from outside of the U.S., that stopped working though unfortunately. But it was definitely a great program while I used it.


I'll PM you my email if you could send me an invite. :thumbup:


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Spotify is terd with the 10 hours/5 plays of 1 song per month limit.


We7 is much better :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Those with a little bit of knowledge are more dangerous than those with none.

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Spotify is terd with the 10 hours/5 plays of 1 song per month limit.


According to Gizmodo, Spotify has unlimited streaming in the US.




UPDATE: Spotify has confirmed to us that free accounts have unlimited streaming, unlike European accounts which were recently capped at 10 hours per month.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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I used to use Spotify by using some web proxies and stuff to make the website think I was from outside of the U.S., that stopped working though unfortunately. But it was definitely a great program while I used it.


I'll PM you my email if you could send me an invite. :thumbup:


I guess you got an invitation from Will_H? Because it says you're already signed up!


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So apparently, you can get Spotify without an invite by following these steps.



You need to start with a UK account. To do that, you'll need to be in the UK—or, at least, appear to be. To do that, visit DaveProxy (or another free, UK-based proxy service) and go to spotify.com. (Note: if you're using DaveProxy, be prepared to contend with a lot of pop-up ads. Just close them as they come up. They're harmless.)


Sign up for an account on the UK site. You'll need a UK zip code, but just search for McDonald's in London and you'll find one without issue.


Once you have an account, sign out and go to spotify.com like you normally would in the US. You won't see a place to log in because that's hidden behind the signup page. Pretend you're signing up for a premium account and you'll see a message asking you already have an account and want to log in. You do, so click the associated link and log in.


Go back to spotify.com and you'll now see a black box up at the top of the site. It'll read "continue to spotify.com." Click on it.


You're in, but your account is still UK-based. You'll see your username displayed up on the top right. Click it and choose "Edit Profile."


In the "Country" menu, change "United Kingdom" to "United States" and set your zip code to whatever it actually is. Save your profile when you're done.


Download the Spotify app and log in.



Edit: it works, but you've got a 20 hour cap.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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So apparently, you can get Spotify without an invite by following these steps.



You need to start with a UK account. To do that, you'll need to be in the UK—or, at least, appear to be. To do that, visit DaveProxy (or another free, UK-based proxy service) and go to spotify.com. (Note: if you're using DaveProxy, be prepared to contend with a lot of pop-up ads. Just close them as they come up. They're harmless.)


Sign up for an account on the UK site. You'll need a UK zip code, but just search for McDonald's in London and you'll find one without issue.


Once you have an account, sign out and go to spotify.com like you normally would in the US. You won't see a place to log in because that's hidden behind the signup page. Pretend you're signing up for a premium account and you'll see a message asking you already have an account and want to log in. You do, so click the associated link and log in.


Go back to spotify.com and you'll now see a black box up at the top of the site. It'll read "continue to spotify.com." Click on it.


You're in, but your account is still UK-based. You'll see your username displayed up on the top right. Click it and choose "Edit Profile."


In the "Country" menu, change "United Kingdom" to "United States" and set your zip code to whatever it actually is. Save your profile when you're done.


Download the Spotify app and log in.



Edit: it works, but you've got a 20 hour cap.


Or, you could ask me for an invite. Seriously, I have too many of these. Go wild.


EDIT: I think I'm gonna advertise in my sig. Too many people missing out on the Spotify goodness when they don't have to.

~ W ~



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