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Think community is bad? See it compared.


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Its becuase you have to pay for it(50 dollars plus the monthly fee that is way higher than member's on rs), resulting in an older, more mature community. Unlike on runescape where little kids can play for free, and think its cool to be tough and mean.

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Tefa is even being generous.








lvl 15 is 10% of combat ratio...exp its nuts..








You can get to lvl 15 in about of 2 hours of runescape play...it takes you Years to get to lvl 90.








You can get 126 in runescape without paying a dime...in wow, im not sure but i bet u pay over $220 AD before you can get whatever the max lvl is..








Imo if you have a lot of time and money to spend on online games, play Wow..but if you don't and you can handle a few losers who have a terrible attitude(yeah i love the irony)...then play Wow








Lol, so in both cases play Wow?








I guess you got wrong at the second one :)

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can i jst say that people say the community on runescape is bad i personally find it nice i always find lots of people to talk to and stuff and sometimes a few lower lvls ask me quiestions and if i dont no the answer they dont call me names or owt thay jst say thanks any way and leave me alone, i am btw lvl 91 so i aint that high , but i ave seen alot of changes thru the times

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World of Warcraft community is just as bad as Runescape community, if not worse.




Have you ever red what they post on the official forums, not even counting the un-official ones.




People are just tottal and utter idiotss.




In WoW there was Guild Chat so everyone talked in there mostly, because general Ironforge or Ogrimmar chat's were unberable.




If you advertised a price that was abit higher, you will get flamed.




You started talking in General Chat you got flamed.




New players level 10's or so kept running around in Barrens screaming stuff like 'Denmark rules! Scandinavia Rules! Lick my balls!' over and over, and there was no way to stop them. You tell them to shut it and they just pretend they didnt hear you, or start messaging you and annoying you.




It didnt not improve at all level 60. Which was the level you spent all your time at, because getting max level in wow took 1-2 weeks if your a gamer. Which is NOTHING compared to Runescape. If you joined a guild which was not 60 ONLY you will have a very fun time. :roll:




Even in the Elitist guilds there were power hungry and attention seeking jerks.




World of Warcraft is horrible. If you haven't tried it before. DONT EVER BUY IT. 15$ per month and 30$ or so for the game box. Constant server downtmes, horrible support and a load of idiots.




Nothing new if your coming from Runescape. Even the graphics are childish cartoon.




Stick with Runescape, WoW is horrible.




Before you say anything, i have played wow for a year including betas and so. Had 3x60's and developed some into tier2 and tier1 equipment. Been in maybe 8 diffrent guilds on 2 diffrent servers. Their all the same.




Do not purchase wow!

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Actually im pretty sure you dont "literally (sp) play 24/7".




OH MY GOSH TAKE A JOKE :lol:. told you i didnt proofread. as i won't this time ! :lol: but when i did play i played A LOT. whenever i could. which was horrible for me and not healthy, but i didnt care.








yes im in a clan, and it has a great community. They are almost like my second family.








droolman that's very nice of you to TRY to help those annoying.....erm.....new peoples lol. but i agree, theres a frkin map why don't they check it out sometime -.-.








I think p2p does have a better community. because all the little kiddies who play that cant pay go to free. where as i think its fair i help my grandma out once a week (carrying boxes, cleaning,ect.) for her to pay the 5$.








whoever it was that said it :P - Ok im not bragging about my maturity. I just think im more mature than most people i know.








Did it a different way this time stating things i read and remembers :lol: 8)








bubba :wink:




p.s. YES i AM to lazy to proofread! :lol: 8) :wink:

I Frug I (35)


Always looking for friends.

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Recently there was a big fuss on several sites about WoW having spyware. It has an obligatory program called "The Warden" that is supposed to hunt down "cheaters". Rumours are that it collects information from all programs that are running on your computer, including email, IRC and msn.

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World of Warcraft community is just as bad as Runescape community, if not worse.




Have you ever red what they post on the official forums, not even counting the un-official ones.




People are just tottal and utter idiotss.




In WoW there was Guild Chat so everyone talked in there mostly, because general Ironforge or Ogrimmar chat's were unberable.




If you advertised a price that was abit higher, you will get flamed.




You started talking in General Chat you got flamed.




New players level 10's or so kept running around in Barrens screaming stuff like 'Denmark rules! Scandinavia Rules! Lick my balls!' over and over, and there was no way to stop them. You tell them to shut it and they just pretend they didnt hear you, or start messaging you and annoying you.




It didnt not improve at all level 60. Which was the level you spent all your time at, because getting max level in wow took 1-2 weeks if your a gamer. Which is NOTHING compared to Runescape. If you joined a guild which was not 60 ONLY you will have a very fun time. :roll:




Even in the Elitist guilds there were power hungry and attention seeking jerks.




World of Warcraft is horrible. If you haven't tried it before. DONT EVER BUY IT. 15$ per month and 30$ or so for the game box. Constant server downtmes, horrible support and a load of idiots.




Nothing new if your coming from Runescape. Even the graphics are childish cartoon.




Stick with Runescape, WoW is horrible.




Before you say anything, i have played wow for a year including betas and so. Had 3x60's and developed some into tier2 and tier1 equipment. Been in maybe 8 diffrent guilds on 2 diffrent servers. Their all the same.




Do not purchase wow!








Agreed 110%.

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there is an age limit for runescape but as you know everyone abuses it and dosent listen to it
















WOAH! :shock: I now love Jagex's legal department! The only problem with their form is that they have no way for Parents to input consent. I know if I was running a game site (which, if luck comes my way, I soon will be) that is targeted for 13+ years of age individuals then I'd have them either send in a Fax of their signature plus Social Security Number (or other legitimate form of verification) or a digital copy of signature and SSN or other ID.








Most people (including me) would not want to give out their Social Security numbers just so their kid could play a game. The only problem is preventing them from inputting a fake year of birth. I'm not sure how I could regulate that without scaring away target audience. (My idea would be to give a copy of birth certificate, but even I wouldn't want to do that to play the game).

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World of Warcraft community is just as bad as Runescape community, if not worse.




Have you ever red what they post on the official forums, not even counting the un-official ones.




People are just tottal and utter idiotss.




In WoW there was Guild Chat so everyone talked in there mostly, because general Ironforge or Ogrimmar chat's were unberable.




If you advertised a price that was abit higher, you will get flamed.




You started talking in General Chat you got flamed.




New players level 10's or so kept running around in Barrens screaming stuff like 'Denmark rules! Scandinavia Rules! Lick my balls!' over and over, and there was no way to stop them. You tell them to shut it and they just pretend they didnt hear you, or start messaging you and annoying you.




It didnt not improve at all level 60. Which was the level you spent all your time at, because getting max level in wow took 1-2 weeks if your a gamer. Which is NOTHING compared to Runescape. If you joined a guild which was not 60 ONLY you will have a very fun time. :roll:




Even in the Elitist guilds there were power hungry and attention seeking jerks.




World of Warcraft is horrible. If you haven't tried it before. DONT EVER BUY IT. 15$ per month and 30$ or so for the game box. Constant server downtmes, horrible support and a load of idiots.




Nothing new if your coming from Runescape. Even the graphics are childish cartoon.




Stick with Runescape, WoW is horrible.




Before you say anything, i have played wow for a year including betas and so. Had 3x60's and developed some into tier2 and tier1 equipment. Been in maybe 8 diffrent guilds on 2 diffrent servers. Their all the same.




Do not purchase wow!








maybe on your server it was like that but it isnt on mine or the other ones that ive players on..




1st - How can u lv to 60 in 1-2 weeks? unless u play 24/7 thats not possible as it takes everyone ive asked at 60 about 20 days of game time to get to 60




2nd - People are not jerks like in runescape maybe you're getting the 2 confused :wink:




3rd constant server downtime?! i dont think so.. u get maybe 5 hours max a month which you cant play in and then they normally refund you about 2 days for it.. :lol:




4th - How are the graphics childish and cartoony ?.. just no.. NO :?




5th - the people that play WoW arent idiots theyre normally abut hmm 10x smarter than the people playing runescape at least.. people dont walk around followng people calling them noobs for not giving them gold.








EDIT :It didnt not improve at all level 60 really says it all :wink: :lol:

"Open notepad and put the following code in"

" for that code, where do I paste it in? The URL bar or something?"

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The only part of WoW that I like is the fact that the official forums are actually functional. The Runescape site forums are a joke- no quote options, a word limit to posts, no editing posts... and almost no one takes the time to spell correctly and/or speak in complete sentences.








Other than that, I'm Runescape all the way, although I'm pretty much the only person in my school who isn't addicted to WoW.

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. OF COURSE there is still wonderful nice people in runescape but they are rare to find!




I feel special. Hooray!








No offense, but imo just about every other community on earth, excluding fps, is much nicer then rs, it's probably because of a few reasons...








1. It's easy to macro rs




2. You can make more then one account




3. Most people get bored of it at level 50




4. Everyone's a noob except me. Well, thats not true, im a noob too, but most people think that way.




5. No age restrictions








But, unfortunately, JaGeX 99% won't change any of these and most likely can't... like a viral disease, cause they just can't make people nice, despite all our efforts... :cry:










RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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I know what you mean, but there are some people that are nice in RS.








For example, one time stupidly I asked some rich lvl 120 to lemme see his party hat (lemme wear it), he accepted (It was red), and I tried it on, examined it, dropped it on the floor to c how it looks, and gave it back to him. Not because I was afraid to get banned, but because I didnt want a bad reputation of a NOOB.

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- Ok im not bragging about my maturity. I just think im more mature than most people i know.











Yes, you are bragging, and you must know 8 year olds. I believe that a person doesn't need to spout that they are mature, people should be able to decide for themselves if they think a person is being mature or not. Its actually quite easy to judge if a person is mature or not, all you need to do is have a look at the way they type out a response of some sort. People who are mature, will generally use some sort of sentance structure, make at least some kind of attempt to spell.








They will also try and follow some standard formatting, you know, NOT having..








lolz rly i waz goin' and goin' and den i wuz liek, ded but da joke wuz on im cuz i didno hac anyfing on mez! lolz lolzl olz lo !oneevelenty111 :P :o :D :shock: :lol: :oops: :P :x








But anyway, I went off topic.








WoW, while I haven't played it, I know many people who do, and I was interested in find out more about it, as I was interested in purchasing it.








And what I found, was WoW is EXACTLY like RuneScape community wise, you have your 'noobs', your 'eliteists', your 'casual', your 'hardcore' type of gamers. MMORPGS are just that, MASSIVE, as in you can get a MASSIVE amount of players, and logic dictates that if you have enough people, your going to get people who will fall into any catergory.








So you can't really judge an entire game on such a small sample space.









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WoW, while I haven't played it, I know many people who do, and I was interested in find out more about it, as I was interested in purchasing it.








And what I found, was WoW is EXACTLY like RuneScape community wise, you have your 'noobs', your 'eliteists', your 'casual', your 'hardcore' type of gamers. MMORPGS are just that, MASSIVE, as in you can get a MASSIVE amount of players, and logic dictates that if you have enough people, your going to get people who will fall into any catergory.








So you can't really judge an entire game on such a small sample space.
















In regards to that, I'm not sure if you're refering to human being archetypes or in-game archetypes. For example are you saying that there are people who are considered "n00bs" in the game because of low leveled stats or is it that they are "n00bs" because they are not decent players in regards to acting intelligently and flowing with the game?








For the latter World of Warcraft is a step up above our Free community. A person who can read and get access to the internet can go onto Runescape and then play the game and act in any insane manner he wishes (Psychology Time below).








Because of Kohlberg's theories of Moral development where the first stage, referring to younger children, is all about punishment, the child is withdrawn from all chance of real punishment. Even if he gets his account banned, he can make hundreds of other accounts to escape punishment as well. When they reach the second stage of moral development then it becomes worse, the second stage being Selfishness. They simply think of themselves and their actions are dictated by what they can achieve for themselves.








I'm not saying that all children are like this and neither am I saying that all adults are not this. Moral development can be advanced in children and adults (primarily reaching the 4th or 5th level of development) can still have their motives based on lower levels (including 1 & 2). But you have a better chance of finding MORALLY DEVELOPED people in games that are harder to subscribe/gain access too.








Sorry for the rambling on and on. Psychology Final coming up in a couple days, just practicing.

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if you like wow so much go stfu and get off runescape forums? I f-ing hate people like you "amagad w0w ownz r00nsc4pe plz!!11!1!" Leave now, k?








P.S. I am the unfriendly community and I could care less what YOU think about me :lol:

Mocrank'd TBH

Proud member of TF

93/99 Range 95/99 Mage

106 CB atm m88888

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. OF COURSE there is still wonderful nice people in runescape but they are rare to find!




I feel special. Hooray!








No offense, but imo just about every other community on earth, excluding fps, is much nicer then rs, it's probably because of a few reasons...








1. It's easy to macro rs




2. You can make more then one account




3. Most people get bored of it at level 50




4. Everyone's a noob except me. Well, thats not true, im a noob too, but most people think that way.




5. No age restrictions








But, unfortunately, JaGeX 99% won't change any of these and most likely can't... like a viral disease, cause they just can't make people nice, despite all our efforts... :cry:
















Easy to macro RS? My friend told me they ALLOW macros on W0W :roll: IMO I have heard so much shit about WOW and I'm sick and tired of it, if anyone posts anything on this forum again, that I see, that supports or in anyway is positive towards WOW, you will recieve uber flem from yours truly :evil:

Mocrank'd TBH

Proud member of TF

93/99 Range 95/99 Mage

106 CB atm m88888

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Easy to macro RS? My friend told me they ALLOW macros on W0W :roll: IMO I have heard so much shit about WOW and I'm sick and tired of it, if anyone posts anything on this forum again, that I see, that supports or in anyway is positive towards WOW, you will recieve uber flem from yours truly :evil:








Calm down there! To clarify, you can set up Macro's of the normal commands like /run or /help or to cast spells and then do an action all with a click of a button. The "Macros" that most people think of in Runescape are external programs that are made by users. Neither Jagex or Blizzard allow those kind of programs which is why WoW has "The Warden" which acts like spyware and sees if you are running any of the illegal macros.








But once again, calm down. Just because people disagree with you on the internet does not mean you have to get riled up about it.

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World of Warcraft community is just as bad as Runescape community, if not worse.




Have you ever red what they post on the official forums, not even counting the un-official ones.




People are just tottal and utter idiotss.




In WoW there was Guild Chat so everyone talked in there mostly, because general Ironforge or Ogrimmar chat's were unberable.




If you advertised a price that was abit higher, you will get flamed.




You started talking in General Chat you got flamed.




New players level 10's or so kept running around in Barrens screaming stuff like 'Denmark rules! Scandinavia Rules! Lick my balls!' over and over, and there was no way to stop them. You tell them to shut it and they just pretend they didnt hear you, or start messaging you and annoying you.




It didnt not improve at all level 60. Which was the level you spent all your time at, because getting max level in wow took 1-2 weeks if your a gamer. Which is NOTHING compared to Runescape. If you joined a guild which was not 60 ONLY you will have a very fun time. :roll:




Even in the Elitist guilds there were power hungry and attention seeking jerks.




World of Warcraft is horrible. If you haven't tried it before. DONT EVER BUY IT. 15$ per month and 30$ or so for the game box. Constant server downtmes, horrible support and a load of idiots.




Nothing new if your coming from Runescape. Even the graphics are childish cartoon.




Stick with Runescape, WoW is horrible.




Before you say anything, i have played wow for a year including betas and so. Had 3x60's and developed some into tier2 and tier1 equipment. Been in maybe 8 diffrent guilds on 2 diffrent servers. Their all the same.




Do not purchase wow!








YES! finnaly somebody who agrees with me.








At any rate, I myself am 14 and I have found that I am a lot more mature than the better part or the runescape population. However, I don't feel I should have to help out any low lvl that asks for it at any giving time of day. I personaly never had to ask for help, money or free stuff from other players, and I have gotten along quite well, why should they? However, from time to time I will help those people who are POLITE, I will gladly help anybody who is polite to me, is this not logical?








And lastly, why does everybody always think that every low level is a n00b. For those who don't know, a 'n00b' is sombody who intentionaly annoys people and is an idiot, not a low level player who is new to the game.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Sigh, this is what i hate. I state an opinion of my own and everyone comes up with reasons to not play WoW sheesh -.-. Im done talking about maturity in this topic also lol. Btw pm in game, i need new friends, IM BACK HURRAH !!!








bubba :twisted:

I Frug I (35)


Always looking for friends.

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Sigh, this is what i hate. I state an opinion of my own and everyone comes up with reasons to not play WoW sheesh -.-. Im done talking about maturity in this topic also lol. Btw pm in game, i need new friends, IM BACK HURRAH !!!








bubba :twisted:








new friends? you had friends to begin with? A likely story :roll:

Mocrank'd TBH

Proud member of TF

93/99 Range 95/99 Mage

106 CB atm m88888

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Tefa is even being generous.








lvl 15 is 10% of combat ratio...exp its nuts..








You can get to lvl 15 in about of 2 hours of runescape play...it takes you Years to get to lvl 90.








You can get 126 in runescape without paying a dime...in wow, im not sure but i bet u pay over $220 AD before you can get whatever the max lvl is..








Imo if you have a lot of time and money to spend on online games, play Wow..but if you don't and you can handle a few losers who have a terrible attitude(yeah i love the irony)...then play RS








The max lvl for WoW is only 60, and I have a friend that took 3 mounths to reach that lvl, and BTW, I've been playing a little under a year and I'm 92 CB (As of 25 min ago) but I took a 3 mounth break, and on top of that, just got back to training my CB lvl.[/u]

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I have, and pay for WoW, and RuneScape. I may be the only person who thinks this, but... RuneScape is better than WoW in my opinion. There is nothing to do in WoW, just fighting really. Dueling, battlegrounds, monsters... it's all the same. In the battlegrounds and dueling, paladins and rogues own anyone else, period. In battlegrounds, it's basically capture the flag, but you can use your weapons unlike Castle Wars. However, battlegrounds is kinda bias, either the Alliance wins it flat out (3-0), or the Horde wins it flat out (again, 3-0), there is no inbetween, there is no "close" game, it's all just which team has the most high levels. As well, you can only use 2 skills at a time, like mining and blacksmithing, or engineering and tailoring, it's horrible.








Sure, the people are great and all, but the fact still remains that it's boring. You need about 20k xp to get from level 19 to 20 (very rough estimate, I played a long while ago) and each monster you kill gives you about 70xp, at the most if you're lucky. Some monsters even give you 6xp. That takes forever to get a level, and it's just so repedative, even worse than RS. No one talks there really, and the prices on enchanting are outrageous. Money is, however, VERY easy to get, no merchanting required. Just mine 20 copper (requires level 1 mining and a pickaxe), and sell it at the auction house for 1g (that's a good amount of money by the way). It is SO easy to get money and good items in that game, it's rediculous, almost as bad as RuneScape I might add. They don't have many (if any) autoers though, so that's good. Oh, and they don't have 12 year olds running around... god I wish membership were increased to $15 a month...




Not enough to do, hah...that seriously is, a laugh. :lol:

you should never attempt to insert a floppy disk in a 56X CD-ROM drive, as floppy disk shrapnel hurts
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