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omg111111111111!!!11111111111!11!!!1!1 Nice Jagex,i saw 10 lvl 3 players all named mikemge1 mikemge2 etc picking flax,hope they been banned.

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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i think it was a very good thing that needed to be done.








for ppl who say jagex is cutting their profits, just look at this thread. 99% of the runescape population is happier for the mass bans, and happier customers are paying customers








for ppl that doubt its easy for jagex to detect autoers, obviously some are easy, like repetitive clicking in the same exact points over and over. a hidden update could be installed that checks mouse click coordinates and looks for repeating patterns. the more sophisticated macros that can detect color and so on are usually easily spotted by mods or players who can report them.








very imoprtantly i think in general people will be more paranoid about trying to use macros. if they did ad got away with it, or was thinking about trying one, they will surely think twice, or at least take measures to cover their tracks better. most non-technical players will definitely not be using macros in the future. especially with the rumors that its the very macro they were using that betrayed them








another plus is that people will now be more keen to reporting, since they have evidence that jagex actually does something about the autoers. it will surely make discourage a lot of ppl from autoing because the consequences are very real

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The problem is that they got the autoers mad now, they should keep this up.One big mass ban isn't going to stop them.Repeated bans will(eventually, i hope)




I've seen autoers running around proclaiming they will be back...not that i'm scared or anythin, i just like the way things are going now (cutting yews without of lvl 3's stealing my rightfully earned logs)




I'm still very happy they did this, but they have to keep up the pressure if they truly want to stop the problem.








-Richpoepaap (always wanted to do that :lol: )

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Ignorance is bliss in the case of you guys. They probably added up all the people they've banned since last year, banned a few more for good measure, and made a news item saying that 15k cheating scum have been banned.








So it's you that have been, as you hand-fed masses put it, PWNED!

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I'd love it if they did mass ban's more often, or better yet ban them as they catch em, and not all at once. It would send a powerful message to all the autoers. :lol:

- Living in the Fishing Guild on server 116 -


84 / 99 Cooking

75 / 99 Fishing

89 / 100 Combat

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Had to see it coming..it was well needed...at any point in time there are at least 10 autoers or so in almost all essence mines....its the only place i've been lately so if you hear me talk about ..what...




these players really are a burden pn the true community of games




thanks to those who brought this to their attention, I know I myself sent a few reports as well as messages.





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Ignorance is bliss in the case of you guys. They probably added up all the people they've banned since last year, banned a few more for good measure, and made a news item saying that 15k cheating scum have been banned.








So it's you that have been, as you hand-fed masses put it, PWNED!




In this recent ban my brother in law lost 5 accounts, a leader of corruption, a leader of scum, 3 members of damage inc, at least 20 members of scum and a lot more were banned, so why post when you have no [bleep]ing idea what your talking about.

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a leader of scum, at least 20 members of scum








For some reason that made me laugh. A clan has managed to find out a perfect name :P



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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about time!! game will be much better now. :lol:








I can't wait till they all return and burst your bubble...
















Bans don't work all that well people.








Theyre already back :x . Ive just been rune ess mining and saw a couple of lvl 3 'default man' macroers there. It seems that theyre indestructable.

RSN: Ste_Boz

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They did a great job but they should of permanently ip banned those autoers.








Firstly, I can change my IP in a few seconds multiple times. Secondarly, any auters using a modem will cause other players to (by chance) get the same IP and it would cause a whole host of problems which Jagex would have to deal with, it would be a waste of time.

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its ok to report SUSPECTED AUTOERS








you wont get in trouble for reporting for autoing


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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