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Josh and Steph's f2p diy Blog

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Banner was created with help from Soa, Thanks again!



Welcome to our Duo Blog! We recently made two diy accounts, and decided to stay purely f2p. For the few that don't know what 'diy' means, we will not trade etc.

We're mostly doing this solely for fun rather than any serious goals and would love to share our experiences with everyone else here. If anyone has questions or tips, feel free to post :D


Our DIY Rules:

  • No use of Grand Exchange for trading.
  • No trading between other players (But we will trade between us)
  • No picking up items dropped by other players, natural spawns are Ok.
  • Use of in-store shops is allowed.



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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Hey guys, my name is Josh (or Link, if you prefer), and this is my first full attempt at a DIY account.


If any of you know me, it's through my main Link Olaran - I had other accounts in the past, but none of them were really used at the time/after I joined TIF (I had originally started playing sometime in 2001, but only joined TIF a few years ago). I had originally tried a bit of DIY on there (sold off everything, kept only things like void, and went DIY from there) and had quite a bit of fun, but I knew it wasn't a 'true' DIY account.


But this one will be completely DIY. Start to finish :) should be interesting, to say the least.


Goal wise, I'm not one for creating massive, long term goals (besides what Steph asks, anyway >.>) since I tend to get bored of them, but I likely will be posting as regular as possible updates on how I'm doing on here. I am still actively playing on Link, plus I'm hopefully getting Skyrim soon, so I may not be updating a huge amount. But I will be trying :P


Here's to hoping for a lack of half-assed, half completed goals on my part, eh? :P


Anyway, enough talk. Here is a picture of my current skills tab (and yes, Steph is ahead of me again, I need to remedy that):



(Skills as of Nov 13th, 2011)


Up to date Total Level: 312

(Or as close to up to date as my lazy arse can remember)



Not a whole lot to look at now, but hopefully I'll be making a lot of improvements soon. And now for the bank:



(Bank as of Nov 13th, 2011)




I'm just as bad of a pack rat as Steph is, trust me. We'll probably be tearing our hair out over the lack of space, moreso for me since I'm used to p2p bankspace on Link >.>



Here is where I'll store all of my levelup screenies in hide tags inside of that skill's hide tag, all of which in the main hide tag (lots of tags, has to be organized) for those who may or may not want to see them all in one place. I don't really know, this seems to be in a lot of blogs, so, why not?


[spoiler=Skills][spoiler=Fishing][spoiler=40 Fishing]joshuadiy40fishing.png






Well, that's all for now. If I do end up getting Skyrim soon, I'll put a message at the top of this post as a notification so you all know I won't be updating as fast. Hopefully Steph won't get too far ahead of me if that happens, though :P


Any advice or criticism is welcome - we're still both getting used to f2p again, I personally have forgotten quite a bit (seeing as my f2p experience ended several years ago, there's a lot of changes from my perspective).

Edited by LinkOlaran
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My names Steph(anie), although alot of people in 'Scape know me as Tranquil or Tranquil Sky. I've played Rs since October '01 on multiple accounts. Hopefully this will be my last account I make =p


Bank as of 11/12/11:



The small bank size is going to be one of my biggest challenges, who doesn't love collecting junk!


Stats as of 11/12/11



Not the best, about One-Week's worth of diy goodness. Hoping to get 60+ All at some point.


Criticism and advice is always welcome!



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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You know it would be a lot faster if you just bought stuff from the grand exchange why don't you just do that? Or trade from your other accounts.


Inefficient ffs.

Slayer; it's just what I do.
Thanks Hugger 88 for the awesome siggy!

Click show if you want to see achievements.

Achievments: Maxed/Comp'd 7th of August 2012. 120 Dungeoneering sometime early december 2011. 99 Slayer achieved October 22nd, 2010. 99 Prayer achieved September 99 18th 2010. Summoning achieved September 14th 2010. 99 Defence achieved May 8th 2010. 99 Constituton achieved April 24th 2010. 99 Attack achieved on January 29th 2010 at 8:00 PM. Questpoint Cape on August 30th 2009.99 Strength (11:47 P.M. August 17 2009).

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Gimme Skyrim Josh.



Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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Tisk Tisk. DIY is so inefficient. How can you have fun if you don't make the most of every game tick?!


Seriously though. Good luck to you guys and have fun! I've been thinking about diving into a DIY account myself.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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I'm anything but an artist :(

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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Quick update for now (may or may not have another screenie later):






Missed the level 39 shot due to a misclick, but still, I'm getting there. One skill at 40, at least. Kept fishing a bit after this (at 42 now), but holding onto those level shots until I hit 45.


The big problem with me blogging is the fact it requires (to me anyway) a lot of screenshots - and as Sman keeps teasing me for, I'm on dialup, which sucks for that pretty bad. Hence why I probably won't have too many screenshots, and the ones I do have will have more packed into them with editing and whatnot.


Still, big levels will get their own screenshot and such, and others that I deem appropriate.


Off to cook these fish now (and the raw sardine/herring I had banked from yesterday). Later, guys.



EDIT: Just a quick update since no one else posted and I shouldn't double post:




Was originally cut/pasting each separate levelup screen together into one big one, but I managed to lose the level 45 one (although I managed to edit one together just fine), but the final image was 1.3mb, so... uploaded this one instead. Looks better, and it's only 300kb.


Dialup sucks.

Edited by LinkOlaran
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It's you blog double post if you want :P But nice, and it's not teasing it's just stating the obvious <3:

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
351 Quest Points|99 Strength|99 Attack|99 Constitution|99 Defence|99 Magic|138 Combat|99 Summoning|99 Slayer|99 Ranged|99 Firemaking|99 Dungeoneering|99 Cooking|99 Prayer|99 Runecrafting|99 Smithing|99 Fletching|99 Construction|99 Farming|99 Fishing|99 Herblore|99 Crafting|99 Agility
True friends are never separated by distance, for they are forever linked by their hearts.

Join the HYT CLAN![qfc]90-91-310-65710712[/qfc]

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Good luck with DIY you guys. I've been thinking of doing one myself but have been too lazy. :P


You should register an e-mail to your accounts, it will give you another 10 bank spaces. It's not much, but in F2P every space counts. ;-)


I'd love to hear about how you're training your skills, and if you have a larger plan for which skills to train first.



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Good luck with DIY you guys. I've been thinking of doing one myself but have been too lazy. :P


You should register an e-mail to your accounts, it will give you another 10 bank spaces. It's not much, but in F2P every space counts. ;-)


I'd love to hear about how you're training your skills, and if you have a larger plan for which skills to train first.


Ooh, I thought creating an account with an e-mail automatically registered it... I'll have to do that!

I can't speak fully for Josh but I plan on doing combats on hill giants for natures/laws/body talismans, and doing alot of silver mining/crafting. Iron superheating will be an option once I get more natures... but there aren't many droppers lower than Hills to my experience.


Currently loving Runecraft though, still trying to decide wher FoG and GoP fall under DIY rules though =p



[2:21:46 PM] Baldvin | Leik: these comp reqs are so bad

[2:22:36 PM] Arceus Dark: Time to get...req'd?

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Currently loving Runecraft though, still trying to decide wher FoG and GoP fall under DIY rules though =p



It's really up to you tbh. The *only* way to get those items is to play those minigames. So you're not taking the "easy way", or relying on someone else. So you could just not do 50/50 GoP, and play FoG normally. It's not like Dungoneering where you have the option to play alone or with a team. So that seems reasonable to me ;)


And anyways, it's ultimately up to you how you DIY. The basic rules are that you can't use the GE or trade with players or else it wouldn't be DIY. But there are also people who have modified rules such as only being able to trade with a partner who is also DIY'ing, or not allowing yourself to buy from NPC shops(Meaning you gotta' kill stuff for your first rune set >.> ).

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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