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boy friend? girl friend? marriage? guh?


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Then I walked away and said "goodbye forever".








See that's one of the things that I normally dont do, I often play with the begger when he/she starts asking those questions.








Have you got some funny transcripts? :D

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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freaking losers with no life again..








one time some girl character(had to have been a scammer, probably a guy) asked to be my g/f ingame in return for money.








when i declined, saying that i have a g/f in real life and that having one in a game was pathetic, she proceeded to call me gai (i hate that the most, that people go way out of thier way to bypass the censor instead of making up new and original insults) :roll: and following me around.








i then proceeded to "ignore user" and switched worlds




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Many dumb/desperate people do this, and its kinda annoying. But, if they want to blow their hard earned coins on some wedding, give them my name! lol. With 37/35 prayer, 48 crafting, and 59 cooking, i did help a "couple" out though. By quickly grabbing some monk robes, I performed a ceremony, and then handed them a defense ammy and a steel kite (from a dead moss giant) plus some swordfish and put them on their way. Now, on the RS forums, many priestly players do cash in on these "suckers" by charging for wedding ceremonies, with cakes, prayer book marriages, high prayer, and location all being used to their advantage for making money. And as for a quest, there kinda is one. In "Throne of Miscilannea" or watever its called, the player has to "marry" into the royal family by marrying the prince or princess (depending on your character's gender) so you can take the king's place as ruler of the island. So, by mixing that, prayer books, and hormones (lol), you get crazed players wanting to marry another data code (more or less)

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People get internet BF/GF's online because they can't get any in real life because either they are way too ugly or have no confidence in themselves to go up to a girl/boy and ask them out.








I have had at least 30 girls around my combat level (I'm 120) in my whole Runescape carrear asking me to go out with them and/or marry them and I declined them all and laughed at them because I know they are after my money and also they gotta be pretty desperate to ask a guy out online.









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Guest AshKaYu

When it's on RuneScape, it's weird, but on forums, it's different. I know three internet couples(On a teenager forum) who met each other IRL and brought some pictures. They had a blast, apparently, because really, you could not have picked two peopple better for each other.








(Smavey, btw, that's your triple post)

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arg... i just got this stupid posting error again :(












It's being taken care of.








Thread cleaned now.








I am married in real life so personally I don't see much point in bf/gf/marriages. My wife plays too and is rather tired of being hassled.

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IMO people who wanna get married or get a gf/bf in a GAME should get a life. Don't get me wrong, but there is something seriously sick with that entire concept...people seem to forget that it's just a game.

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I saw one guy in Varrock Square saying something like "Performing Weddings" and he was in full priest robes. I thought it meant either:








1. He would marry two people together,




2. He would sing and dance at your wedding.








Anyway, he did a good job of doing the ceremony. Every so often he would wave his arms in the air and say "ahhhhhh". Didn't know what that meant. The people getting married wanted me to leave, but I got to stay as a "witness" :wink: Afterwards there was a reception in the Blue Moon Inn, which I stayed for. Overall, very weird, but fun.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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arg... i just got this stupid posting error again :(












It's being taken care of.








Thread cleaned now.








I am married in real life so personally I don't see much point in bf/gf/marriages. My wife plays too and is rather tired of being hassled.








My husband and I play as well............and we both find it kinda creepy when kids follow us around asking for cex..........and im sure its young kids, isnt there a minimum age limit, seems they get younger and more annoying everyday :?




I have many young ones on my ignor, i hope theres not a limit lol








Good to see some more adults wasting time , I recently turned about 20 of my old friends on to runescape, and so far 5 have joined members !!!








GO OLD FOLKS!!!! woo hoooooooooo




Aint no stoppin us now 8)

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im a girl in real life and on rs too. when guys ask me to be their g.f they seem like cretins.








But if they offer u a load of stuff then who cud resist.








Diamonds are a girls best friend








(there seems to be an echo) :?:








It's gone now ;) ~jaklumen

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Cyperspace, cyperculture, or whatever you call it. Runescape is itself a community just like in real life - you meet and talk, you share your problems and even love (err?) or a love that turns out to be horrible scam (hey, it happens in real life too yah know)...The only difference is that you're there mentally but not physically.












But in the end, people are just having some fun in a err imaginative way...XD :roll:








PS: I am talking gibberish but you'll get what I mean in a couple of 1000s of years. lol




i know exactly what you mean, its you're person walking around, ur feeling and so on.


Thanks to Jopie for this great signature.

99 Slayer|Fishing|Summoning|Hitpoints|Attack|Strength|Defence|Fletching.

Anyone at Manchester University PM me

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yeh this really annoy's me! I cant belive people actually have relationships! I mean one time me n my m8s went pk-ing in wildy and we saw these two noobs talkin about penetrating armour. And im not TRYING to make this sound dodgy, they actually meant *penetrating each other* sick! that just takes it one step too far!


99 Slayer, I don't have it yet. But it'll come.

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im a girl in real life and on rs too. when guys ask me to be their g.f they seem like cretins.








But if they offer u a load of stuff then who cud resist.








Diamonds are a girls best friend











I don't know that I agree about being bribed into being someone's girlfriend like that (even if it is just in a game). But I'm definitely not interested in having a boyfriend online...


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The majority are dumb 12 year old boys using a girl charecter to scam a gulible male charecter. Or just very lonely people looking to have a relationship on a game :P




Sorry for the viewpoint, but I really hate seeing all these scammer boys.




I resent that as me bieng a dumb 12 year old guy... :D












See I can't even spell being right. Stop making fun of me.

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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That happens to me all the time...boys just keep following me and go 'Nice Dress, wanna be my gf?' just because I have a princess outfit. Weird :S

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The best bargains you will ever find.

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I will recant a bit of what I've said... my wife said she had been talking about doing an RS marriage for our fun and amusement-- in other words have a little fun with the fact that we are married and we do both play the game.








I guess I don't have a problem with it if there's actually a real life component, but if it's virtual reality then I'm not so keen on the idea.

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