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go back to 2007

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I think that's when the ge came out right? Anyway. Knowing what you know now then, would you want the grand exchange, or not? Personally, I miss selling things to people, even though it was an absolute pain sometimes. I also miss bartering. It was nice when you and the buyer/seller made a deal.

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GE is one of the extremely few great updates to come from jagex since 2005. It's awesome and i can't believe i used to play the game without it.


If you want to have old fashioned haggling go to world 2. If you want to rip suckers off and make profit, you can still do it, it's just much easier and more impersonal. (Put low offer in GE. ???. Profit.)


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I've tried world 2, and have found exactly what you said. It is so impersonal. I guess I just miss the feeling I had that runescape was personal. Now it seems so much more business like and "efficient"

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GE is great, life was a pain without it. Bartering was fun I guess, you eventually developed little techniques to get people to sell/buy at your price. But just the fun of barter did not make up for the annoyance and slowness.

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GE is great, life was a pain without it. Bartering was fun I guess, you eventually developed little techniques to get people to sell/buy at your price. But just the fun of barter did not make up for the annoyance and slowness.

I think the fun of bartering did :P, I would support a removal of the ge to bring back fally w2.

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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If it weren't for the GE, I'd seriously consider having the pre-2007 world back. Still, with all the little updates that fixed faulty parts of the game, I'm leaning towards a no. If only the game could capture the spirit of the pre-2007 times while still remaining like it is now.

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There was nothing worse than having to find 1 plank in 2005 when I was doing dragon slayer! I had to go into deep wilderness, all for one plank!

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My response isn't directly on topic, since it's about the ge and I'm mostly diy, but I do get nostalgic about the pre-ge days. One thing I'm not entirely sure I like is the way Jagex holds players hands now. There used to be randomly placed signs to warn you that you were entering the wilderness. Now there's a wall to climb and a big ass warning screen that pops up. Funny thing, though, is people still manage to get lured.


So to answer the question, I guess over all no, but I like to reminisce sometimes.



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