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better late than never, or a day late and a dollar short

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I've been a user of Tip it since I started playing Runescape I think. Which was back in the year 2000 or 2001, can't remember which, those two years were confusing because special events usually help stick things in my memory, like prominent new year's celebrations. Now for the new year's eve that was turning the year 2000, there were huge celebrations everywhere for the 'new millenium', but the next new year's eve people argued that was actually the start of the new millenium with the new century actually beginning with the year 2001, so there were big celebrations and commemorative merchandise for that one too. Anyway, if Tip it existed back then, then that's when I started using it, otherwise it was when I played again in 2004 and 5. I think I finally registered when I was entering information for a quest guide or something like that. Fairly recent, or was it?!! Spooky if not.

So I've been playing Runescape since back then. I remember the big thing was fighting the Moss Giants under Varrock, it was always hard to get a spot and after someone said 'you're too weak', I was driven to get my combat up. And I did. But these days that is not high compared to the I don't know how they got that high so quickly generation. It was a thrill to get a muddy key from the Moss Giants fights and dare the dash to the lava area in the Wilderness to open the chest next to the devils and get pineapple pizzas and rubies. You'd struck it rich. The next chunk of playing I did was when energy just came in and you had to carry a sleeping bag around with you or find a bed. Did it have night and day? Not sure. And! the fad of wearing gnome fashion! pastel coloured robes, bottoms and hats. I still have my pink one's.

I have a 10 year cape, which people ask me what it is a lot, and then they still call me a noob because my stats aren't 99. Or they say I'm lying. Oh well. Why would you want to know everything and have done everything in the game already anyway, how boring.

I'm not in any clan. I pretty much keep to myself in the game and do my own thing. and get accused of being a bot because of it. But I'd be 99 if I were. frustrating.


I have an ability to go on and on. And it is a talent, not good for relationships but excellent when writing to politicians and stuff like that. I once organised and did a petition to the West Australian Minister of Education to ask for a course in music business for our TAFE colleges, which in America I believe the equivalent are 'community college'. It was successful, from my going on and on about it, and now one of our TAFE's have a full diploma course in music business, which in years to come will affect a change in the entire Perth music scene, having specifically trained people to run it. My talent also got me the only official legal permission from EA Games to use a video made with their Sims 2 game, with an original music video on youtube. There are thousands of Sims 2 videos on youtube, but because there is a fat, slim, buckleys and none chance of my music video someday becoming popular and therefore earning me performance royalties, legal permission is needed to use that video, and so, after almost a year of calling their HQ nearly every day and resending the CD, I finally got that in a physical document and was required to state that in the credits of my video. It's called Silver Wings, by Orange Baskets.

So yeah I got a bit involved in music, I was mainly just a big groupie to start with, but not the stereotype. I loved a live band, The Screaming Jets so much that it influenced which town I decided to move to when I got my 23/4 year old itchy feet syndrome. To Newcastle. It's north of Sydney on the coast. And everyone there sounds like Kath and Kim. And now I'm told I do. When I got there, the pilot course just happened to be starting at their TAFE for music industry business skills, an article about Silverchair was in the paper of how they were doing that course, while they were still in high school - they lived in Newcastle. Being a single mum at that time entitled me to do any course at TAFE for free and gave me priority in their selection. So even though I had no prior experience in music and didn't play anything, I was accepted into it. My involvement in it all went on from there.

Now that I'm much older though, I don't get involved in it as much. My daughter is a grown up herself now and I am retraining to be in office administration through a course I do at home. My hours have even changed. I rise very early and have trouble staying up late. I mostly just go to dinner with my b/f and stuff like that. Once a year however I do go to the songwriter's Christmas party thrown by APRA, their affiliate in America is ASCAP. They're basically the organisation that collects and distributes music license fees and royalties. There's a few kind of famous people that also go to that party each year, it's fun. With my daughter independent, I've gone full circle and live with MY mum. We're about to move into a brand new house we had built, which has a second master bedroom for me, and she has the other one. I hear more and more how common this is now, in Australia anyway, and I've read a recent article on the CBS site that it's becoming more common in America too. I don't think it will happen with the next generation, do you? because I think me and my mum's generation are doing it out of a common bond of NOT GETTING the new young generation. From different planets I think.

.. I also go to the gym and enjoy TV nights in. My favourites with my household are Once Upon a Time, Downton Abbey, SVU, Being Human, Supernatural, and on video because we don't have cable: Mad Men, Hell on Wheels, The Walking Dead, Call the Midwife, Boardwalk Empire, and Copper.

One thing I've learned for certain about myself is that people don't tend to forget me. I try to be mellow and inconspicuous but it never works. Even online when nobody can see me behind my computer, how does that happen? It's weird.


Thanks for reading my novel.

Bobbie King xxx.

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Welcome to the Tip.It (aka: Rune Tips) Community, @BobbieK. Please enjoy your stay, watch out for the lunatics, and come play in the Forum Games! Yes, of course, don't forget to check the rest of things out... LOL! :lol:


Which reminds me... You might want to learn how to do "tl;dr" (means "too long; didn't read") summaries. Your wall-of-text, even though I read it, creeped me out... and there are those unfortunates who won't stop to read all of it. :anxious:


~Mr. D. V. "BTW, my siggy's out of date..." Devnull

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tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I told you I can go on and on.


and unfortunately for the cyber world, I can type as fast as I think to talk it, and so I do because I can.


I do put it into somewhat productive avenues sometimes, like songwriting, but my composer has gone a bit walkabout. I was writing a popular legacy on the Sims 2 website called Lateral Legacy and was up to the 42nd episode, but they dismantled and got rid of that site to make people move on to Sims 3.


Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I won't be unloading my writing compulsion onto this forum. I'm mainly here to get tips for the game. Just I saw the introduce yourself and felt obliged.


I have guessed that I'm probably a bit older than most of the members here as I am in the game, so I won't be surprised or offended if nobody can relate to much of what I've said here. Don't mind me, I'll leave you be now.

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Welcome to TIF! :)



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Which reminds me... You might want to learn how to do "tl;dr" (means "too long; didn't read") summaries. Your wall-of-text, even though I read it, creeped me out... and there are those unfortunates who won't stop to read all of it. :anxious:


Part of it is a generation gap, Dev. While I agree that some pithy brevity can be a more effective way to communicate, some of us have grown more reminiscent with age, and have more patience for longer stories (as well as an eagerness to share them). Still waters run deep compared to the babbling brook.


I told you I can go on and on.


and unfortunately for the cyber world, I can type as fast as I think to talk it, and so I do because I can.


I understand that one. My typing speed is good, and I'd rather have a thoughtful discussion than quick small talk or idle chit-chat.

Twitter drives me nuts after a while.


I had to look up Kath & Kim, being rather clueless about Aussie TV.


I have guessed that I'm probably a bit older than most of the members here as I am in the game, so I won't be surprised or offended if nobody can relate to much of what I've said here. Don't mind me, I'll leave you be now.


I think you guess right, but I'll be 39 next month. I'm guessing a number here are mostly in the 18-25 age range, and that might be representative of the playerbase generally.


Going to send you a message; there's a place for us oldies.

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Seeing as I read it all, I figured I'd say hi :).


Ditto. But there is a place to put your talents to use. Start a blog on blogscape or do a bit of writing in the Falador Tavern. Some of the topic are a little dated in the Tavern, but not so much that the forum is dead. And blogscape likes fresh meat people. Oh right, usual shameless advertising. Welcome and if ya want, visit us in the HYT FC (Serpent Eye). We are friendly if we don't scare you off first. :D


"Goals dont have a deadline." -xxxgod quoting Lady Shahdie

[slayer "Essentials"][click pic for main blog][click quote for mini blog][Worthwhile Auras]

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Thanks everyone for noticing my post and replying. I do try to be quiet and unknown, but I can't help myself. I tried out for Big Brother once, but didn't get in. I guess whatever it is I have doesn't let me use it like that.

I shall check out your suggestions in time.

Again thanks.

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I noticed someone mentioned the HYT FC... Don't forget to check the counterpart, the HYT CC! ;)


Also, now that I think of it, don't forget to bring your power of long paragraphs to the Forum Games. I'm realizing there's plenty of opportunity to drop a good laugh in. :P


~D. V. "Just making note of it..." Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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