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The New Monster


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They've already said the 100th quest is going to be a Big Deal . I tend to think the Dragon 2H is going to be a "shop reward" for completing the 100th quest. IE, once you complete the quest, you will be able to buy it from the shop they way you could for Lost City or Heroes. The Dragon 2H is the last "highly anticipated" dragon weapon. The remaining are destined for shelfware (dragon warhammer, dragon shortsword, dragon claws?)








Dont get me wrong, any weapon with an interesting special attack is likely to be carried, but D2H is the last dragon weapon people are highly anticipating. (DDS and DBaxe are frequently carried secondary weapons solely for thier specials)








Armor wise, we still need dragon plate, dragon full helm and of course dragon boots. I have no idea how they will be able to introduce dragon plate given the current scarcity of dchain without causing some major market upsets. If they make d plate a quest shop reward or if it is equally as hard to get as dchain, the price of dchain will plummet dramatically (given that dchain is only marginally better than rune plate, its mostly a display of 31337ness. The existance of dplate will make dchain instantly non-31337). If they make it harder than dchain to get, not only will it drive everyone insane that it's impossible to get but dchain prices will still fall like a rock as the money follows the most coveted item. For referance: Does anyone buy or sell rune chain or rune meds for anything other than alch fodder?








Based on this logic, I'd say that the new monster will either:




* Drop only existing dragon items, including dchain, perhaps more frequently to soften that market a bit before dropping dplate into the game 6 months to a year from now.




* Drop one of the aforementioned "lame" dragon items like warhammer or dragon pick.

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I hope that it will be in a cave like the KBD so that pkers can't do there thang while your killing it.








If its a cloud than it might gas you? Poison you?








Best attacks might me magic. How can you slash or range a cloud?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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May I please ask what on earth 31337 is meant to mean?








Is it a wierd version of ELEET >>> badly spelt form of 'Elite' (using 3 = E, 1 = L, 7 = T)? if so, why?

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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Haxor speek... most of it rooted in telephone related terms thanks to the silly spelling of phone. Although spelled Phone, it phonetically should be spelled fone. It became popular in the old days (back when computer ppl identified themselves by area code, IE, if you were from Austin you would say "512 crew" etc), since phone was such a silly spelled word when done correctly it leaked into other things like phreak (someone who hacks phone systems usually to make free phone calls, sometimes to illegally tap).








In the BBS days, if you wanted access to the sysop's (person who owns a bbs in this case) copyrighted files (or philes in leetspeak) you'd ask for "Elite" access. Quickly hax0rs morphed it into Leet or Eleet following this "phonetically correct but spelling wrong" logic.








Then number replacement became popular and mixed with the phonetically misspelled words. Thus Elite became Eleet became 31337.








As the internet displaced BBSes this languge persisted. As the internet became mainstream leetspeek was hijacked in popularity by wannabe hackers and thus in the real hacker circles proper language became popular. The wanna-bes still use it.








I hope you enjoyed your hax0r language lesson for the day. Oh my, I believe i've revealed my age a bit. :oops: When I was a kid I was into cracking and phreaking but as I grew up I just became a legit programmer only. Why would I risk jail time to save 10 cents a minute on long distance? I have a family to support here ;)

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And the spec could be something like instant mineral thingy :P When you spec you get it in an instant.. Bet rune miners would pay alot for that ;)












Anyway, the monster.. I doubt it realy is a cloud.. probably a metafor for it. I haven't realy read up on if Jagex tries to give clues for us to figure out but.. That cloud thingy made me think of death.. Well I dunno.. Maybe a liche?





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And the spec could be something like instant mineral thingy :P When you spec you get it in an instant.. Bet rune miners would pay alot for that ;)












Anyway, the monster.. I doubt it realy is a cloud.. probably a metafor for it. I haven't realy read up on if Jagex tries to give clues for us to figure out but.. That cloud thingy made me think of death.. Well I dunno.. Maybe a liche?

Yeah those miners would buy thenm so fast, making the price get really high, maybe this might actually be better than the rune type unlike the axe.
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i kind of doubt that jagex will put a dragon 2hander in the game. i think the reason they haven't made a dragon 2hander or platebody is because they would probably be a bit too powerful, at least until they can think of something to give the rangers and mages to even it out.



Life is random... so am I!

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i kind of doubt that jagex will put a dragon 2hander in the game. i think the reason they haven't made a dragon 2hander or platebody is because they would probably be a bit too powerful, at least until they can think of something to give the rangers and mages to even it out.




too powerful?? when will people learn,no dragon item will ever be as powerful as a greataxe




anyway, now that thats out i do not want a dragon two hander, it looks like a pulsating artery on the highscores :? i wouldnt mind a dragon pick, or boots but no dragon twohander "pl0x"!

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Dragon 2H won't be "too powerful"... as with all of the weapons at various levels, speed in decending order :
































The 2h would logically have the biggest strength bonus but at the expense of speed. Who cares if you can hit me for 30 once every 3 seconds when I can hit you for 4 18's with a dds? In a nutshell, its all about balance. The 2h will hit harder and thus will be slower.








Dragon Plate wouldn't unbalance the game. Dragon Plate would be "close to" but not quite as powerful as barrows armor and thus would not lead to an overnight "meleers owning the wildy".

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About the drop from the new monster...if you didn't notice, they updated the hiscores page and took the dragon pick out...hehehe.








As an 86 miner, I'd love to have a dragon pick.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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I doubt there will b a drag pickaxe, but im sure its gunna be a d2h








If u want proof of this check of the highscores. Because of all the rumors, jagex has removed the dragon pickaxe pic. But y remove the d pickaxe pick but not the d2h? The only reason i can think of is that it is gunna be droped by the new monster...

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I doubt there will b a drag pickaxe, but im sure its gunna be a d2h








If u want proof of this check of the highscores. Because of all the rumors, jagex has removed the dragon pickaxe pic. But y remove the d pickaxe pick but not the d2h? The only reason i can think of is that it is gunna be droped by the new monster...

Yeah, That confuses the situation. I am now quite sure it is a D2H although I would prefer a Pick simply because more people will be happy.
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It'll probably be another team monsters... because all the high levels really want that.
Look what Jagex said about that




Multiway wilderness areas are not the safest places in the game, so take some friends to watch your back.
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As Jagex said in their 'Behind the Scenes', there will be a new high-level monster. Here is what they said exactly:








The Wilderness welcomes a new visitor this month. At first, local bandits and wolves thought it was some kind of rain cloud, but the path of devastation scattered in its wake told them otherwise. Even the KBD made sure not to annoy this beast, since he knew it was bigger than him. Fans of dragon weapons should make sure they visit but be careful! Multiway wilderness areas are not the safest places in the game, so take some friends to watch your back. More information to follow on release








For this we can gather:




Level: Level 276+ Correct!




Hits: Most probably: 257+ Most Probably!




Looks: Like 'some kind of rain cloud' Correct!




Needs: A team and most likely 43 prayer Correct but only 37 prayer




Drops: A dragon item (most likely to be Dragon Two Hander or Dragon Pickaxe, maybe even an item which already exists[?]) Correct!




Habitat: The Wilderness Correct!








Just trying to give some re-release information, can anyone else get some more from this text?








Thanks to jwrm22 for pointing out that Jagex didnt say it was a new item.








Yay we got them all right about the one which nobody is sure of! Comments?

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