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the attempt to revive osrs


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hello tip.it.

this is what i think will bring osrs back, and wont be hard for the development team to do, and some is going to be in the next polls.


1.) gwd (godwars) the game is lacking content and gwd will bring more bosses and more items.

2.) actual f2p! while osrs is back, we are all forgetting the main reason runescape was awesome back then, f2p. whithout f2p the economy is stale and the f2p worlds are ghost towns. many people are hesitant to go play osrs and maybe if they play in f2p it will motivate them to buy membership to play in the members worlds, besides thats what happened to all of us? right??

3) minor convinient updates i.e,

a) auto fc join (make it so it can be toggled on and off, auto fc join (make it toogleable) auto fc join means when it is toogled on everytime you log in you wil automatically be joined into the last fc you were in before you logged out, this feature is verry usefull if your in a pk clan of a friend chat that you want to be in consistantly.

b) new minigames for f2p.

c) clan wars^^

d) oh and i forgot, clan wars :D

4) a optional stat reset button,(only for combat stats and stats related to cb, i.E: slayer , and when used it resets all stats to 0 cb stats only) the stat reset button will be verry usefull if you are a main and want to reset all your combat stats so you can re-train them back to pking stats.


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Dunno that OSRS really needs to be "revived", player count has been steady for a few months now, it even went up a bit a couple weeks ago...

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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It really does need a revival, people who came for nostalgia have no high level content to stay for. I would come back to runescape pretty quickly if godwars was re-introduced, the godswords were always my favorite items in runescape.

But if I would stay is another matter... Said it before will say it again, no rares = no permanent end game goal, all items will eventually crash due to supply always increasing.

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


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The stat reset button is rather convienent but could mess with the hi scores fairly quickly, also could mean game over for many people if hacked and theres nothing stopping a hacker reseting stats.

Runescape is a haven..


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GWD would be a horrible idea.


People forget that PvP is endgame (as well as the primary focus) in OSRS. If you want PvM endgame, go play RS3.

I'm not sure I agree.

To me, RuneScape end-game has always been whatever each individual makes of it. Just because someone doesn't like RS3 shouldn't automatically mean they must PK.

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The problem with GWD was it released a lot of OP gear and it completely made skilling obsolete for moneymaking. Why RC at 300k/hr when you can kill monsters that drop hilts worth over 100M?


Players either must have "challenging" GWD which means outrageously-priced and OP gear to justify it; or "farmable" GWD which means players will complain about a lack of end-game content because GWD is "too easy."


PvM as endgame just doesn't work as well as PvP does.


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But even if hilts were released. They would be 10m in 2-3 weeks on 07. Plus RC is 600k+/hr at 91.


The reason why hilt prices were so absurd was because of GWD releasing timing with other conditions in 07. Such as the 1000 yew bots on every tree in every world and the affects of restricted trade, such as players quitting, and GE freezing prices

Very astute. One thing I enjoy about 07 is the game's relative balance. Skills like herblore/crafting/smithing aren't a huge loss to train in certain ways, and there's not the interference of the GE. Jagex obviously messed up when they inflated the economy with pvp worlds and removed trade, and this played in to past price problems.


The biggest drawback of the GE, to me, is the liquidity it gives to most skilling materials because of the added ease in buying/selling. Without the GE, there's more of a point to having a bank full of various materials that you use, versus just what you need at any one time (and a lot of placeholders). I think that, in 07, there's more of a purpose to farming your own herbs for herblore, or like I did, alching the bows you fletch. While this does make the game a little bit slower (you certainly waste time trading people), it also makes buying and selling effectively a skill of itself for every serious 07 player.


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The problem with GWD was it released a lot of OP gear and it completely made skilling obsolete for moneymaking. Why RC at 300k/hr when you can kill monsters that drop hilts worth over 100M?


Hilts were 100m because a low percentage of players were high enough to camp bosses. Methods of killing them efficiently were unknown. Hype over the unknown new/badass gear. Plus I personally advocate releasing the bosses and all unique gear except for godswords.


But even if hilts were released. They would be 10m in 2-3 weeks on 07. Plus RC is 600k+/hr at 91.


The reason why hilt prices were so absurd was because of GWD releasing timing with other conditions in 07. Such as the 1000 yew bots on every tree in every world and the affects of restricted trade, such as players quitting, and GE freezing prices


I wouldn't be against GWD as long as it was balanced... Obviously like you said, OSRS has a better system of checks and balances than RS3 does, but it's hard to tell how much GWD would need to be modified before its release to ensure that it doesn't completely render skilling obsolete and PK'ing less meaningful.


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  • 1 month later...

The problem with GWD was it released a lot of OP gear and it completely made skilling obsolete for moneymaking. Why RC at 300k/hr when you can kill monsters that drop hilts worth over 100M?


Players either must have "challenging" GWD which means outrageously-priced and OP gear to justify it; or "farmable" GWD which means players will complain about a lack of end-game content because GWD is "too easy."


PvM as endgame just doesn't work as well as PvP does.



Lets not ruin yet another scape.

Sway all day, Butterfly flaps all the way!  tumblr_inline_mp4i2qAGS11qz4rgp.gif

✿ ♥‿♥)

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  • 4 weeks later...


Update dead minigames! Barbarian assault is absolutely dead - I lost my torso due to the DCs last week and unless I can form a team ahead of time, I can't get it back. An easy fix to this would be to add the penance horn reward to the minigame - but perhaps lower the experience multiplier considerably, as to not ruin the old school-ness, or whatever you want to call it.

Castle wars is also dead as hell since the release of NZ. 

My first (unfinished) website: www.high-mind.com
I only play Old School RS. I buy/sell a lot of seeds; add me if you're interested.

OS RSN: Jordxx

My CML: http://crystalmathlabs.com/tracker/track.php?user=jordxx (Click 'update')



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