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Call of duty 2 or F.E.A.R? Vote!


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Me and litterly everyone in my school fight about what is the better first person shooter. I say FEAR rocks, but my friend thinks otherwize!








So vote I say, vote!












Stats: Both games have the best look they can have right now.




Call of duty has real war action. FEAR is frighteninly intence and a little...disturbing. But thats what I like in game :D

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Preaty much MPC.








Imo, COD 2 is just a rehashed sequal of the origonal. It's very short as well.








I haven't played FEAR, so I can't comment on that one, but I guess... FEAR wins?












Oh well, they are both incredibly different FPS's, one being a horror and one being another WW II FPS....

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Preaty much MPC.








Imo, COD 2 is just a rehashed sequal of the origonal. It's very short as well.








I haven't played FEAR, so I can't comment on that one, but I guess... FEAR wins?












Oh well, they are both incredibly different FPS's, one being a horror and one being another WW II FPS....








Try it on hardest settings.








And play COD 2 MP ;).

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Meh, those two really don't have enough in common to make any kind of real comparison. Besides, there's no accounting for taste, so the whole debate seems rather pointless...

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I'm still trying to beat all the games of the past 7 years or so...I got all the best games of 2004 finished...Many from 2003...And I'm playing so many RPGS...But when I get to the point where I get to 2005, I'm going to probably buy whatever's cheaper first (I saw directors cut of FEAR for 78$ at EB games and I nearly pooped.)

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