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Rascism in Quebec.

Guest AshKaYu

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Guest AshKaYu

Okay, so in school today we were talking about rascism. People said Colored and White people are rascist to each other, that Natives and Europeans were rascist to each other, but nobody mentioned Quebec.








Has any Anglophones been to Quebec?








They are very, very anti-english. They have posters saying 'Death to English!' in the Subway, if you talk in English they will not serve you, people are sweet if you talk in their language, but if not, then get out of there.








Now, I may be wrong, but isn't this rascism? Being kind to someone because they speak your language and only that?








I mean, I know in the past we (Canadiens) were horrible to the French, but that's no reason for English speaking people to feel uncomfortable when they speak the language they know of, and get dirty looks because of it.









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I wouldnt call it racism... They just hold a pride in their language.




(Although I do think that there might be some hidden inherited anti-semitism there, but I have no proof to that claim...)








Never been to Quebec myself anyway...

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Guest AshKaYu
I wouldnt call it racism... They just hold a pride in their language.




(Although I do think that there might be some hidden inherited anti-semitism there, but I have no proof to that claim...)








Never been to Quebec myself anyway...








No no, otherwise they would have 'Vive le Francais!' and stuff like that. They don't like English people, because there are NEVER any 'Death to Spanish' or 'Irish shall die!'

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Then they're probably Seperatists, not racists.

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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A lot of people here are the exact same way about English and Spanish. A lot of people get pissy when they hear people talking Spanish at Wal Mart or go down I-19, which is marked in kilometers.
Yup, but when you drive through parts of phoenix and feel like you are in Mexico ya can kind of understand why some ppl get upset...








I dislike rasicm there is a lot of prejudice in the world... and it seems more and more that the "white man" is the minority/one being discriminated against... when I went up to canada last year I noticed that french speaking persons (not all) were quite disrespectful to english speaking individuals. There was a very snobbish attitude to put it mildly and I was just in the ontario area.

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Well I don't the the French - english problem is soley found in Canada and I don't think the root of the problem would be found there.




The British and the French have always 'hated' each other and this dates back hundreds of years when England and France were at war. Most of the problems between the two nowadays are rulings in the EU parliament though. Take an example of the farming situation.

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I don't understand this whole hate on the language thing. Since I am bilingual. English and Spanish. English was my first language however. A lot of the times Spanish speakers in USA can speak english, and rather fluently, I know because I've been around them for a lot of my life. They just prefer to speak in their native tongue. Or, a lot of the time they can speak English, but don't speak it correctly. Though there are a lot of non-bilingual english speakers who do the same thing don't they?

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we americans dont like canadians period. [in a joking way, not discriminatory.]




and i thought the french-speaking canadians were being discriminated against. well i guess not. didn't quebec want to be independent?








[btw i live in california, where there are a lot of mexicans/spanish-speakers, and i take french as a class..]

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but then again, we americans dont like canadians in general.. americans dont like anyone, even themselves. but we've still got nukes.








Speak for yourself, not for me.








Yes i agree, speak for yourself.

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but then again, we americans dont like canadians in general.. americans dont like anyone, even themselves. but we've still got nukes.








Speak for yourself, not for me.








Yes i agree, speak for yourself.








wait. when did i say that?

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Guest AshKaYu

@Phil: You mean the farming situation before the Quebec Act? If so, I can understand that, but it was 300 years ago. I mean, they've gotten alot of special rights/priveliges that other provinces don't have.








@Chuck: I could understand them saying 'Je ne peut pas/n'aime pas parlez l'anglais'(I can't/don't like speaking english) but why do they have all this horrible anti-english stuff?








@Math: I know, I tried speaking French 12 times, and once someone said 'Get out of here frenchie!'. Then I spoke English twelve times on a Toronto server. I learned about a hundred new ways to bypass the censor(8/12 times they got angry).

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but then again, we americans dont like canadians in general.. americans dont like anyone, even themselves. but we've still got nukes.








Speak for yourself, not for me.








wait. when did i say that?








You said it before you edited your post.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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@Phil: You mean the farming situation before the Quebec Act? If so, I can understand that, but it was 300 years ago. I mean, they've gotten alot of special rights/priveliges that other provinces don't have.




Sorry no. I was meaning in the past few years in Europe. In the EU we have something called the Common Agricultural Policy




Basically European farmers getting our money.








I would have thought the problem between the French and English speakers in Canada might be related to the age old England - France problem.

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Guest AshKaYu

I'm sure that the English-France situation is one reason why, but most likely not the whole reason I can imagine.








*reading your link*

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.


Sig by Ikurai

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








Prejudice, racism, etc. It's all hatred because of cultural difference.








My girlfriend told me a story about a tour they went on before. In a restaurant in Quebec (as in the city), some kid around our age (17-16) started making fun of her for being non-white. I just wished I was there to tell the guy off. I mean like pretty much EVERYONE in Canada is an immigrant. IIRC, only the First Nations are the native culture here.

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








English is a race, its the anglo-saxon race ;)

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








Prejudice, racism, etc. It's all hatred because of cultural difference.








My girlfriend told me a story about a tour they went on before. In a restaurant in Quebec (as in the city), some kid around our age (17-16) started making fun of her for being non-white. I just wished I was there to tell the guy off. I mean like pretty much EVERYONE in Canada is an immigrant. IIRC, only the First Nations are the native culture here.








First Nations people migrated from Asia thousands of years ago IIRC, across the ice bridge the used to connect Alaska to Russia. So they are technically immigrants aswell. Pretty much everyone on earth is an immigrant of somewhere

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








Prejudice, racism, etc. It's all hatred because of cultural difference.








My girlfriend told me a story about a tour they went on before. In a restaurant in Quebec (as in the city), some kid around our age (17-16) started making fun of her for being non-white. I just wished I was there to tell the guy off. I mean like pretty much EVERYONE in Canada is an immigrant. IIRC, only the First Nations are the native culture here.








First Nations people migrated from Asia thousands of years ago IIRC, across the ice bridge the used to connect Alaska to Russia. So they are technically immigrants aswell. Pretty much everyone on earth is an immigrant of somewhere








I just realized technicalities is one of my pet peeves :P

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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








Prejudice, racism, etc. It's all hatred because of cultural difference.








My girlfriend told me a story about a tour they went on before. In a restaurant in Quebec (as in the city), some kid around our age (17-16) started making fun of her for being non-white. I just wished I was there to tell the guy off. I mean like pretty much EVERYONE in Canada is an immigrant. IIRC, only the First Nations are the native culture here.








First Nations people migrated from Asia thousands of years ago IIRC, across the ice bridge the used to connect Alaska to Russia. So they are technically immigrants aswell. Pretty much everyone on earth is an immigrant of somewhere








I just realized technicalities is one of my pet peeves :P

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If you just try to make use of their language, they will be friendly people. I imagine that all of those 'Death to English!' signs were made out of irritation with the English speaking tourists who, on discovering (after speaking English to them) that the Quebecois do not, in fact, speak English, yell louder in English to try to make them understand.

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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I think its not racist, for its not against a race. Its just simply because most are sepretist's, and when one uses english in their province, they feel we are taking over. And anyways, they dont have to learn english really, their offical language is french, not french and english.








English is a race, its the anglo-saxon race ;)








But they dont hate the race, they just dont want us to go in and assimilate them.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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