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Who has a censored username in Runescape?


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if so, their name is asterisk,asterisk,ect....








:lol: :lol: That deserves a sig. I mean wow.....












But I knew a guy named Sirhumpsalot. His name wasn't censored at one time, then later was. Lol.








I knew him too, and [racist term] Frank hehe

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if so, their name is asterisk,asterisk,ect....








No its not, its not asterisk asterisk to look at, its asterisk asterisk if you try to write it :roll:












i didnt want to make it look like "asteriskasterisk" so i put comas' :roll:

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if so, their name is asterisk,asterisk,ect....








No its not, its not asterisk asterisk to look at, its asterisk asterisk if you try to write it :roll:












i didnt want to make it look like "asteriskasterisk" so i put comas' :roll:








You still dont get my point, :roll:




The name is only censored if you try to write it, not if you run your mouse over the censored name.

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if so, their name is asterisk,asterisk,ect....








lol :lol:








I have seen "Ifkedurmum" or something like that :?


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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My mate has a part of his censored. Dazz Man, I believe it turns into **** Man or D*** Man. Quite annoying, so if we refer to him ingame we just call him 'Daz'. :?


Notoriously Trollish.

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