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Where did the Genie go? Hes gone!


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i dont know if its just something that happened because i played




less and less, but i didnt seen a genie in weeks. and my brother didnt either.








is he gone? what happened to him? another update? why would they remove him?




(or its a misunderstanding... :roll: )



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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When random events were new, I got the genie often. Same with mazes.








I get him very rarely now, I only get the useless ones, like the dwarf and the swarm :(








But he still exists, I see him for other players sometimes.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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He's not gone, I got him the other day whilst just walking around. But he's really rare now, for me at least.
so they mustve reduced the genie showing up then...








hey, and they made the frogs etc even more, go to karamja world 49-52 and youll see them once in one hour.



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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No, the genie is still the don't worry.




And, I also get the stupid dwarf,golems or swarm instead of the good ones like froggies.(I waited verylong for frogs,finally got them yesterday :D :D :D :D )




A little fact about golems and rivertrolls: when you are combat 60, their combat is somewhere around 79, but when you are 61, they are combat 120!eeeek :shock: !(this happened to me :lol: )

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got 2 genies today, 4 MOM, 6 froggs, and Niles also few times and also 3 sandwish ladys








if u cook u get a random event every 15 mins








but its tru since the other random events came in i got only 2-3 genies a week, befor that i got like 4 genies a day

rsname: lord rex.
december 2011: ranked 107th best f2p player
march 2012 became member.



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You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Random Events I've Gotten On My Main








River Troll (while fishing for XP mostly)




Golem (quite a lot when I was mining essence)




Zombie (training)




Tree Spirit (almost every single random event I got while WCing was that)




Shade (training)




Drunk Dwarf (mostly while training)




Mysterious Old Man (haven't seen this in a while)




Maze (not so much now...)




Frog (too many now...)




Quiz Master (not much... under ten times...)




Strange Box (too many times...)




Genie (quite a bit :))




Mime (not so much now...)




Highway Man (mostly while WCing)




Certers (mostly while WCing)




Lost Pirate (now and again while training)




Sandwich Lady (o.o she tends to drop by a bit)




Freaky Forester (only once so far! :()
















Exploding Rock (once or twice lol)




Evil Chicken (haven't seen him in a while)




Lost and Found Office (haven't seen this for a while




Fishing Equipment Fault




Mining Equipment Fault




Woodcutting Equipment Fault








Random Events I've Never Gotten On My Main




Prison Pete




Evil Bob




Drill Demon








All of the above random events are based on their ability to appear in both F2P and P2P. I can't see P2P ones since I'm not a member.

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'All events are random'




'Some events are more random than others' (Animal Farm [sort of])








I haven't got a faulty axe or pickaxe since.... maybe November last year! Did Jagex take them out or do you stop getting broken items when you reach a certain level?


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'All events are random'




'Some events are more random than others' (Animal Farm [sort of])








I haven't got a faulty axe or pickaxe since.... maybe November last year! Did Jagex take them out or do you stop getting broken items when you reach a certain level?

I doubt it. I had my axe head flying away even at 99 woodcutting. >_<
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I have full frog and 6 (!) tokens in bank, but I've never, ever seen a forester or demon or something. Genies pop up frequently, as matter of fact I've seen one yesterday while ranging moss giants at crandor. Always nice to get some free prayer xp :P .


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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'All events are random'




'Some events are more random than others' (Animal Farm [sort of])








I haven't got a faulty axe or pickaxe since.... maybe November last year! Did Jagex take them out or do you stop getting broken items when you reach a certain level?

I doubt it. I had my axe head flying away even at 99 woodcutting. >_<








! :oops: Sorry Forsake, I meant the doctor that comes when a piece of rock or whatever hits you on the head!


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'All events are random'




'Some events are more random than others' (Animal Farm [sort of])








I haven't got a faulty axe or pickaxe since.... maybe November last year! Did Jagex take them out or do you stop getting broken items when you reach a certain level?

I doubt it. I had my axe head flying away even at 99 woodcutting. >_<




! :oops: Sorry Forsake, I meant the doctor that comes when a piece of rock or whatever hits you on the head!




It's okay. ^_^ I actually had that once, but as andreas1993 said, it's now gone. :(








Personally I never liked that event... it hurt my head trying to count the fingers because it was moving so much.

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I've never had..








Drill Demon




Quiz Master












Evil Chicken




Freaky Forester




Prison Pete




Dr Ford








I've had..








Swarm pretty rarely




Drunken Dwarf about 10 times this month




Pickaxe blow 10 times this month




Pickaxe head thingy just today




MOM - Box rarely, only had the on whit colours




MOM - Maze, I had this one 2 times, both contained junk items




Sandwich lady, Didn't knew a bread roll, so I got teleported to Wolf Mountain

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They took the doctor out of the game.




And i never got him :cry:

yea thats a shame, the docter was cool.




tho he gave you a banana to heal the wound you got from a chunk of rock that crashes in your head (not exploded).happened to me in crafting guild :)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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