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is their any mature players out their.


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See prior answer. This makes no sense to someone without a large gaming background and your argument falls apart when you realize MY gaming experience has resulted in over 4000 games being won. Once upon a time I used to keep track, now it's a waste of time.








4000 games!!!! whoa your either over exagerating, lieing, or have no life. name those 4k games u beat with time and HS.








Admin Edit: Fixed your quote. ;)





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If you're only 34, you didn't play the first video games anyway. You just think you did, and that's sad.








And what's worse, is trying to claim superiority for gaming for a decade longer, and not making any mention of any real quality there.




Oh, 4000 games beaten, all that... rubbish. If you're going to make a claim, don't throw out a random number that you think might impress someone. I doubt you've ever even seen 4000 games, let alone could even name them, or been in the same room with them, or played them.




It's a tired scare tactic that's only used to intimidate the uninitiated.








If you think you've got greater rights to gaming because you've been doing it longer, I'll put a finer edge on it. I guarantee you that no matter how long you've been playing RS, I can name someone younger than you that's been playing it longer, and they're probably a world better, too.




Either in score or in personality.








You don't deserve any more rights for being around longer, and by claiming it, you hurt any claims to being mature and therefore deserving of equal rights and respect. You have shown a disdain for youth who are going to go on and do greater things than you have ever dreamed of because you were here "first" (except you weren't), and assume that makes you the best there will ever be.








That's pathetic. Show some respect to your peers, because that's what the other players in this game are.




You're no better or worse a player or a person no matter when you started, and the whole point of a game is that anyone has an equal shot to be the best. You don't get to make wild claims that have nothing to do with the rules to claim victory.



Semi-Permanent Interim Temporary Leader of the Supposed Inmates of the Alleged Insane Asylum of What May Or May Not Be RuneScape

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I am 34 and have been playing since I was 32.
















No matter what your age, in two years surely you can have better stats than this to show for your efforts. It took me all of a month's sporadic playing to get 60 attack and 60 str on my pure.








3) Due to our experience we will ALWAYS be able to school these children.
With the above stats being taken into consideration, i wont even bother addressing this 'point'.








4) No matter how long child has played a game, when we arrive THEY are the noobs in every game!








Noobs? Did you really use the term 'Noob'?! I think someone has a lot of growing up to do.








Honestly, when i read your post all i see is an old school gamer with a huge chip on his shoulder. Respect works both ways. Perhaps when you stop dismissing younger players as children, you may start to recieve some of the respect your longer years playing with pixels merit.









'Rock Hard' boss pure - 60/60 Attack | 99/99 Range | 1/1 Defence | 44/44 Prayer | 99/99 Strength | 99/99 Mage - level 79 combat EOC


## '07 Server ## "Best Runescape update ever: Removing 6 years of updates."




"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler"

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Ian - For a self-procliamed god amongst gamers, you're pretty much the rudest, most egoistic immortal I've ever seen. :roll:








..and who are the other immortals that you've seen?








I'm not above a little name-dropping. I bumped into Cthulhu at Meyer's the other day and found him to be suprisingly down to earth! He very graciously stopped his shopping to sign all of the papers required to take ownership of my tortured soul. His wife is an absolute doll, lovely tentacles.








..just trying to inject some humor, don't mind me, feel free to follow this up with a "spam!" post.

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Well -- I'm 42, I've been playing since last August.








I've got three kids and all of them play.








That said, you can add me -- I am always looking for other "grown-ups" to play with.


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If you're only 34, you didn't play the first video games anyway. You just think you did, and that's sad.











I remember when the original "Pong" came out.
















Good GAWD, I am OLD ...


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Correction, to play the developing video games back then, not now.








Correction to your foolhardy correction. Games are always in development and we've played them from the start. From their earliest roots to now and we STILL see games developing and evolving Keep at it sonny, you'll gain enough experience to wise someday.












Everyone has the same rights, what you said is almost as bad as younger people saying they have more right because they are younger.








If this odd statement were true then no one would act as if any MMORPG game such as this should or shouldn't be played by anyone. And as they have an age limit for the game, your statement is questionable.








Oh come off it, the earlier games hardly needed a walkthrough, as soon as master system and megadrive came out with tougher games walkthroughs appeared.








A word from someone who never tackjled the original Zork games or even picked up an Intellivision controller and wondered how you beat Disk of Tron. Love to listen to the children yapping...ignorantly too.








How can you have any more experience in a new game, come straight onto the market than the children that started at exactly the same time as you?








Don't you just love when the young discount prior experience with games? As if one game hasn't got its roots in prior systems and game play, or other types of RPGs from past history? As if this game, Runescape, was nothing like any other out there? That's called experience, sonny. When you are older you may have some....maybe.












that doesn't even make sense, its obvious a player that has played a game longer has more experience even if a new player comes along that is of a more mature age.








See prior answer. This makes no sense to someone without a large gaming background and your argument falls apart when you realize MY gaming experience has resulted in over 4000 games being won. Once upon a time I used to keep track, now it's a waste of time.












No-one really cares about past games though, this post is talking about runescape, not a past game. If you really want the younger generation to respect you then stop going off about how you are so much better than them, for example like you just have now.








Since the younger generation is as cruel and ignorant as any other younger geneartaion, the nature of being young is disresepct. It's simply how you're wired...and the fact you think you know it all when you're a teen. Failing of humanity. And who cares about prior video games?








Game Developers. The people who brought you these games, as well as those of us who have played the priors you don't want to admit existed. Quite a few of them are better than many of the ones the current industry is churning out.








And doesn't Runescape have past version? *gasp* Of course they do. Don't care about those? Cool. Another sophomore doomed to repeat prior mistakes, unwilling to look back and learn. Stride forth boldly, eyes shut, learn by each painful mistake...no one could POSSIBLY understand or have been in your shoes after all. *snicker, snort, ROFLMAO*












Its people like you that give mature people a bad name and cause the ageism that exists in game atm. If everyone treated everyone the same then there wouldn't be a problem, the fact is we are all players of the game, reguardless of age, the only experience that matters in runescape is the experience from playing the game, not from some pacman games 20 years ago.








Final nail in the coffin. Was I reffering to Pac Man? And the agism comes from the younger up. This thread is about how much we hate it and you've shown us EXACTLY why it occurs. Before RS existed there were games just like it, biggest difference? They weren't P2P and set on your browser. Your comment comes from your insistance that no other experiences could possibly apply to RS, no one can know more than you as this game and its premise are completely original.








All wrong.








SO stay rude, stay sophomoric, stay away from us. When you finally wake up we'll be happy to welcome you Wisdom 101, but until then you're in the noob club forever.








Haha, I didnt know you could be so stupid at the age of 34 :lol:








Sorry, but Frizoid made some good points, yours are rubbish. (At least in my, "childish" opinion)

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Haha, I didnt know you could be so stupid at the age of 34 :lol:








Sorry, but Frizoid made some good points, yours are rubbish. (At least in my, "childish" opinion)








Personally, I don't know which side of this argument I am on.








I'm not sure if I don't care, or I don't care ...


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Am 15 and i think am mature, and i have been playing since around november 2004,




you cant really tell maturity based on age, some poeple can be young and quite mature,




unfortunatly since 2004 i dont play runescape alot because my parents dont allow and they force me to study




so would u belive that my combat lvl is 63?




since 2004?




now before u begin to quote me so rudely and pour out your opinions, if you are not allowed on the only one pc in your house , and u have exams, and if u try to sneak on the pc ur parents will literally beat u with an object ? will u not be as low leveld as me even after about 2 years?








thats some really serious arguments about rights going on on the pots before mine :!:

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im 15...but odly everyone is acting like i am some old man vwhen i play... here is amn example







(i was having a fight with some dude)




dude: haha your a stupid little kid




me: im 16 noobhole,




dude: haha you must have no life!




me: oh really?? how old are you 10,8,my guess is 5








me: kids need to learn to respect their elders...











yeah i actually feellike im one of the maturer players of the game....one of the fewf2p'rs who donr say " yo momma"


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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im 43 and feel a little silly sometimes so how about it. Are their other folks out their that go to work instead of school? I could use a playing partner or 2 or 3 ill be waiting for replys. . . . loydrc






lets get it on








Hi I have just turned 41, and started playing when my son needed some help with a quest during the summer of last year! Having worked in the IT industry for the last 14 years, I know for a fact that people of my age like to play on-line computer games and IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m proud to be one of them! Runscape is a great game and I recommend it to all my friends! On a final point I need a partner (Black Arm Gang) to help me complete the Hero's Quest, if you can help get in touch and contact me for a chat.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm 17, so I'm in the oldest 2% of Runescape I guess, with most the players (on free-2-play anyway) being, or at least acting, 10-12 years old.




Most people think I'm more 25-30 years old when they talk to me, some people obviously don't understand that writing properly isn't only for 'old farts', or isn't even in some cases, no offence intended. :P




1x Dragon Chainbody (1 Dust Devil Trip)

3x Black Mask (2 trips)

1x Drag Skirt (50+ trips)



1x Robin Hood Hat

1x Guthix Platebody


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It's summer so I dont have to go to school....






I have to go to work(25 hours a week)... and


I have to take 2 language classes(mandarin, german)... and


I have to work on some projects for my media company(cs movies)... and


I have to go to the gym(1 and a half hours a day)... and


I have to go out more.




So I don't really got any time ;(

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mmm 16 here, but age doesnt always determine matureity :(
That's coming from sk8er...:roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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19 here, so I guess I cover both sides as a sophomore computer science major with a job. And speaking of which I'm now going to go work on a paper for my US History course... Would someone mind telling me why I decided summer classes were a good thing?




Edit: RSN: Vitron2000

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