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Okay, well I am having some troubles at school. In biology and PE, there is a sophomore in my class, I am a freshman. He think it is funny to pick on me because he thinks that I am small and probably can't 'take him' which is mostly true. But, I do have plenty of friends that are bigger than him and would side with me if I asked them to. So really i am wondering, should I get this sorted out, and if so how. I know taht if I ask the principal or the dean about it, he will find out, either by them, or by someone else, and he will get even more mad about it, but if I tried to just show him that he should stop, or he will end up getting shown to by someone else. I know that this sounds violent, but really I don;t know what to do, I know most of you will probably say to just go to the principal, but maybe some of you have other oppinions, etc. Please state your thoughts and oppinions on what I should do to stop this, and prevent him or anyone else from doing this as much as possible. :)

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Stand up to the dumb jerk :lol:








If u tell ure pricipal and the jerk gets more mad and wont leave u alone i would think that will be the only soluscion








but i know whats its like to be bullied :cry: so i to know how it feels :cry:

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Yell "Kah Bah Gee!" at him and run away. Trust me, it works.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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You have to set a new precedent. Right now, this will probably just continue because he knows you are annoyed by it. If you stand up to him once (I am not saying you should use violence... But if it should come to that, don't run away... That will make things worse.) then he should leave you alone.








It would be easier to help if I had more specifics...

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I'm not sure if you can do this...and I've never been bullied to try it...but...








Try using REASON with him, I'm sure that as a bully he's never had to use it. Talk to him, and ask really deep questions, things that really get under his skin. Do this while he's picking on you too. He probably won't be able to answer them...I stood up for some other guy once by just asking the bully questions as such, and he immediately shut up. (Although the fact that I'm 6'4" also helps a good deal)








For instance, first start out plain and just ask him why he's doing that. I would go further, but I'd have to respond based on his response.








If you can do that, try it. :D








Whatever you do, for everyone's sake, don't do anything physical with him, and don't tell the teacher. The first one will get you in trouble and possibly hurt, and the second will make grounds for you to be made fun of even more.








You have to take initiative and stand up on your own.








Only you can solve the problem.








*Editted for grammar.*

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Guest AshKaYu
I'm not sure if you can do this...and I've never been bullied to try it...but...








Try using REASON with him, I'm sure that as a bully he's never had to use it. Talk to him, and ask really deep questions, things that really get under his skin. Do this while he's picking on you too. He probably won't be able to answer them...I stood up for some other guy once by just asking the bully questions as such, and he immediately shut up. (Although the fact that I'm 6'4" also helps a good deal)








For instance, first start out plain and just ask him why he's doing that. I would go further, but I'd have to respond based on his response.








If you can do that, try it. :D








Whatever you do, for everyone's sake, don't do anything physical with him, and don't tell the teacher. The first one will get you in trouble and possibly hurt, and the second will make grounds for you to be made fun of even more.








You have to take initiative and stand up on your own.








Only you can solve the problem.








*Editted for grammar.*








I actually do that and it works(number one), and I am 5 foot, 100 pounds :).

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Yell "Kah Bah Gee!" at him and run away. Trust me, it works.








If you trust anything zeeky, trust that Barihawk got beat up all too often as a kid. :P








Until puberty struck and I was suddenly bigger and stronger than the whiney-voiced pipsqueeks :P.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Yell "Kah Bah Gee!" at him and run away. Trust me, it works.








If you trust anything zeeky, trust that Barihawk got beat up all too often as a kid. :P








Until puberty struck and I was suddenly bigger and stronger than the whiney-voiced pipsqueeks :P.








But "Kah Bah Gee" works. Tried and true.

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What do you mean, picks on you?




What's your "social status"?




What kind of guy are we dealing with here?








We need details man. You've got to give us the complete low down.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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First of all remember that your the better person. I don't know all the details but I'm guesssing that later in life you'll do well and he won't. Anyways, ask a teacher who you trust and like and have them do something to stop the bully. Chances are they will do it and will leave you out if you ask them (make sure you pick a good teacher.)








Asking a smart question would probably be pretty good too.








Lastly, just have courage. If he does something bad to you then you can easily get him suspended if you don't fight back.










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know in your head that youre better than him. know that if he's taking classes as a sophomore that youre taking as a freshman, he must be pretty stupid. don't let him get to you. just tell yourself that he's a [wagon] and not worth your time..

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Bullying. Bleh. I avoided most bullying in high school since I was liked, but since I was on the extremly scrawny side, it happened to me for a bit.








What you should do, is always remember your better than him. Why is he picking on you? Most people bully because they feel little about themselves, and the think that if they make someone else hurt, their pain will leave.








Then bulk up a little. You dont even have to do a lot. If you do pushups untill your arms dont hold you up every night before you go to bed, and situps as long as you can once a week, you will get enough strength to hurt someone, and it not be noticible. I gained an extra 5 lbs of muscle and noone knew.








Before you resort to violence (since that is the easy way out), try convincing him to quit. Yeah... I never liked this one. It didint work for me.








As your very last resort, swing for him. Go for the jaw. It will hurt him enough, and he will be surprised that you did something. The only reason he is picking on you is because you have let him do it.








If he does fight back, Stand your ground, and then use your battle scars to impress the girls :P


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lmao, misplaced :D












I was never bullied as a kid so I can't give much advice from the view of a victim. But I can suggest...












1. Learn Karate (or some other defensive martial-arts)




2. Bulk up some (this will happen as a result of #1 but can always help it along more)




3. Don't try reasoning with him. Stare him down till he either walks away or attempts physical violence on you.








Take note though, the only time you should act against the physical violence is when you feel you are confident enough to defend yourself enough to perhaps even win a real fight.








Should that happen, remain clam and keep your eyes on him at all times.




There is nothing more vulnerable than a person not looking at their mark and fighting on adrenaline ;)

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Karate won't buff you up, Darkrick, but it is a good idea. Martial arts can make the physically weak on par with the strong (and unknowledged). Ask your martial arts instructor to practice non-styled attacks against you (ie jock punching) and learn how to block and parry.








The last time anyone messed with me was 8 years ago, and I roundhoused him in the clavicle. A moderately weak kick dropped the guy and he was rolling on the floor unable to move. That's how strong Karate is.








However, physical defense is nothing compared to your mental defense. As Rick said, stare the guy down. Don't back down, don't cower, don't bargain. Accept no less than his withdrawal. If he pushes you, step back up. Do not take a physical approach unless there is no other option. By the time he gets angry enough to use violence, a teacher will have most likely found out about the incedent and broken it up. He will get into trouble, and your peers will find new respect for you.








Keep up the good fight, Zeeky.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Meah, it worked for me. Not as much as actually working out but it'll do more for you than just doing push-ups and sit-ups.








It's very good excercise, but bulking up should really concentrate on weights. It will help out with agility and stamina, though. Very good for the heart as well.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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From what I can gather, the best course of action would be to do as Barihawk says, don't take any crap, stand up to him, but don't engage with him in a fight just yet unless you have some kind of defence training. If you think you can, utilize your friends, it could save you a fight and scare him from directly going after you again without fear of reprisal. But don't let yourself come across as the weak one being protected, otherwise he'll look to isolate you. Instead, act tough, but surrounded by dangerous friends, somewhat like a mafia boss you wouldn't want to touch.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Meah, it worked for me. Not as much as actually working out but it'll do more for you than just doing push-ups and sit-ups.








If your small enough, pushups and situps are enough to bulk you up a more than a bit. I went from barely being able to do 15 girly pushups to doing handstand pushups without any other excersize.


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Meah, it worked for me. Not as much as actually working out but it'll do more for you than just doing push-ups and sit-ups.








If your small enough, pushups and situps are enough to bulk you up a more than a bit. I went from barely being able to do 15 girly pushups to doing handstand pushups without any other excersize.








Keep it up, though. I used to be able to bench 280 and leg press 750 when I played football. I stopped playing and only ran, so now I have weak arms but strong legs.








That muscle will turn to flab fast.








And holy cow these BBQ wings are hot.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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i was never bullied but my son was 1ce and hes a small agile boxer and he layed this bully out in 5 uppercuts ( 2 to the nose) when i got called by the school i laughed and said he had it coming

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