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Tip.It Times Presents: Biased Banning Raises Brows


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i agree with this article. jagex is very hypocritical and literally is a greedy business who only wants our 5 dollars a month. seriously, i even discussed this with my friend "sooner or later, jagex is going to injustly ban me" so i told him that IF i do get banned like this, i wanted to say that i really enjoyed playing runescape with him.








oh well, if i do get banned injustly, i'll just play world of warcraft or something, at least it's a "proper" game.

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A note for Dr_elephant on the first page, it shouldn't be breaking the rules. No matter which character you earned your items on, you earned them, so why shouldn't you be allowed to give them to whomever you like. Back to the main subject, it's time Jagex understood that it's not a question of levels or time playing, it's not even a problem of confused rules, it's the result. The innocent people banned and the rude ones bothering me all day. I'm sick of walking around and seeing cex all over the place, it's creepy, it's wrong, there's non-adults all over the site, and the fact is, no one thinks it's funny. To all those people, enough, being reported will quickly follow. And that's my mini rant. Thank you.

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I 100% agree becasue Jagex need to step up and ban those who name it offince even if they are high levels. (and stop banning innoce player). lucky i got my charers name from a amine show. i am pretty scared rite about now After reading that artice

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I personally have a major grudge against Jagex. they banned me for account sharing (i have 2 pcs at home) and the next week they banned my bro's acc for encouraging others to break the rules... two months later my best friend was banned permanently. have u noticed that f2p ppl get banned so much more?

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I personally have a major grudge against Jagex. they banned me for account sharing (i have 2 pcs at home) and the next week they banned my bro's acc for encouraging others to break the rules... two months later my best friend was banned permanently. have u noticed that f2p ppl get banned so much more?
i didnt know jagex are so curce to the f2p peeps iam sry for your lost man. this is toally BS i hope i do not get banned iam just sace thinking about it something must be done to stop this maddness
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This article is a great and terrible truth, my account Maddawg101 was PERMANENTLY BANNED for mentioning a site to friends and one of them asked me "is it a hack site?" I replied with "I promise you it's not a hack site"




When Jagex banned me they said that I had advertised a hacking website when in fact I said it was not. A friend who I don't wish to name brags about how many mils he scams and I get banned for saying a website? I agree with the author fully, the article is well done.

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Very nice article, agreeing with it all. I've seen many accounts being banned from Rule 8 almost being one of mines. My comp has like a wireless adaptor for my labtop to work (where my sister plays) which is like a mutiple log in. My sister and I have been both on at the same time but on diff worlds so I hopefully wont get banned. I'm thinking to stop using the labtop to play and share my comp :(.








Anyways, I'm totally for this article and I want Jagex to end the hipocrisy before it gets too far.



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All i have to say is this article is by far the most truthful, decent and badly needed article i have ever read.








The Editor names about players being banned for telling friends about a website name and being banned for this, without using a URL in their sentance. I am one of those people - luckily enough i only got a black mark. Apparently "yeah you will have to search us on the web, i cant say the url" is advertising to jagex....even though MOD EMMA V told me that she wouldnt reccomend it, this doesnt mean its definitely illegal to a staff member who should know the rules inside out. As well 5 player moderators said they dont think its illegal. Way to go Jagex - Once again your *intelligent* staff has found the true rule breakers.... :roll:








(Sorry if this second part is inappropriate, mods delete it if it is too offensive)








Second - regarding the inappropriate names is another issue. A friend of myne that had an account named O R E gasm that was a pure skills character. He had a very high fishing level (80+) as well a very high cooking level. He had trained this account for serveral months and even obtained a yellow partyhat on this account. Yep - You guessed it, after MONTHS the account was banned.








Once again sorry if the above is offensive, but it does relate to the topic.








Thanks again for the great article, cant wait till next friday, hopefully we can discuss how terrible jagex's customer service is (regarding responses to querys)









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I find it surprising that not once, is the #12 runecrafter mentioned here. Living proof of how higher levels are favoured.








(At least I think it's #12...Search the highscores...)

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I agree, jagex does go overboard with rules. My freind got muted for saying he wanted to be a mod. Yes, I know its againts the rules. but just becouse he said he wanted to be a mod doesn't mean you have too mute him. shortly after hearing this from my friend I almost erupted with anger over jagex. although I am just a simple player and new too the tip.it forums I feel that jagex has been doing a bit much and should cool down.
















That is all, Thank You

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I 101% agree whit this article. The Banning IS getting nonsense. Soon they will ban everyone saying "noob" or "newb" too... I dare not to say this site's name anymore, but i have seen !tons! of people saying "I'm cheking on runehq" or sumthing. Why don't they ban em too? :evil: Just yesterday one guy asked me in Mor'ton, wher's the barrows chest :lol: I told him to come here; i hope i don't get banned for that...








They really should pay more attention to who they ban and for what!'

Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...
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First off, I agree with some parts of your article, but overall I disagree.








First off. You used the word "Bias" and its other forms in, what I feel, was an incorrect manner. As http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bias says, the word bias means, "A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment." In my oppinion, that means that to be biased is to have some outside reason to do those things.








Although, I think you more meant that they acted unfair with poor judgement (though not because of an unseen force). As with you friend "Limparse" I understand your point. I even agree and support it. He should not have just been banned. He should have been talked to by Jagex, and allowed his name to stay. It was, in no way, his fault that Jagex did not take the proper measures before hand.








And with the father-daughter trade, I see where it is unfair. But unfortunately Jagex only saw 2 accounts coming from the same IP address trading (probably one sided too). To them this was probably flagged (probably from the beginning with 2 of the same IP's), and upon seeing a one-sided trade, decided that it "must" be the same person. And unfortunately with the internet, you can't really find out real facts about who is playing, so Jagex just decided to, I assume, ban both of them.








And finally with the Tip.It banning, pardon me explaining them in reverse order, but they have a partially good point. While I do not agree with the bans, it is good that they are atleast trying to stop hacking and such. They, most likely, made that rule to stop real world scamming, keylogging for things such as credit cards, and of course, your Runescape file. The part of this I do not agree with is the fact that they do it for Tip.It. I'm sure we all remember the "Mournings End Part 2" fiasco. Tip.It made a guide in record time for one of the hardest quests, just to have jagex tell them to take it down. Yet they still wouldn't even admit that we exist!








Finally another thing going along with the Fansites, I was one of few people to see, and read runehq.com's (another, in my mind, trustworthy site) Player Mod Guide. I sent Jagex a message through their message center, asking about something commented, and what happens? By the end of the night it's gone. No word even mentioned. This later was explain to me (rather accidently) by my Forum Mod friend. I was asking him some things about being a mod, and appearntly they have to keep some things secret (the information in question being about locking threads). But to order around a site you basically think is scum? That's too much.








And finally (continuing on the fansite ranting) I am mad at Jagex for not recognizing fan sites. Many of these are highly trustworthy, and would rather die than become corrupt. Also many of these like Tip.it, Runehq.com, and RuneVillage.com, help out the runescaping community in many ways! Most of them have fairly extensive Anti-Hack, and Anti-Scam guides, let alone tons of calculators, guides, and tips!








Well, it's dinner time so I really ought to go.








I was asked to post this:




The title of the article used the word "bias" for consonance. Notice that the only place within the article that I stated Jagex was biased was in regards to inappropriate names. They are being very biased with this, and I know some of the players with these names personally who do not get banned simply because they have enough Jagex moderators as friends



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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I find it surprising that not once, is the #12 runecrafter mentioned here. Living proof of how higher levels are favoured.








(At least I think it's #12...Search the highscores...)








Yeah, my friend pointed that out to me the other night when we were talking about some of the names we saw. I was honestly shocked that name got past their filters.








My friend who has been a player mod for a while just got her crown taken away. She traveled to California to stay with one of her long-time RS friends a while back, then a few months ago she traveled to Australia to stay with another long-time RS friend, and this last week or two she let her son run around in her party hats and stuff on his birthday. She was accused of sharing the account, which is bogus. I know for a fact she is legitimate (audio conversation during play, MSN conversation relating to current gameplay, etc).








Almost makes me scared to log in during spring break if I get bored... I could just see them banning me...








Almost the last thing. I was asked to post this anonymously.








Hey, I wasn't too sure who I should send this to, but it relates to the 10th March Tip.It Times article, about banning.




I am a player mod, and should not be repeating this information, so if you wish to repeat this, then please do so anonymously :)








First off, the banning / muting of players that mention Tip.It - I shall quote part of the modding guidelines for this:




When reporting under rule 11, a degree of common sense should be applied. As Player Moderators your reports have priority over other players. Its not practical to report users every time they mention a website link. Please don't report users that mention a website you know to be safe, and not break any rules.








Remember the difference between advertising a website and mentioning a website.








For example this is not a reportable offence:




Player1: im stuck on this stoopid quest, can you help me player2?








Player2: i used the (fansitename) walk through.








Player1: kk thx




The only time someone should be muted for advertising, is if they are constantly advertising a link, advertising some form of cheat / macro site, or advertising IM programs / email addresses.








Second on my agenda :) multiple logging / drop trading




Jagex are aware that people are getting incorrectly banned for multi logging due to routers, and are looking into it. Drop trading between accounts is reportable, and it must be understood how it looks from Jagex end - one person logging out after dropping items, then another logging in to pick them up. It is impossible to tell whether the accounts belong to the same person or not under the current methods to detect this, so my advice is to not do this at all, at least until these problems have been solved. But rest assured, these are matters which are being looked into.








And thirdly, inappropriate names.




This is a matter that seems to have escalated recently, and we are basically told to report anyone with an offensive name. These are checked by Jagex, who then take appropriate action. I see why limparse is so annoyed at being banned, but to be perfectly honest, when I first saw that username I thought 'limp arse' (I did not ever see limparse in game though, I wasn't the one who did the reporting!). This is probably the way a lot of children playing the game will see this too.




Also mentioned in the article are players with high levels and offensive names. These will be reported for obvious reasons, it's just a shame that there's no way of changing username - though the implications of allowing such a practice would be insane!








Anyways, I think I've said all I wanted to say... Feel free to send this to other people or publicly post this (but don't feel you have to - I'd appreciate it if the author of the article managed to read this though), but again, I don't want my name on this - mods aren't allowed to reproduce this information! The first rule of modding is you do not talk about modding... The second rule of modding is you do not talk about modding!! Hopefully you appreciate that Fight Club quote... I changed a few words, see if you can spot them :)








Anyways, thats me done... If you managed to make it this far, thanks for reading! :D








Oh, and I forgot to mention to diverboy, The Editor doesn't even know Limparse... it was just a good example :P



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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now im worried :$








me and my brother (dowsysarch) play on a wireless network at home, he occasionaly uses my comp, i use his, so we could be hit with a ban, if so, i wont be best pleased.








i know his name doesnt help because it sounds like a pure but many people ingame call me an idiot multi logger, untill i challenge them for me and arch to take em 2 on 1 in multi :$ if i did multi login then i wouldnt be able to do that.

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On the network issue, they should be able to tell the different computers as the ip adress on a network is slightly different for each computer








For Example




 (My laptop ip adress)
 (My pc ip adress)
 (My dad's ip adress)
 (My brother's ip adress)








and so on..

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It's weird, they may be biased towards banning long time players for offensive names, but when it comes to a reputable player with a very high skill total like DroolMAN, they'll ban him immediately for a confused IP checking system (which severely needs updating by the sounds of things).

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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i strongly agree with the bit about trading with another pc in the house, as i often want to trade with my brother




for instance,he is currently training for the ice queen in heroes. i want to give him some swordfish for his efforts, and help him fight the other monsters in the multicombat area (i hope ya know which one i mean)




he also has recntly saved up enough for a ring of wealth, but cant find anyone to trade with. i have a wealth from an unlukky player at the new moley place, but we cant trade without the risk of banning!!








this is highly annoying, cant you send this letter to runescape itself, i woulkd support is all the way...


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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Good article but I think limparse was fairly banned, someone at jagex may have noticed as you said but most other players would not.


Fel 'n ddedwydd ydy 'r hunau drwo choel a cer am 'r yn bucheddu.

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:evil: No i dont think he was banned fairly, he didnt break the rules. If you do think you have been banned unfairly its worth to apeal for your ban :D . I was banned unfailry once but i appealed and i got unbanned =] !

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