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Abyss crafters gather round!


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Or you could run around the river and never meet a pker?








Or you could drop your pouches, glory and pickaxe before you die when you do meet a pker, run to the bank, grab a glory and telegrab runes and tele to edge and go pick up the stuff you dropped?








Or you could not make posts complaining because its the wild and you're bound to die because thats what the wild is for, pking.

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Just died at abyss for the first time, I only use small pouch so I lost nothing acept for 8 laws 4 fores and blk d hide legs and body and my ess. I think that abby pkers and green dragon pkers are the lowest of the low of the low. I lost nothing so im not upset i just dontknow why people bother to teleblock and entangle and wast all those runes for a measly 8 laws and some d hide armor...

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Just died at abyss for the first time, I only use small pouch so I lost nothing acept for 8 laws 4 fores and blk d hide legs and body and my ess. I think that abby pkers and green dragon pkers are the lowest of the low of the low. I lost nothing so im not upset i just dontknow why people bother to teleblock and entangle and wast all those runes for a measly 8 laws and some d hide armor...








If abyss RCing was so easy nats would be much cheaper and you would be making less money. It was put in the wild because it's so easy and there needs to be some risk.

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Lol, yeah they are.








I am un-pkable..by abyss pkers at any rate. This one guy entangled me, whipped out his dagger, said "Ownt", and I laughed in his face clicking my handy dandy ectophial. Then an ancient mager ice barrages me and gets me down all the way to 40 hp :0. Ectophial saves me again. I just don't know what'll happen if a tber and an ancient mage teams up.. :0








Just do what I always do I guess.. run around in circles 50 miles an hour yelling "NOOB!!"




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Or you could drop your pouches, glory and pickaxe before you die when you do meet a pker, run to the bank, grab a glory and telegrab runes and tele to edge and go pick up the stuff you dropped?











I use a bronze pickaxe and I usually get in on the first try, with the max number of tries being 3. My mining is only 55. Have you tried different types of pickaxes? If so, did you notice a difference? I'm sort of a rookie, but I've read that a bronze will do and, from my limited experience, that seems to ring true.








A lot of you guys mention dropping pouches and then telegrabbing them. If you got killed up by the mage, wouldn't you still have to enter the wildy to do this? Sorry if this is a dumb question.

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Very well known,and for the people here who do RC PK,Why? its not pling as such well it is but you dont get the fun of fighting some1 who is a challenge

23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage

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I've been using that forever. Then I always have an lol handy to say as I'm tele'ing away to abyss and all the pk'ers are like double u tea eff. I bet some even reported me for bug abuse becuase they couldn't attack me becuase of that.

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Would it work to try and organise 1 world for all/most abyss crafters to use. Then if a pker does dare to show up, everyone pulls out a few runes and kickes their [wagon]? Make 1 world a pker free zone? and if they do come, then THEY get pked?

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Want to never lose a glory and pouches ever again?












This morning i was runecrafting the abyss trying to find a world that doesn't have annoying pkers. I've lost four glories and time when i die and have to kill monsters for pouches so i tryed something. I attacked a skeleton not to kill it but for it to attack me back! yes, that means you are engaged in combat. So how does that help you as you run into pkers. Well attacking the skeleton in the non-multi combat area prevents another attack by a preying pker :twisted: . You can attack a skeleton in lvl 1 run to mage tele and not have to worry about pkers. You may lose some time but it's less time than you spend hunting for pouches.








Idk if anyone has mentioned it before but i thought i shared with everyone to help them as they try and craft. It's not 100% foolproof as the person executing the plan might not wait for the skele to attack back or the skele doesn't pursue which means he gave up.








Post your thoughts and successes here. NO RANTING, if your gonna complain theres a seperate forum for that so don't taint my topic.




















Yeah, I tend to do that a lot, or i attack the guard before i run up.. its a good idea, and funny watching te pkers complain! :P

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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The skellie/guird idea is a good one, but I have yet to be pked successfully since I started carrying an Ectophial. It takes only 1 space, as opposed to runes, is 1-click, and if I get teleblocked first (I don't know for sure if it blocks ectophial, it doesn't seem to) they don't have time to also get the snare in before I get to Zammy Mage.








The one and only time I have come close to being pked with Ectophial was when I didn't use it immediately, but sometimes I really don't want to waste the time and 1 glory charge (to get back to Edgeville) it takes to start the run over again.
















Always have at least 1 antipoison in the bank, and KNOW where it is, it doesn't help you if you are poisoned, have 3 hp left, and can't find it.








Don't forget to eat when you bank, if you took damage from pkers or abyss mobs.








Talk to the Dark Mage before your pouches degrade, so you never lose capacity.








If you get attacked, abort the run, better to live and lose nothing but time and have to recharge your glories a bit sooner.








Of course, some of the fun of abby rcing is dodging the pkers and taunting them, and it sure relieves the boredom, but watch out, not all of them are useless noobish morons; there is the occasional good pker who is just bored, waiitng for someone else, or trying it out before a trip deeper into wildy for some serious pkling.

Suzanne Vega


tokin rite wurx gud!

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mwahaha it's an ultimate stratigy... although you could just use a ectovial it goes through teleblocks doesn't it? unless they changed it












Actually it doesn't, but I still bring an ectophial whenever I rc anyway in case somebody starts to mage...and if you ever die and lose your pouches just setup a cannon and ancient mage. By using about 50 ice bursts and 150 cannonballs you should get them all back np.

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