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15 March 2006 - Hundredth Quest - Recipe for Disaster!


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for dave, u need to add spices to the stew, do one at a time so u know each measure








i needed:








2 orange




1 red




1 brown




1 yellow








but i think it changes per person








you get the spices by killing rats.








You were lucky. I needed 1 red, 2 brown, 3 yellow and 3 orange.

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dude i need help, it says that when i put in 1 red 1 brown and 2 orange and 2 yellow, any ideas? i already tried 2 red or 2 brown, so orange or yellow must be 3?


Rest In Peace Sampson

Never forget: 11-20-06

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dude i need help, it says that when i put in 1 red 1 brown and 2 orange and 2 yellow, any ideas? i already tried 2 red or 2 brown, so orange or yellow must be 3?








start adding only one of ea..








1 of red.. if he says one spice is correct but others r wrong.. u know that u only need 1 red.. if he says that all are wrong, try with 2 and keep doing till u got the number correct.. and do the same for others..

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how do you "flambe" your brulee?








You enter the evil chicken lair and kill a black dragon, he drops some item (forget what it is now).








You need to rub that outside the shrine and a little dragon will flambe your brulee. I think you need to wear ice gloves aswell.
















Nevermind about my queiry. I was trying to use normal zombie ones, when I realised you had to use zombie monkey bones :oops: (which are found in the tunnel for all those wondering)



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Anyone know there the compy is that he shot? I'm walking around karamja looking for it, and I have no idea.








And a spit roast .... :?












very tiny tree on the west side of "karamja" west side of the tai bow wanananaa trio village.

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Anyone know there the compy is that he shot? I'm walking around karamja looking for it, and I have no idea.








And a spit roast .... :?












very tiny tree on the west side of "karamja" west side of the tai bow wanananaa trio village.








Thanks :D



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dirty blast is as follows








do not buy a fruit blast & add ash - this does not work!!!








go to barman @ grand tree




buy ingredients - 1 orange, 2 lemons & a cocktail shaker




get also a pineapple (plantation sth of brimhaven)




a knife to cut lemon




some ash - from any burnt logs




1 cocktail glass








add 1 lemon, 1 pineapple & 1 orange into cocktail shaker




pour shaker into empty cocktail glass




cut 1 lemon into slices & add to glass




u now have a fruit blast - now add ash to fruit blast & u have a dirty blast!!!

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Not sure sweet, not doing that one :(








Anyone able to help me with the dwarf one? I'm trying to communicate with the old dwarf, not working :(








maybe some kind of pie will help ?








No. Asgarnia ale (g) will help. Bring 5 asgarnia ale (g) to him. Buy aslgarnia ale from falador inn, ask the haylee her secret receipe for 200gp. Then use gps with the asgarnia ales to make em (g).








Anyone help me with grounded kelp?








Or use the ring of Charos to charm ur way into her confidence. For a Free recipe.

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you do Evil dave part like you are playing a game of MasterMind!








start with one color and add 1 spice...he says no then try with 2 of same color, then 3, etc... till he says right amount








then work on next color and do same thing.








once you found out how many of each you make the complete stew.








for me it was 3 brown, 2 red, 3 yellow, 2 orange

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Wow ... so many combinations for evil dave. How annoying :cry:












write it down, add 1 red to a stew, give to him, then do the same with all the colors, make sure you remember and write it down..








then step it up 2 reds, then 3.... 12 stews is all ull need but 20 is recommended

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Wow ... so many combinations for evil dave. How annoying :cry:












write it down, add 1 red to a stew, give to him, then do the same with all the colors, make sure you remember and write it down..








then step it up 2 reds, then 3.... 12 stews is all ull need but 20 is recommended

thats what i did lol... I didn't use 20 stews tho i didn't make it that far before i found the right combo

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