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The Glass Warrior


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Love the Elder Scrolls reference. What's the second character going to be wearing? Ebony?








At least have Dwemer armour in there somewhere. My god that stuff looks awesome.








nope im having Indoril, then in the BG whatever left ill see what to put








Chessmastuh: thanks, uve been doing great yourself :D

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he has not done that he has just used a buddy kit from millennin!




well it look like that anyway.




if I'm wrong don't take any notice of this message.






A. millenin isnt that good...he pretty much sucks really (yes ive seen his work)








B. why accuse someone of ripping without knowing for sure?



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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he has not done that he has just used a buddy kit from millennin!




well it look like that anyway.




if I'm wrong don't take any notice of this message.




you're funny and your 100% wrong :roll:




sorry guys, i havent been able to work on this. :oops:

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