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We need more BANKSPACE!


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Just have a bank sale. I unloaded 1mill worth of stuff i never needed/or used last week. Now i have space.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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nope i tons of space left lol








maybe u should clear your bank of quest items and stupid seeds like potato 8)








lol I try that all the time... who wants my potato seeds? lol








I'll take 'em :wink: Add chessmastuh.








Anyhoo, you're right. Even with my nooby bank, I'm constantly sifting through it, desperately looking for things to throw out for room.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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there usded to be some kind of poll where there was this suggestion of adding some kidn of catalogue-bank system, so you would just have to select teh category "farming" to see al your seeds...


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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post your bank and i'll clear at least 1 row :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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we need more bank space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















feel beter now?

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