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any anime fans out there!!!!!


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kk soz




I hate anime.




and ogloc get ur low lvl outa here




You have no right to criticize somebody for their low level when you're too damn lazy to type out "your" instead of "ur." Thinka about it - forums aren't real-time like IMs or chats are, you don't need to be quick in your reply. Just do your part and make the post look like you even give a care before you start flaming. The guy doesn't like anime, nor do I. You don't need to criticize somebody for their opinion :/


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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This is off topic. We don't care about your runescape level but we care about intelligence and the way you act. So far it is YOU who is looking like the low level.




Anime isn't so big here, well atleast I never see anything on TV but little kiddies show. This can be explained by saying "We are Australia"


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I love Anime, there's just some pepole that don't understand the real beauty of it..




And to the one liners "I hate Anime" = If you don't like the topic.. THEN JUST IGNORE IT!




The only reason the people that dislike it post in it is to get a balanced arguement. Its all kinda biased if everyone that posted in a topic is something that they love too.


Think about it, in parliament you dont see people say "Ok, heres my rule . Who wants it? Oh and you can only vote if you like it". Dumb? Yes.

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I love Anime, there's just some pepole that don't understand the real beauty of it..




And to the one liners "I hate Anime" = If you don't like the topic.. THEN JUST IGNORE IT!




look at the subject! any anime fans out there!!!! so for all of those other peopel who say that they hate anime they can just leave and ignor this topic. o


@ dogtag yes there are some really freaking strange animes out there that make no sense what so ever. like bobo-bobo- bobobo not sure how it goes.. but that is just really random

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Have any of you seen an anime called Pom Poko? its a really good anime (imo) about the myth of raccoons with shapeshifting abilities... the thing i thought was hilarious about this was the fact that every single raccoon male has a *very* visible pair of.. well.. see for yourself :lol:








Johnathan Taylor Thomas's voice is the main character (I think..) which makes it that much more hilarious. Dispite this little slice of wierd, its a very well done anime, and i found it was very well presented. ITS TOOL TIME! 8)


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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