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Fun New Game To Play With Telemarketers!!!!!


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ok here i am, at the computer on forums, when, would you expect it, the phone rings. i put iTunes on pause and aswer, "hello?" no reply i try again. and after about 3 secs i hear a an Indian woman (not being racist btw) start talking about great holiday deals. "F**K, not another tele marketer, like 3rd time this week" im thinking then hang up. Then it hits me as i click on forums again. "I know, lets have some fun!" now i am writing this post with an idea for a fun new game to play with telemarketers, why not time how long it takes you to realise that you are talking to a telemarketer and hang up!. now from that last phone call i judge it took me around 8 seconds to firstly identify the telemarkter than hang up. try this when ever a telemarketer calls from now on! and, staying on topic, you can post other telemarkter games, stuff you have said to a telemarketer and just all round insult them! :D

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that happend to me today! some indian woman (not being racist) called and said hello you have won a free nokia phone or somthing as soon as she siad that i just hang up :P



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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"Hello you have just been randomly selected from the general populace to win a grand prize of either a digital camera or a-*Hangs up*"




hehe heard that one all too many times! :D




And it NEVER gets old!!! [/sarcasm]

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Can someone please translate this post? It sounds like he is trying to make a game out of timing how long it takes you to find out it's a telemarketer on the "fone"

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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kido14, it's a lighthearted topic, quit trolling and trying to bring it down into a flame war.






on topic..


I have been known to hang up the phone as soon as I say once or twice and not get a response (a few seconds). That's when I'm busy though and can't be bothered with dealing with telemarketers. I'm thinking if it was an important phone call they would call back.

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that happend to me today! some indian woman (not being racist) called and said hello you have won a free nokia phone or somthing as soon as she siad that i just hang up :P
Everytime I get some moron trying to sell me a nokia, I'm just "Is it better than an O2?"






generally the responses are:




"a what?"





I've only ever had one person say 'no' and they followed up quickly with 'because i got one aswell'. I liked that guy so I was just, 'better luck next time'. He was perhaps the last non-indian telemarketer I've had aswell :(

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When I'm home alone, and a telemarketer calls, usually this happens




Her:Hello. May I speak with Mr.Smith (not my real last name)




Me: No.




......~awakard silence~.......












I get the telemarketer to hang up on ME. :lol:








"Hello you have just been randomly selected from the general populace to win a grand prize of a digital camera, are you interested?"




"Only If i can see you in your underwear first"





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In Canada we often get people calling and having us take in-house surveys. They always say it's going to take 5 minutes, and I learnt the hard way one time.




The survey was about our coutnry's national deficit. Problem was, the guy was foreign (we have to be happy, politically correct Canadian employees now!), and he kept reading 'deficit', as 'deflect'.




Him: "What is your opinion on the national deflect?"


Me: (thinks) "what the heck?!?"




So 15 minutes into the survey (it would have taken 5minutes with someone who could actually speak English) I finally realzied that we weren't talking about a national deflection, but about the deficit.




Worst phonecall ever.

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thats not a very fun game... try putting on an accent and keep talking.


or ask " Are you one of the voices i keep hearing?" or "*insert name here* is that you, wow it has been a while?!"

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Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



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Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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my two most recent ones were..




Hello may i please speak to the electricity bill payer of your household please.




Sorry, we dont have electricity. (hang up)








Hello, you have been selected to try the new (askdf) simcard, we have one here which we would like to send to you at no cost.




Yeah ok, you can send me a simcard. (hang up)

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my two most recent ones were..




Hello may i please speak to the electricity bill payer of your household please.




Sorry, we dont have electricity. (hang up)








Hello, you have been selected to try the new (askdf) simcard, we have one here which we would like to send to you at no cost.




Yeah ok, you can send me a simcard. (hang up)


Tomorrow, we're reallly NOT going to have electricity! They're cutting our power off. icon_gonk.gif


Accursed medical bills!

I love languages.

J'adore les langues.


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When I'm home alone, and a telemarketer calls, usually this happens




Her:Hello. May I speak with Mr.Smith (not my real last name)




Me: No.




......~awakard silence~.......












I get the telemarketer to hang up on ME. :lol:








"Hello you have just been randomly selected from the general populace to win a grand prize of a digital camera, are you interested?"




"Only If i can see you in your underwear first"





ROFL i like that one :D




Me: (answers the phone) Allo?


Them: Hello, is this Mrs. Zozo? (NOT my real last name)


Me: Allo? Qui etes-vous?


Them: Er, do you speak English?


Me: No, I am sorry. I not speak very English. I speak very French.




This is where they either hang up on me or get a French speaker. Let's say they got a translator (This has happened several times before!)...




Translator: Allo?


Me: Moshimoshi?


Translator: Euh, parlez-vous francais?


Me: Nani? Gomen nasai, furansugo ga hanashimasen yo!


Translator: (swears)




This is where the translator generally either hangs up or sets down the phone to yell at the original caller about not being able to tell French from Japanese.




Only once has it happened where they had a Japanese speaker, but this is how it went.




Them: Moshimoshi?



R.I.P. Shiva

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Unfortunately i worked for a telemarketing company for a week, it sucked was lied to about the job, told it was inbound customer support (uh huh so thats what they call calls that they have transferred from india that have been cold called).




I honestly found it funny when people did stuff like screw around and obviously screw around with you. Hell i was on a hourly wage, didnt bother me. It was the few drunk people who said stuff you couldnt imagine saying on this board including what he had done with certain members of my family the night before that i got annoyed. Although not on the phone, that was the time i acted the nicest, it just kept pissing him off more and more til he hung up on me.




I had a great one who put me on speakerphone and just played along then put me on speakerphone while she went to find the phonebill she needed. She was obviously just standing around near the phone reading a book but it meant for five minutes we talked about her fav cocktails while she "looked for the bill". Good times

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Rofl... Today I was feeling a bit kooky so...




Korean Telemarketer (roughly translated):


"Hello, this is (Insert Company Name Here). We're wondering abou--"








Me (In English with a histerical voice):


"So YOU'RE the one who took my blue party hat!!! I'M GOING TO EAT YOU ALIVE FOR THAT!!! *abruptly changes voice from loud madness to a small moderate fast-paced tone* I'll season you in some garlic and olive oil, then fry you lightly and serve you to my guests with some fresh garden greens!!! But befo--" *Telemarketer hangs up*






I also had a call from my OWN phone company today... The call went like this:




Telemarketer (In REALLY fast Korean):


Hello this is (Insert my telecomunications company name here). We're offering a brand-new service that includes bonus hours and free internet service!




Me (Doesn't know what's going on because he just woke up and the telemarketer was speaking so fast):


Uhh... What?




Telemarketer (In a exasperated slow voice):


We're (Insert my telecomunications company name here). We just came out with a new service. May I ask which service you are currently using?




Me (Still dazed):


Uhmmm... (Insert the service name the telemarketer described)... I think so at least...








*hangs up*






Honestly... Why are these companies calling their own customers that are already using the service? Whenever I sign up I always insert everything from my ÃÆìÃâãÃâüÃÆëÃâïÃâüÃÆëâââ¬ÃâÃâñÃÆëÃâáÃâÃ

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