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A new mage to allow us to change our runescape names?


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I believe we should have a new mage or a part of the bank maybe that would allow us to change our account name. It could be members only and cost 5k gold. It would change the name in the account and in everyone's friends list too. Its good for the people like N0valyfe and other high levels who want a different name and don't want to lose all there work in there accounts. Thanks for reading and constructive criticism only please.

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Never going to happen. Some people think it would be nice, but it would cause too many problems for what it's worth. It doesn't alter a person at all and the people at Jagex already have enough on their hands.

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I think they said that there would be a system for changing names, I think when you get banned for offensive names or something it says it. Although it's said that for a long time now...




Anyway, if there was a name change, you would have to do it from the account management, not ingame. You might even have to send a request or something.

Small Children Scared Count:3


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Ya I don't think it will happen. It will just be to complicated to change your name and then your friends wouldn't know who you are and stuff like that.
indeed, thats the main problem i see. also, people could change their name to a name that somebody else had...which would cause a lot of confusion on the highscores.

R.I.P. Shiva

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Heh, well, I don't think it would remove your name until you had a valid new one picked out Striker6.:)




However, as it has been discussed before, name changing can cause a lot of problems. Not only with high scores, but imagine having to search through ALL of the player files in order to change friends and ignore lists. Also, what about Abuse Reports that record...the person's name...so on and so forth. Unlike other games where player records are seperate from the characters, here they appear to be combined.




Just a bit of food for thought.

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Ya I don't think it will happen. It will just be to complicated to change your name and then your friends wouldn't know who you are and stuff like that.
indeed, thats the main problem i see. also, people could change their name to a name that somebody else had...which would cause a lot of confusion on the highscores.




i dont think it could happen either cause your friends would get confused the high scores would be messed up unless there was like a message going to your account about your friends changing names like zezima could change it everybodyh would be confused :?: :?: :?: :?:

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yea. i agree. i would want this new make over mage too. its useful when i found out that my username ( microtosh ) is kinda boring and nerdy and i want something more fun and impressive. yea. but this name is kind of my trademark now. i've stuck with it for 2 years and im proud of it!




but there r loads of guys out there who really need this mage man. consider, those guys who name themselves rs1230. does this name make any sense? comeon. you cant get to lvl 126 with this user. man, the name stinks and it cant ever be ur trademark. meh.




the prob is. one guy this kool person made a friend ( blah23 ). so blah23 hates his user and changes his name to ( mehpower ). wad happens to the friend lists of his 100+ friends. god, it gotta take jagex a lot of effort to update the friendlist of every guy who knows you. meh. and its only for ONE person.




thinky think. jagex isnt goin to be the nxt msn messenger or irc chat. but i wld luv the idea, if jagex ever finds a way to get round to it using java.

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i have a great idea, just send an email to jagex sayin your name is offensive [try and make some far out plan that it is] and ask them if you can change it to ........, im so gonna do that, my name is so poopy is unbeleivable [qwazx3


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I think they said that there would be a system for changing names, I think when you get banned for offensive names or something it says it. Although it's said that for a long time now...




Anyway, if there was a name change, you would have to do it from the account management, not ingame. You might even have to send a request or something.


just only allowed ppl with bad names to change there name...




but i geuss ppl will hack, and change the pass and acc name... then the real owner wont ever beable yo get it back...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Not a good idea. People will change their names, and what with the 'just changed names' then? If zezima changes his name, will somebody else have the possiblity to change his name into zezima? All those changes will be very confusing. People were warned before playing, choose an original name...


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I agree. I made my rs name at school ( i was bored in my computer research class heh crappy useless garbage class) so i started my account. I couldn't really think of anything, but i knew i liked snipers so there ya go (im always sniping in battelfield, halo....metroid hunters....)


Anyway, i realized the name is really stupid. I think half the people playing rs dont like their names. Maybe it should be offered once per account.

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Ahha!! Ive got it! The new name should be whatever you changed to (lets use zezima as an example), but in front of it should be a symbol or the letters CH (for changed). So it would be (CH)Zezima. That way you know that's not the original zezima, someone else changed to that name. Of course the problem would be everyone walking around as (Ch)pker501, (Ch)De39 or something. Everyone would have (Ch) in in their name, meaning it would be pointless. hm.....again inspiration. On the friends/ignore lists, under the changed name would also be in parenthesis the original name like (Ch)zezima (formerly noobpker4). That way you could tell who they were still. On the high score lists as well, they would have their original name underneath to avoid confusion. Also, this would be a one time offer for each account, so you can't change multiple times. I dunno its a thought.

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never gonna happen, no offence but not a great idea...




1. Friends list would be destroyed, all ur friends would have to figure it out, wat if they have private chat on friends?




2. Reporting. If you get reported, u would just change your name.

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