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whos going to win the soccer world cup???


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I'd like to say that Spain will win the world cup but... Im afraid it wont be. It'll probably be Brazil or Argentina


And don't bet for Raul cuz i'm totally sure he won't be the best goaler.̮̤̉̉


F.C. Barcelona 4Ever!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:



Thx axeraider for the sig :D

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I'm actually putting my money on France to win it again. Simply because they have something to prove. If they win this one, no one can say that their win in the last World Cup was a fluke.


In the last world cup France didn't even score a goal and didn't make it through the group stages!!! :P




Although I don't think that will happen this year.

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Brazil is gonna win :D


Our coach won the '94 USA World Cup already, then it would be his second victory.




Of course the sport's name is football, calling it soccer is plain stupid, after all, it's the sport played with your feet (not like american football, that doesn't deserve to be called football :P).


Brazil FTW! This year: 6 times champ! Hexachamp! We dont have the best players in the world but some of them :D





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Well personally Ive been telling any who'll listen that Argentina will win it and Ill tell you why.




Argentina can attack with Messi, Riquelme, Crespo and Saviola giong forward goals aren't going to be hard to come by.


Unlike Brazil they can defend well and they aren't above playing dirty if its needed. Thats why Im putting my money on them.




Aside from Argentina Id say Brazil and Spain (but they always bottle it so probably not).


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I'm actually putting my money on France to win it again. Simply because they have something to prove. If they win this one, no one can say that their win in the last World Cup was a fluke.


In the last world cup France didn't even score a goal and didn't make it through the group stages!!! :P




Although I don't think that will happen this year.




Yeah, definitely. Henry has got to score at least one...




Although I think France will win, I am excited to watch England and of course see how far America gets in this World Cup. Maybe we can make it into the quarter finals? :shock:

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I'm gonna be optomistic and say England.




I think that on our day we could beat any team in the world - we've certainly got 2 of the best midfield players in football at the moment (Lampard and Gerrard), Rooney is arguably one of the best forwards at International level, and our defence isn't too shabby either.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Brazil will win again. Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!




Yeh sure, England will win no doubt, we have Rooney afterall.


Brazil will win, we have both Ronaldos and Roberto Carlos, and maybe KakÃÆÃâÃâá, but I dont like him :S







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Brazil will win again. Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!




Yeh sure, England will win no doubt, we have Rooney afterall.


Write off the underdogs at your own peril.

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Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!


thats becouse they have a dutch coach :lol:






i think Holland,Brazil,France,Italy,Spain,Argentina,Czech Republik,or maybe Germany or Greece will win.




The top 5 fifa world rank is:


1 Brazil


2.Czech Republic (:!:)




4 Argentina


5 France

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The Czech Republic are an extremely good outfit, however, in comparison to Euro 2004, I don't their players have peaked or at the form they were at in preparation to this World Cup as to then. Still, very dangerous and definately worth an each way bet for the 3rd/4th play-off :)

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England and Brazil have the best teams, but the one thing that sets England back is that we have Eriksson. No doubt we'll go out in the usual quater final stage with his inept decision making.


Brazil should win it, but I think the Dutch could go quite far too, they've got a pretty decent side.

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Brazil will win again. Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!




It would be so great if T&T beat England especially if one of their many Scottish based players scored. Although I seriously could see Sweden sneaking a win out of England, I think they pulled off a draw last time.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Brazil will win again. Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!




Yeh sure, England will win no doubt, we have Rooney afterall.


Brazil will win, we have both Ronaldos and Roberto Carlos, and maybe KakÃÆÃâÃâá, but I dont like him :S







Real madrid ronaldo is a pathetic excuse for a player these days, as is robertol carlos. They are both way past it. While on the other hand yes ronaldinho and kaka are 2 of the best in the world.






Spain is a stupid bet, they are a team full of class but can't play together to save their life, always had great names but never great teams, and raul top scorer? I'll highly doubt that, they arn't exactly as free scoring as brazil now are they?








I think england had a chance but the whole sven saga and our media willing us on to lose has blown it straight out the window.

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i think Holland,Brazil,France,Italy,Spain,Argentina,Czech Republik,or maybe Germany or Greece will win.





Like the entire of the English first squad is in the top 50 of the world rankings..they're not even in your list? cmon.

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Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!


thats becouse they have a dutch coach :lol:






i think Holland,Brazil,France,Italy,Spain,Argentina,Czech Republik,or maybe Germany or Greece will win.




The top 5 fifa world rank is:


1 Brazil


2.Czech Republic (:!:)




4 Argentina


5 France

Those rankings are old and out dated. You put greece and germany ranked 24th in there but not england who just beat uraguy and argentina?
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i dont think it will be brazil because there players are gettin on a little now. If u wanted to bet on an outside team id put you're money on australia


The good thing about Brazil is they have a whole wealth of talent in players of any age all over the world. This is why they have been consistently good at international level.


Outside bet? I'd go with Ukraine.

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Brazil will win again. Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!




Yeh sure, England will win no doubt, we have Rooney afterall.


Brazil will win, we have both Ronaldos and Roberto Carlos, and maybe KakÃÆÃâÃâá, but I dont like him :S







Real madrid ronaldo is a pathetic excuse for a player these days, as is robertol carlos. They are both way past it. While on the other hand yes ronaldinho and kaka are 2 of the best in the world.



I really dont like Kaka, even him being a good player...


I prefer Roberto Carlos.


Ronaldinho was good, but our coach wont let him dont play, so it counts, and Ronaldinho Gaucho... dont need to say anything!


But we have other players too, good and bad ones, I wonder what goalkeeper will be this time :?




Trinidad & Tobago are going to do well though!


thats becouse they have a dutch coach :lol:






i think Holland,Brazil,France,Italy,Spain,Argentina,Czech Republik,or maybe Germany or Greece will win.




The top 5 fifa world rank is:


1 Brazil


2.Czech Republic (:!:)




4 Argentina


5 France







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we have both Ronaldos


both ronaldos? which ones? Firt I thought you meant one as ronaldinho, but now I'm not so sure




And for a brazil fan I'm surprised, not rating Kaka? He's clearly up there with the best in the world. I'm not a big fan of his but I rate him highly.

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we have both Ronaldos


both ronaldos? which ones? Firt I thought you meant one as ronaldinho, but now I'm not so sure




And for a brazil fan I'm surprised, not rating Kaka? He's clearly up there with the best in the world. I'm not a big fan of his but I rate him highly.


We have Ronaldo Fenomeno, the first Ronaldo, that one with the fancy hair, only a bit in the front, and Ronaldinho Gaucho, the one from Barcelona, who is noe the Fenomenous :lol:




Ronaldinho - Real Madrid


Ronaldinho - Barcelona




And offcoure I'm a Brazil fan, Its my country!


I dont like Kaka, I think that is more for personal reasons, I know he plays good and everything, but, IMO he's childish, and I dont go with him, I wantched several games when he played for Sao Paulo (Old soccer club that he played for) and I've talked to him... as a football player hes is good, but as person, pfft, I cant put up with him. I agree, he is awsome soccer player!





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