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Dagannoth Kings


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I've heard alot about them and some what looked into the subject. But how many people are usually there. I would like to try them out but posting on other help and advice forums doesnt help because no one ever answers. But could someone post a inventory pic opr post a link to a guide? Also i'd like to here the opinions on the whole trip experience if any cares to share. :)

















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Try searching past topics. I'm sure there has been inventory set-ups posted before. As for how many people are there, try popular worlds like 2 and such, cause I don't believe many people go down there much more since it was first released.

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yes yes, search feature is your friend...




as for finding a world with people there, don't hold your breath. It's not a very popular place any more, and unless you know what you're doing and go in with others, your death is all but certain.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


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like odd said, theres no longer a popular world, and if you found one with people youd be crashing their trip and making enemies, best idea is to find a group ov people who go and will initiate you into the way they do it, most people have their own little ways ov 'dagging'

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i live at king dagganoths, getting supplies for king dagganoths, or training for king dagganoths so I can answer basically any question you may have on this subject




current rare drops:


6 d axes


3 warrior rings


3 beserker rings


1 mud staff


2 seerculls


3 archer rings


3 seercull rings




these guys are very easy once you understand how the place works and after you figure it out you will get hurt more from the lvl 76s on the outside of the area than by any of the the kings




if you have questions just pm me here or in game, rsn is snipore85

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from what i have heard, odd is the master dag king killer, and trojann isnt too bad either. And they arent popular anymore, maybe try to get those two to go with you?


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

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i used to kill em.. but i hasve very bad luck.




for example, i go with about 10 EXPIERENCED lvl 115+. everyone dyes.




i skip next trip, being sad i lost a ton of stuff. not much btw. all three kings were on the north east.




second trip lasts 25min. 3 axes, 1 seercul, and 3 mud staffs. best trip ever they say.




third trip, all three kinds are at latter when i go.. they politely ask me not to come on any more trips. because seeing a whol lot of lvl 115+ get massacred in seconds is not very plesent..

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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i live at king dagganoths, getting supplies for king dagganoths, or training for king dagganoths so I can answer basically any question you may have on this subject




current rare drops:


6 d axes


3 warrior rings


3 beserker rings


1 mud staff


2 seerculls


3 archer rings


3 seercull rings




these guys are very easy once you understand how the place works and after you figure it out you will get hurt more from the lvl 76s on the outside of the area than by any of the the kings




if you have questions just pm me here or in game, rsn is snipore85




Ya, make sure you go with a lot of guys that know what theyre doing, especially the mage, because if he messes up you'll have problems. Go with an experienced and strong team (3-4+ people is enough), and just follow what the other person in you class -mage, melee, and range- does; thats how I learned to mage.




And I can't stress this enough, always go with people who know what they're doing, I've nearly died too many times do to the careless errors of my moronic teammates.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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yes but when the same people can say for 20m killing kings, yet when -I- go there, everyone dies.. im bad luck :(

Runescape player since 2005
Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum


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