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perhaps really high slayer exp for a bad assignment?


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okay i was wonderin about this.. ive had like 50 monkeys assigned to me before from burthrope. now ive been meleeing on ape atoll for a while now to raise my stats a bit






any way so we all know, u get slayer exp for the # of hitpoints a monster has. well what about the "monkey" guards on ape atoll. they ARE monkeys and they heal. if u set up 4 gorillas u can almost make it so u just half kill them forever, making them heal when they are low by switchign to another gorilla






so theoretically... could it be unlimited exp?

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Hmm... Good question. They are monkeys (unless Jagex decided to be clever and label them as Gorillas or Apes or some other classification of a monkey). You should try this out next time you get a monkey assignment.




Edit: Nevermind. Buffrichies knows all :)

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okay i was wonderin about this.. ive had like 50 monkeys assigned to me before from burthrope. now ive been meleeing on ape atoll for a while now to raise my stats a bit






any way so we all know, u get slayer exp for the # of hitpoints a monster has. well what about the "monkey" guards on ape atoll. they ARE monkeys and they heal. if u set up 4 gorillas u can almost make it so u just half kill them forever, making them heal when they are low by switchign to another gorilla






so theoretically... could it be unlimited exp?




2 things.. firstly the guards dont count as monkeys for some odd reason even thou they are a major pain to kill if your not maging ranging or dharoking...




secondly.. the exp is based on thier MAX hp no on the amount of dmg you do otherwise id actully enough banshees because they heal rather quickly

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I tried those guards after the 100th quest, because the ape atoll goes to right where the guard is (just upstairs).


Doesn't count as towards monkey assignments, they woulda been much better than ranging/meleeing the ones at ardy zoo.

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secondly.. the exp is based on thier MAX hp no on the amount of dmg you do otherwise id actully enough banshees because they heal rather quickly






its not just banshee's, most slayer monsters heal REALLY fast... you notice banshees do it alot cuz they have 22 hp and its easy to be like, 10, 13... :o it healed...

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As others have said you cant fo the gorillas on a monkey task. Nor would I want to even if your theory was correct. The good thing about slayer is its bank busting drops and hopes of future higher leveld drops that only a slayer can access. I dont think I would wanna kill a monkey for 5 hours and get 50k slayer xp.




Just me.


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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Yeh, and someone would steal your monkey when it heals. And you lose half the exp :P Better to kill the five monkeys, and get another task like trolls... man i love them trolls.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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