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So, why do we have halberds?


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It's been bugging me for a while, but why ARE there halberds in Runescape?




Historically, halberds were developed as a weapon for use against cavalry, because they could be set against a charge like a spear, hack through plate mail with their heavy blade, and pull riders off horses with the fluke behind the blade.




So why are they in the game? As JAGeX has said in the letters, there aren't any horses in Runescape.

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It's been bugging me for a while, but why ARE there halberds in Runescape?




Historically, halberds were developed as a weapon for use against cavalry, because they could be set against a charge like a spear, hack through plate mail with their heavy blade, and pull riders off horses with the fluke behind the blade.




So why are they in the game? As JAGeX has said in the letters, there aren't any horses in Runescape.




To make melee, mage and range even. It wouldn't be very fair for warriors if there was no way they could train their stats without being hit.

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I doubt that. A halberdier in Runescape doesn't get hit, but neither does he spend money on runes or ammunition.




What I'm getting at here is that this weapon has no actual reason to exist. The "high-tech" stuff like multicannons are understandable, because the dwarves invented them to kill masses of goblins, if I remember correctly. They have a reasonably plausible excuse for existing in the game, however, halberds do not because they are anti-cavalry weapons.

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Well we got them from the Elves. I assume they use them to attack others from their gates without being harmed.




Not everything in Runescape needs to have a plausable reason. Why is it that an animate rock spell will only work twice in a quest but never outside of it? The spell is still there, the magic is still there so it should work, but it doesn't and there's no reason for it.




The game has no time period and it is a result of several people's imaginations combined. If you've ever played D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) you would know that the DM (Dungeon Master) can create anything into his world even without a reason (although it is better if he has a reason) and this is what the team at Jagex has done.

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Yes Jagex has said this isn't medevil times. Just a new world.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I would have to say for the larger monsters, halberds and pikes where also the only useable mellee weapon against large enemy, In real life there aren't much large beast but in runescape there are plenty.




Also aren't there mounted birds somewhere in runescape?

f2p skilltotal 1050+

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The game has no time period and it is a result of several people's imaginations combined. If you've ever played D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) you would know that the DM (Dungeon Master) can create anything into his world even without a reason (although it is better if he has a reason) and this is what the team at Jagex has done.




Precisely. There isn't a reason that this weapon would have been developed as a halberd - that is, a weapon designed and created SPECIFICALLY to counter cavalry.




If the elves needed a long-range weapon to attack besiegers, then they have their bows, and for close combat, they have swords. I wouldn't put boiling oil and pitch out of the question either, but definitely not halberds, because they're a formation weapon and that's not the idea when you're besieged.




Also aren't there mounted birds somewhere in runescape?




I didn't think of the Terrorbirds. I'm not actually a member, so I'm going by the map and whatever information comes out. I suppose they're slightly plausible, but their size doesn't really warrant a long-hafted weapon.




I'll just reiterate and say that JAGeX hasn't provided a reason for the weapon to have been developed and created in context, as in, not just for the reason of game mechanics. They're taking suspension of disbelief and beating it with an iron pipe.




Coincidentally, halberds aren't supposed to have hafts that are that long. Spears would, but not halberds.




Anyway, this is just me pointing out an inconsistency. Feel free to add your own, with the proviso that we are thinking in-character for the game, so you don't just say "WE DUN HAV MAGE IN RL NUB!!!1!!ROFLOLOMGHAXBBQ!!111^_^"

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some people make it too easy... [on topic] thery are used mostly af places like fire giants because they are a good way to train str with out getting hit and get good drops (this is why they are used at almost every dragon spot also.

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That's a mechanical reason, though, rather than an in-character reason.




Why would Runescapian people develop the weapon when the conditions that make its creation necessary do not exist?

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It's been bugging me for a while, but why ARE there halberds in Runescape?




Historically, halberds were developed as a weapon for use against cavalry, because they could be set against a charge like a spear, hack through plate mail with their heavy blade, and pull riders off horses with the fluke behind the blade.




So why are they in the game? As JAGeX has said in the letters, there aren't any horses in Runescape.







It is part fantasy, unless I'm missing the part in history where we had fairys, elves, talking cows, camels, sheep, and neckalces that let us talk to cats.




It's a game. Shut up and enjoy it.


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