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I just got an idea, and it's not bad i think. It's not a world-changing idea, but it adds some more fun to the game. I thought it would be great if you could see who made your item, or got it dropped. I will give you an example:




Rune Scimitar








Examine <-- A Rune Scimitar, smithed by Teh Nubz0r1233223






See? It would help to make contacts when you need a good smither, or it would just be fun to see who made or got your item dropped.




Post here your comments!


Here's my blog: restoring it soon | Achieved 99 Crafting

Quoting yourself is laaaaame
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I remember seeing a similar idea on the boards not too long ago, which I think borrowed heavily from another game. I also think it would be a nice feature to have in the game. My concern is its implications, as in, how it would be done. Would every item already existing be labelled in the same way? Because that could no doubt be very time consuming.

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I like the idea. Anything that could boost the smithing industry is fine by me!




It might even bring back market wars.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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not bad... but it would use 1 bank spot for every credited item... and who cares that its smithed by jwrm22 or something? etleasy if you would sell some rune smithed by zezima for a copple of mill...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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That idea would really be cool. It would be great if it was retroactive, so that you could see the smith of all the weapons currently in circulation. I think it would really reinvigorate the smithing skill.




I bet a sought after weapon would be Bluerose13x rune scimitars. Probably a very rare item.

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Great idea, but as Bubsa said I've seen it crop up before. I'm definitely in favour of this. It would be awesome to try and get a very rare Zezima rune scimitar... the problem is nobody would believe you and you would have to keep trading with various people so they could examine it for themselves in the trade screen.






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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