Gosu Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 For example: I know people have given me warnings about training at waterfall, but i wanted to train range, and i felt like nothing anybody would say would throw me out. These guys were very stubborn though. They started by saying i was fat, then started on to racist comments about Middle Easterns, African Americans, and Mexicans. And it was kind of funny because I have an athletic figure, and don't belong to any of those ethnic groups. These kinds of people can be a problem in runescape to others though. I know there have been posts like this in the past, but we need to do something about this. Maybe we should refer respectful people of the tip.it community to Jagex to become mods? I don't know, but we can all start out with the little click of the button circled in the pic. I'm just sick of all these disrespectful people, who probably in real life are children who get teased themselves. What do you guys think? Reflections are welcomed and thanked. Mod Edit ~ No naming names please; editted picture and used Pirkkas version with names editted out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Varda Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Listen here, try me out, Can you understand a word that I say ? Life will never turn out the way you want it. Working hard like a slave, cause you chose to take the honest way Why does the wind always blow cold and always the wrong way ? You got to keep your head high and try to be strong They will try to steal everything you own. It goes on and on and on Grab the bull by the horns Try to make something out of your life You're the only one that can make it happen The fire in your eyes is slowly fading out You can not give up your dreams You got to go On and on and on This is only I can say to you :| Got no comment about the case thought. (Lyrics from Pain - On and On) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lazy_k Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 LOL hahahaa...I mean, that's not good. :oops: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
primadog Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Report, ignore, and that's all that can be done. RuneScape do not have a moral requirement. The age requirement probably is a right-step-forward, but all we can hope for is the Scapers slowly grow up. All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tehstorage Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 good idea lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Gosu Theres alot more pmods in runescape now than theres ever been, unfortuantly we cant be everywhere, as we play as players and we dont go around policing runescape. Best thing to do hun, is report the offenders and then stick them on your ingore list. I see alot of this in certain areas and bascailly what I do, but then im a stubbon woman I dont like to give into idiots like that. We can not put forward anyone to Jagex for pmod im afraid, but new pmods are being added on a regulary basis on runescape. Lightning Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ValaraZ Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 I agree with lightning there. I am not a mod or anything but i have some mod friends and if something like that happens to me, one of them usually can come to meet me in that place and report them also. report and ignore are miraculous things. once in 2 weeks i clean up my ignore list in hopes that the person i ignored has "cured" and become more rational or that he is banned. Getting mods from tip.it is kind of weird thought, since most of the respectful ppl from here are mods, like hohto, trixstar (i think), ltangel, duke_freedom and many others. and of course, our very own lightning. :) But i think jagex also sees the problem with the players now. there is also another problem, with the vast growing community it has to be hard to find honest and good players to make them mods. sometimes they will get mistaken and make a mod out of someone who isn't that good and honest, it's bound to happen. but so far every mod i've seen have been nice and polite and not abusing their powers (which imho should be added so that they can use certain mod-account and be invisible to do some mod stuff). Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: "If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pirkka Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Please, use this picture: It's in JPG, so it's about 1/9th of the size of the old picture. It's also cropped and it has cencored the name out of the players. 40,919th person to access Turmoil. 21,559th person to access Overloads. Are there any hidden bonuses here? No bonuses Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
headhunter2006 Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 For example: I know people have given me warnings about training at waterfall, but i wanted to train range, and i felt like nothing anybody would say would throw me out. These guys were very stubborn though. They started by saying i was fat, then started on to racist comments about Middle Easterns, African Americans, and Mexicans. And it was kind of funny because I have an athletic figure, and don't belong to any of those ethnic groups. These kinds of people can be a problem in runescape to others though. I know there have been posts like this in the past, but we need to do something about this. Maybe we should refer respectful people of the tip.it community to Jagex to become mods? I don't know, but we can all start out with the little click of the button circled in the pic. I'm just sick of all these disrespectful people, who probably in real life are children who get teased themselves. What do you guys think? Reflections are welcomed and thanked. I think its just that most people who play RS are half-decent, but people like this deserve to be banned. If they're annoying you, make the most of your ignore list. P.S. Guthix is my lord And 200 mogres later, I got some flippers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henk333 Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 At least you were able to report them, I usually come across people talking rascism in my own language because I use the Amsterdam worlds. There's no point in reporting them because the chance that the one reading the report knows Dutch is slim to none :x Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ValaraZ Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 At least you were able to report them, I usually come across people talking rascism in my own language because I use the Amsterdam worlds. There's no point in reporting them because the chance that the one reading the report knows Dutch is slim to none :x Still you should report it. there are at least some dutch pmods who could translate if jagex wanted to dig into it. and since jagex is going for german rs as well as japanese rs, i think that they might have someone who can speak or understand dutch. Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: "If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Risen_The Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Sometimes I see those kind of people at fires, who make jokes about skin colors. It's sad, I report, put chat on friends, and just continue training. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery I'M BACK FOR SUMMER BABY Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gonpost Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 To be honest I've heard enough of this "bad rs community". It's just that you've finally come out of your bubble and realized that there's some bad eggs out there. The "community" is not all that way. It's also funny how one guy like this can represent a much larger portion of the community, a portion which is often much better. I could definately post more occurances of people being really cool than people being morons. Runescape Name: "unbug07"Expand your mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Satenza Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 Yeh, I've noticed these racist trends that appear to be happeneing. Involving black people, asian people ect. Sickens me, and these people need to educate themselves and be a little more clutured before throwing around harmful names. With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vaillajus Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 These types of players are indeed VERY horrible and let me assure you, with those reports you sent, I KNOW Jagex WILL take action. :D As a player moderator on RuneScape, I do encounter lots of things like this, and trust me, if I do see a racist comment, it's an instant mute from me, and the mute is always approved by Jagex! Like previously mentioned by a numerous amount of people, your best option is to send a nice, quiet report (yes, that button does work!) and add them to your ignore list. Sometimes, switching worlds is also a good option, but that depends on the severity of the abuse. The RuneScape community is and is becoming worse and worse, but just like the big cities in the world, the crime rate will increase if the population increases. As a community, the best thing we can do about scammers and rule breakers are mainly two things. The first being to educate those that have no knowledge of some of these scams and that perhaps know the rules slightly, but are a little unsure of them (That "If you misuse this forum, you will be banned" phrase on the abuse report screen does scare off a few people). Number two is an easy thing, that I hope you all already do! Send a silent abuse report if you're being abused or see a rulebreaker, they DO go through and Jagex DOES take appropriate actions. Dont' always expect a message back from them telling you they actioned it as you won't always get one. Well, I'm off to fish somemore. I think I logged out while typing this :P I'm a new member to the Tip.It forums and it already seems like a wounderful place! I'll be sure to try and be a helpful, active member of this community! C'ya later! ~Vaillajus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adam007 Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 To be honest I've heard enough of this "bad rs community". It's just that you've finally come out of your bubble and realized that there's some bad eggs out there. The "community" is not all that way. It's also funny how one guy like this can represent a much larger portion of the community, a portion which is often much better. I could definately post more occurances of people being really cool than people being morons. Exactly. You found one bad instance, generalized on it based on a few prior ones, and then compared that to the whole history of runescape's community. A "Is the runescape community getting WORSE!?" thread comes up once a month. There's always going to be idiots, and you're always going to have to deal with them by playing a MMORPG. How you can generalize that the whole community is suddenly getting worse is beyond me. Overall it may be, but it's not something that just happened overnight. Gradually, yes, as younger players start this game and the percentage of them increases in amounts, you'll notice that more and more often. But I just don't get how people based off a few experiences get this epiphany that suddenly the runescape community just started to go downhill. This 'downhill' trend you're talking about started the day the game came out. There will always be a percentage of idiots playing this game. That percentage might fluctuate or it might just be going up, but overall no matter what if there are more people playing, there will be more of those 'idiots' playing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aafftteerr Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 As the range of age of the people who play increases, the amount of people who will be idiots such as they will increase. Personally, I say its from many of these new comedians, on like comedey central. Yes, they are hilarious and speak somewhat true things, but they also bring up sensitive topics. And more and more younger people are watching these types of shows. They comedians and more mature people know when to stop and when it can really hurt, but younger kids and less mature people will start insulting people off what they see in the shows, since its so easy to insult someone from another ethnic group(as they find from seeing the show) Comparing one incident to the whole communtity is kinda harsh. Sure there are idiots there, but there are many good people to. Just ignore the idiots and respect the kind. Be kind youself and more of the kind will come forward. Insult and you'll only have more insulters come forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrankstaHarvey Posted April 5, 2006 Share Posted April 5, 2006 omg that is just sickining....i mean i've heard people say noob and whatever other childish stuff they say...but racist is going way too far...and i agree the rs community is becoming more and more unfriendly...not like it used to be. i think a stop has to be put to this kind of behaviour immediatly. i think everybody should respect everybody no matter what race, skin color or religion you are, we are all the same...all human and all have feelings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gosu Posted April 8, 2006 Author Share Posted April 8, 2006 I haven't been able to get on alot so thats why i didn't respond until now, so yeah... Also, i see alot more bad things going on that good. If you want me to post every picture of good and bad thing i see, the bad would most likely outnumber the good by alot. There's a considerable amount of experiences related to this incident, and I think many would agree on that with me. However, it might just be that i go the the places that are notorious for people like these. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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