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Banned yet again


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Ok short story of my recent bannings, I was first banned around a year ago for "advertising a website", this was a perm ban and I sent a message and was unbanned 5 minutes later, no biggie. A few weeks ago I was banned for the same thing, only this time a 3 day ban, so I couldn't appeal it. I sent messages telling them I was wrongfully banned and I got auto responses saying they didn't have the time to read my messages :roll:




ok I sucked it up and delt with my ban I figure it could have been a mistake, something like I may have said my msn name on rs, then I go to log on this morning, to fill buckets for prayer before school, and what do you know, account disabled, check my messages, and this time its "macroing". THIS one is bs lol, I guarentee its because I stun trained from 95 to 99 mage in about a week, but if they even took the time to look into it, they would see I talked, and took breaks the whole time. They are still to busy to care about a member of their game being wronfully banned, but meh, thanks for reading, normally wouldn't post but this one is really frustrating me lol.

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I must say JAGeX has made a lot of mistakes lately in banning people. Although there are so many players that making no mistakes wouldn't be human. JAGeX tries their best, and if you're banned unfair the best way is to contact a forum mod or a player mod and then tell them your story. They are in closer contact with the JAGeX staff, and let's hope this gets solved quickly.


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I ve hear about a Clan does massive reports of one "victim" player..


They group and accord to make Jagex Bann somebody.. And well.. i dont sure if this is real.. but if you think about it, could be possible..


If all of your friends play RS , and you decide to go bad, all you need is synchronize your team and all report at same time the same player for the same reason.. And this poor guy will be banned instantly.. is very easy to do , because there are a lot of players on-line, and Jagex must automatize their "breaker rules detection"..




I dont know.. but sounds very real to me.. what do you think ?

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I ve hear about a Clan does massive reports of one "victim" player..


They group and accord to make Jagex Bann somebody.. And well.. i dont sure if this is real.. but if you think about it, could be possible..


If all of your friends play RS , and you decide to go bad, all you need is synchronize your team and all report at same time the same player for the same reason.. And this poor guy will be banned instantly.. is very easy to do , because there are a lot of players on-line, and Jagex must automatize their "breaker rules detection"..




I dont know.. but sounds very real to me.. what do you think ?


o.O conspiracy theory!




It's certainly possible... I mean they must receive thousands of abuse reports each day... perhaps even tens of thousands, if their system was at least part-automated, and say they had a line in their code whereby:




"If over the space of 1 minute, a player is reported by 10 different people for the same crime, he is automatically banned"




It's certainly not an impossible theory. Got me worried now :shock:






Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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:lol: It would be funny if somebody hacked them. Or they got on some why a virus. :lol:




Yeah that would be soooo funny! Then we wouldn't be able to play the game... fool!

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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I ve hear about a Clan does massive reports of one "victim" player..


They group and accord to make Jagex Bann somebody.. And well.. i dont sure if this is real.. but if you think about it, could be possible..


If all of your friends play RS , and you decide to go bad, all you need is synchronize your team and all report at same time the same player for the same reason.. And this poor guy will be banned instantly.. is very easy to do , because there are a lot of players on-line, and Jagex must automatize their "breaker rules detection"..




I dont know.. but sounds very real to me.. what do you think ?


o.O conspiracy theory!




It's certainly possible... I mean they must receive thousands of abuse reports each day... perhaps even tens of thousands, if their system was at least part-automated, and say they had a line in their code whereby:




"If over the space of 1 minute, a player is reported by 10 different people for the same crime, he is automatically banned"




It's certainly not an impossible theory. Got me worried now :shock:








Well , i m not sure.. but it was happen to me. I was fishing at Karamja , and a lot of players are there doing the same.. And as usuall, to kill the boried time you spend fishing, all make conversations.. Well , some of them (dont remember the nick) star to exchange words with me.. When I said : "IÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôm from Argentina" , he said: "you basta**! I ve lost a friend at Falklands (a little war bethwen Argentina and UK), you deserve to be banned.. I will tell to all of my friends to report you!"


And at the next day , i have a temp bann, and a black mark.. Obviouslly , from then, I avoid to start conversations with any ones.. And try to have a low profile.. Is very unfair.. isnÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt it?

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:lol: It would be funny if somebody hacked them. Or they got on some why a virus. :lol:




Yeah that would be soooo funny! Then we wouldn't be able to play the game... fool!






Aint true if somebody hacked the game and made own site with the game. Still can play it.:P And also still can play it on RuneScape itself.


But if it would be a virus. I would be less happy. But i'm sure they got good protection against it. I hope so.



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I ve hear about a Clan does massive reports of one "victim" player..


They group and accord to make Jagex Bann somebody.. And well.. i dont sure if this is real.. but if you think about it, could be possible..


If all of your friends play RS , and you decide to go bad, all you need is synchronize your team and all report at same time the same player for the same reason.. And this poor guy will be banned instantly.. is very easy to do , because there are a lot of players on-line, and Jagex must automatize their "breaker rules detection"..




I dont know.. but sounds very real to me.. what do you think ?




I know on a pk trip with a clan, someone we attacked x logged (or at least one could assume they x logged) and the leader of the pk trip advised everyone to report for bug abuse. I'm not certain that x logging falls under bug abuse, so I didn't report the person, but there are definitely cases where clans attempt to get people banned by sending a barrage of reports which may or may not be founded.

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I'm Argentinan too, (my whole family was born exept me, USA) That's pisses me off right there. I bet he had no friends and just hated Argentina. Thats sucks dude, Jagex is being a lazy [wagon] and not reading the pictures when a report is send. :evil:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't think it was a clan just for the fact that I havn't been pking in a loooooong time, people would have to hold some grudges for quite a while lol, and the way that I was training would make sense that they would asume I was autoing, im guessing it was the low levels at ogres cage where I stunned that reported me for no reason, and got me banned ;-\




and I understand jagex makes mistakes, thats why the first time I was banned it was no big deal because I sent a message and they fixed their mistake. but you can't appeal a temp ban which leaves me wrongfully banned more then once now, racking up black marks on my account which shouldn't be there, I wouldn't be so frustrated if they replyed to my messages at least.

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well , I caught a stupid one trying to stole items saying: "Trimming armor and weapons for free"


I said him: "Stop scamming! you canÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt trimm anything! Trimmed items are from Treasure Trails (thank you Tip.It) " and when he continue, i reported him for item scam.


Now he are banned,,, So, the system works fine.. Thank you Jagex.. Sorry SuperGotten23.. IÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôm fear you are guilty.. :shock:

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Ok short story of my recent bannings, I was first banned around a year ago for "advertising a website", this was a perm ban and I sent a message and was unbanned 5 minutes later, no biggie. A few weeks ago I was banned for the same thing, only this time a 3 day ban, so I couldn't appeal it. I sent messages telling them I was wrongfully banned and I got auto responses saying they didn't have the time to read my messages :roll:




ok I sucked it up and delt with my ban I figure it could have been a mistake, something like I may have said my msn name on rs, then I go to log on this morning, to fill buckets for prayer before school, and what do you know, account disabled, check my messages, and this time its "macroing". THIS one is bs lol, I guarentee its because I stun trained from 95 to 99 mage in about a week, but if they even took the time to look into it, they would see I talked, and took breaks the whole time. They are still to busy to care about a member of their game being wronfully banned, but meh, thanks for reading, normally wouldn't post but this one is really frustrating me lol.




You're all a bunch of little punks who think the world owes you something.




When you kids find out that you're not the center of the universe, I want to be there in order to see the looks on your faces.








Until then, you are all little punk kids that care nothing about anyone except yourselves.





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I ve hear about a Clan does massive reports of one "victim" player..


They group and accord to make Jagex Bann somebody.. And well.. i dont sure if this is real.. but if you think about it, could be possible..


If all of your friends play RS , and you decide to go bad, all you need is synchronize your team and all report at same time the same player for the same reason.. And this poor guy will be banned instantly.. is very easy to do , because there are a lot of players on-line, and Jagex must automatize their "breaker rules detection"..




I dont know.. but sounds very real to me.. what do you think ?


o.O conspiracy theory!




It's certainly possible... I mean they must receive thousands of abuse reports each day... perhaps even tens of thousands, if their system was at least part-automated, and say they had a line in their code whereby:




"If over the space of 1 minute, a player is reported by 10 different people for the same crime, he is automatically banned"




It's certainly not an impossible theory. Got me worried now :shock:








Well , i m not sure.. but it was happen to me. I was fishing at Karamja , and a lot of players are there doing the same.. And as usuall, to kill the boried time you spend fishing, all make conversations.. Well , some of them (dont remember the nick) star to exchange words with me.. When I said : "IÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôm from Argentina" , he said: "you basta**! I ve lost a friend at Falklands (a little war bethwen Argentina and UK), you deserve to be banned.. I will tell to all of my friends to report you!"


And at the next day , i have a temp bann, and a black mark.. Obviouslly , from then, I avoid to start conversations with any ones.. And try to have a low profile.. Is very unfair.. isnÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt it?




Might even be racism on the reporters part. Or at least an unfair generalization.

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Dude, how do we know if you have or have not macroed. That's what I hate about these topics, we only see what the "unfairly" banned people are telling us, and they usually don't say: "Jagex banned me and I completely deserved it".


Now everyone thinks Jagex bans people for the heck of it, while probably 99% of the "I got banned unfairly" topics are lies.


I'll be really honest here, I don't beleive you :wink: .


I usually only beleive these types of rants if they back there case up VERY well, with pictures etc. and if you see from the pictures of jagex' messages ONLY that there's something wrong with this ban. which is almost never the case.

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Maybe when you trained magic you didn't talk so someone reported you? When I chop magics I make sure I say "hi" to new ppl and say "woodcutting lvls?" to make sure ppl don't think that I am a bot. Try doing that, it slows down training but is better them perm ban.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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