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  1. Gouwenaar means that you are from Gouda, a town in the Netherlands. The "tje" part means that i am small. So my name means I am a small person from Gouda. Ironically, I am very tall (nearly two metres). :lol:
  2. my former main account (gouwenaar) was hacked, so i made gouwenaartje (i had messed up skills anyway). Gouwenaar was level 29, now i am level 82 :)
  3. there are three people on a fence. The first one can only say "yes", the second one only "knife and fork" and the third one can only cheer... One day a police officer walks by. "Have you seen a girl, tall and blond?" "yes" Do you know where she is? "yes". Are you going to tell me? "yes". After a long silence... "Have you killed her?" "yes." "how?" "Knife and fork" "You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silence, everything you say can and will be used against you in court of law..." Then the third person begins to cheer. :P
  4. He is my brother... and he is 13 too! :P Because the fun you get from it, is nice enough to keep on playing it. Why am i so friggin' smart?
  5. "Phr33 5700f pl0x?" :P I wish for a wish that is un-corruptable.
  6. *the string disappears* You see 12 king black dragons against you. And you don't have any protection against their fire. *inserts coin*
  7. wrong! I have had it in the past, but right now i only have 200k... :x TPUM is not me.
  8. you swing your axe at the tree... A tree spirit dives in front of it, and dies, leaving 2k rune axes (noted)
  9. but let's have fun during those ages! :) 929!
  10. hmmm... because you just stepped into your fridge? :P I lol'd! why?
  11. this is Gouwenaartje... That's a g! :P
  12. an elephant falls on your head (and various other parts of your body). The gp rolls away. I take it.
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