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i cant belive im doingthis but..


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I think the best way to start out with a girl is to tell her you play runescape, have a uber high combat level and skill total, and that you'll give her free stuff if she joins.






hahaha :D




Works everytime doesn't it fellas? :wink:

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I think the best way to start out with a girl is to tell her you play runescape, have a uber high combat level and skill total, and that you'll give her free stuff if she joins.






hahaha :D




Works everytime doesn't it fellas? :wink:




yes it does i told a girl that i liked that i played runescape she said she played it too lucky me




but you should just keep cool you know what she would like since you knew her for awhile talk about what she likes

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Ask her about her favorite food, or her favorite color, favorite movies...




Aw man, don't do that. I've heard countless stories from my friends about guys who asked "what's your favorite color" on those awekward phone conversations. It doesn't work well. But eveything else Knives said, go for I guess. Just try not to make it awekward for yourself, or it will be for her too.




+1, dont ever ask such lame and deadline questions...




Sweet talk her



In Khazakstan we say God, Man, Horse, Dog, then Woman, Rat and small cockroach..

M.A.D 4 Lyfe

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so we're friends,but i like her, and she knows it




i got her number a couple days agoo




i wanna call her..i just want some advice on what i could talk about..what to say...etc..dont want the convo th be quiet




:oops: 8) :oops: :lol: 8)




dont call her ask her out on a date to the movies or something.

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My experience with girls:




They're not as mysterious as they seem. Be friendly, as her what's up, get talking, invite her to a movie/your house/dinner.




And that's about the bottom of the Well of Knowledge that is Blipo.

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if u are going to go on a date with her don't go to the movies becuz there is no physical eye contact unless ur like makeing out but i doubt that would happen on a first date so go somewhere like the mall and buy her something nice it doesntt even have 2 be expensive...(for christmas i got my gf a $7 necklace and she wears it like 24/7 lol!) just talk about school today or the last week maybe even gossip a little (man girls love gossip) lol, usually if u start with something as simple as a day at school it will escalade into something else n go on and on

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Ask her about her favorite food, or her favorite color, favorite movies...




Aw man, don't do that. I've heard countless stories from my friends about guys who asked "what's your favorite color" on those awekward phone conversations. It doesn't work well. But eveything else Knives said, go for I guess. Just try not to make it awekward for yourself, or it will be for her too.




Lol, yeah, it reminds me of a sketch of a comedy show here in Belgium. This guy is thinking 'So, let's start with a catchy opening phrase' and tells the girl about how nice the weather is :lol: . Not a good opener.




If you ask questions about her, do it in a subtle way, don't just say 'Hi Cathy, so tell me, what's your favourite dish?' :?

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Follow This (is never fails)




1) Phone her up




2) Ask her how her days been.




3) She'll start talking about most of the week, and probably 6 months of last year.




4) Keep saying 'Yes, yes, uh huh'




5) Do that for about 5 minutes.




6) After 5 minutes place phone on side and turn on the footie.




7) At half time pick up the phone, say, 'Wow, i totally argree'




8) She'll say 'Really' Then go on to talk for another 40mins about herself




9) Put down phone, Watch second half of football




10) Pick up phone again when footies over, saying 'WOw, you really are amazing... Its been great talking to you... Shall i call you in about 2-3 days?' (only call 1-3 times a week, you dont want here thinking for hooked)




11) She'll say 'Yes i'd love you to, your a great listener by the way'




12) Say 'Thank you, ill talk to you soon, bi 'mwah mwah'




13) But down phone, sit bank 'Your made' 8)

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/ complete BS /




I hope pepople like you never reproduce. Although with that plan, I don't think you will.




It's alright man, I think he's just watched one too many sitcoms.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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/ complete BS /




I hope pepople like you never reproduce. Although with that plan, I don't think you will.




It's alright man, I think he's just watched one too many sitcoms.




I mean, c'mon guys, really! What's...the deal...with sitcoms?!

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/ complete BS /




I hope pepople like you never reproduce. Although with that plan, I don't think you will.




It's alright man, I think he's just watched one too many sitcoms.




I mean, c'mon guys, really! What's...the deal...with sitcoms?!




Don't you ever mock Seinfield again!


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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Well... lets see.




Be sweet to her, and do NOT treat her like another one of your guy friends. No talking about anime

Lmao, if I talked to any of my female friends about anime they would never talk to me again. But thats ok, I hate anime.
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